A. Newman
Abell, G.L. Wellesley
Acadia National Park (3)
Acadia National Park (5)
Adams, Richard W.
Adrian O. Stanley
Adrian Stanley
Agnese, Jackie Hodgkins
Aime Tyne
A.L. Rand
Albertype Photographic Reproductions
Alexander, Betsy
Alice MacDonald Long
Alice MacDonald Long, editor
Allen M. Pearson
Allen, the Photographer (7)
Alston Studios (7)
American Ancestry
Amory, Cleveland
Ana Carvajal
Anne Griswold Tyng
Anne Kozak
Anne Mazlich (2)
Anne Mazlish
Annlinn Kruger (6)
Anthony Ostroff
Archibald, Robert R.
Arthur Spurling
Ashley, Velma
Attributed to George Street
Ayres, Chis (4)
Ayres, Chris (6)
B. F. George
Babson, John J, (?)
Baker, Richard, ed.
Baker, Richard W.
Bakers Art Gallery (2)
Ballard, W.H. (375)
Ballard, W.H. (?) (3)
Ballard, W.H. (Henry Rand?)
Bangor Daily News (3)
Banks, Charles Edward
Bar Harbor Charter Commission
Bar Harbor Planning Board
Bar Harbor Times (2)
Barrett, Louis G.
Barry D. Gates
Barter, Christian S., et al.
Barter, Christian S., Margaret Coffin Brown, J. Tracy Stakely, Gary J. Stellpflu
Bartlett, Jim C.
Barton, Clifford E.
Bascon, F.
Becher, Stewart
Benjamin, Asher
Benjamin Greenleaf
Bennett, Juliet
Berchum, William
Bernard Somes Mahon
Betsy Alexander
B.F. Joy (2)
B.F. Smith
Bigelow, Lenox E.
Billings, Richard W.
Binnewies, Esther and Muriel Davisson
Birnbaum, Charles A., ed.
Board of Trustees, Historic Owen Lovejoy Homestead - Princeton
Bob Thayer (2)
Bobbie Kalman
Bobbie Kalman & David Schimpky
Bowdoin Bradlee Crowninshield
Bradley, B. (10)
Bradley, Bar Harbor
Bradley, Bryant
Bradley, Bryant (WH Ballard Collection) (3)
Bradley, Bryant [W.H. Ballard Collection]
Brecher, Stewart (6)
Brechlin, Earl
Brierton, Joan
Brod, Fritzi
Brown, Cynthia Stokes
Brown, Margaret Coffin
Brown, Margaret Coffin and Jim Vekasi
Bryant Bradley
Burger-Gossart, Judith and Forster, Peggy
Burley Black
Butcher, Russell D. (4)
C. Batchelder (4)
C. Batchelder (5)
C. F. Dunbar
Caivano, Roc
Cape Ann TV
Carol Moseman Lawry (2)
Carol Shutt
Casual Clothes
Champlain Studios (2)
Charles D. Fredericks
Charles Dunbar
Charles Dunbar
Charles Eliot (11)
Charles F. Rhodes
Charles Last name unknown (2)
Charles Last name unknown
Charles W. Eliot
Charles W. Hearn (2)
Chauncey Blair Borland (4)
Chauncy Blair Borland
Cheek, Richard (2)
Claes, Frank E. (9)
Clemens, Terri
Collier, Sargent F.
Comstock, William T. (2)
Copeland, Peter F. (2)
Copied from Mount Desert Herald
Copps, David
Criterion Theatre
Crystal Palace
Curtis, John Obed
Curtis, Will and Jane
D. C.
Daniel M. Fish
Daniel Somes
Daniell, George (15)
David Rockefeller
David Saville Muzzy
D.C. (7)
Dean R Purdie
DeCosta, B.F.
DeLorraine Higgins (4)
Delorraine Higgins
Dembska, Anna
Dobbs, Jeffrey (9)
Donham, Grenville M.
Donohoe, Brecher, Lanpher
Donohoe, Dick
Donohoe, Richard (3)
Doris Grant
Douglas Armsden
Douglas B. Chapman
Drake, Samuel Adams
Dufresne, Frank
Duncan, Roger F.
DuPre, Andrew
Dwelley, Hugh L.
E. Crockett
Eastern Illustrating and Publishing
Eastman Kodak Company
Eastman, Ralph M.
Eben M. Hannors
Edith Falt Favour
Eichler Studios, Springfield, Mass.
E.J. Totten
Eliot, Charles
Eliot, Charles W. (3)
Eliot, Charles w.
Ellsworth American
Ellsworth American
Elmer Chickering
Emery, Bar Harbor (2)
Emery, William O.
Emma J. Taney
Emma Richards
Emma Richards, Secretary, Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Ernest Emery
Everhart, W. Harry
Ezra Stoller Associates
Fairburn, William Armstrong (2)
Fairfield, Roy P.
Father Fritz
Federation of Homemakers
Fernald, Rev. O.H.
Field, Rachel (2)
Finney-MacDougal, Catherine, B.A.
Fisher, Charles E. Ed.
Flora Brown Manchester (2)
Forbes, Allan and Paul F. Cadman
Fortney, N. (2)
Fortney, N (3)
Fortney, N. (16)
Fortney, N.
Fossel, Leslie T.
Fox, Nicols
Franginmore, Catherine Lynn
Frechette, Lois
Fred L. Savage
Fred Savage
Frederick Burrill, Attorney
Funderburk, Anne Stebbins
G. Thorn
Garrett, Elisabeth Donaghy
G.B. Saunders
G.B. Webber
Genealogical Society of The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inc.
Geo. H. Van Norman (7)
Geo. H. Van Norman
George Daniell (15)
George H. Street (2)
George Neal
Gilchrest, G.C.
Gillis, Christina Marsden
Gilmore, M.G.
Gladys Butler
Gleason, Herbert W
Gleason Herbert W
Government Agencies and Unspecified Newspapers
Grace Spiker (2)
Grand Lodge of Masons in Maine
Grant, Joseph L.
Gray, Ruth, ed. (2)
Great Courses, The
Griffiths, Thomas Morgan and Arthur Morgan Griffiths
Grindle, Miles
Guthe, Carl
G.W. Venner
Hall, A. Neely
Hallowell Free Press
Hamblen, Charles F
Hamilton, Edward P.
Hancock County
Hancock County Technical Action Panel, Pollution Committee
Hansen, Gunnar, ed.
Hansen, Lois N
Harlow, James
Harold Orne
Harry Plummer
Haskins, Sturgis (4)
Hastings, H.C.
Hatch, Alden
Hayward, Margory
H.C. Call
Heath, William
Heckscher, August
Helen Street Ranney
Henry Buxton
Henry, Susan L.
Herbert Gleason
Herbert W. Gleason
Higgins, Katherine
Hinckley, Benjamin B., Jr.
Hines, Bob
Historic Owen Lovejoy Homestead
H.L. Bradley
Hollis G. Reed
Hopkins Studio, Bangor, Maine
Hough, Walter
Houghton Mifflin & Co. (3)
Houghton Mifflin Co. (4)
House, Charles J., ed.
Howard, Hugh
Howe D. Higgins
Howe, Fisher
Hoyt, Edmund S.
Humfrey, Algernon G
Hussey, E.C.
Hutchinson, Vernal
Hylander (2)
Hylander Aerial Photo
Hylander Photo
Hylander, Robert
Hysom, Ross H.
I. T. Moore
Ian Marshall
I.C. Achorn
Illinois State Militia
Irene Dow Purdie (2)
Irving Osgood (2)
I.T. Moore
Ives, Edward D
J. Fred Spiker
Jacob, John P.
James, Henry
James Slater Murphy
Jane S. Long and Richard W. Long
J.E. Purdy (2)
J.E. Purdy and Co.
Jeff Brown
Jeff S Ry?
Jennifer Monat, Deputy Clerk of Bar Harbor
Jessep, Wendy Clair
J.M. Harlow
Joan Grant
Joe Brooks writing for Bangor Daily News
John A. Heard
John B Threlfall
John Barnard
John Kief
John R. McGuire, Acting Chief, USDA Forest Service
John W. Tufts, H.E. Holt
Joseph Currier
Joy, Barbara C. and Marjorie Camp
Joy, Barbara Ellen
Joy, B.F.
Jura Studio (5)
J.W. Black
Kalman, Bobbie (6)
Karam, Edward L.
Karle, Tim J. (2)
Kathy Van Gorder
Keller, F. J. (10)
Kids Vids Educational Entertainment
Kilburn, B.W. (2)
Kirkham, Irene L
Kitchen, Judith L.
Knowles, Jared A.
Koehler, J.
Kubichek, W.F.
Kurella, Elizabeth
Kvalsvic, Erik and William Seale
L. Francis Herreshoff
L. Francis Herreshoff ?
La Rue Spiker (2)
Lanpher Associates (3)
LaRue Spiker (1168)
LaRue Spiker (2)
LaRue Spiker for the Ellsworth American (3)
LaRue Spiker writing for the Bar Harbor Times (2)
Lawrence, William, D.D., LL.D.
League of Women Voters of Mt. Desert Island
Leavitt, John F.
Lee, Ruth Webb
Lenora Hicks Frewin
Lew Smallidge's Orchistra
Linn Sage (2)
Lipfert, Nathan
Little, George Thomas, ed.
Logue, Peter
Louine Lunt Peck
Luders Marine Construction Co., Stamford, Conn. (2)
Luders Marine Construction Company, Stamford, Conn.
Lunt, Dean Lawrence
Luther S. Phillips (5)
Lyda Noyes
MacDougall, Pauleena and David Taylor, eds.
Maine Campus Newspaper
Maine Department of Economic Development Commissioner James K. Keefe
Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries
Maine Public Broadcasting (7)
Maine Recreation Authority
Maine Seacoast Mission
Maine Sunday Telegram, written by Anne Hyde Degan
Malizia, Louisa P. and Joseph P.
Margaret J. Bailey
Marilyn Sledge Whittlesey
Marius Peladeau
Marriott, Paul Daniel
Marshall Washburn
Martin, Kenneth R.
Martin P. Lyons, III (4)
Mary D Reeland[sp?] and A.C. Milliken
Mason, William T
Massie, Betty M.
Maureen Williams, writing for Bangor Daily News; LaRue Spiker for Ellsworth American
Mayflower Descendent [??]
Mayo, C.G.
Mayo, CG
Mayo, Edward Doliver; William doliver Mayo; Eleanor R Mayo
Mayo, John S
Mayo, Wilson M
Mayo-Rodwick, Jean
Mazlish, Anne
McCarthy, Charles, Flora Swan, Jennie McMullin
McGiffert, Arthur Cushman Jr.
McGiffert, Cushman
McKay, H.D., Calais, ME
McKee, John
McLane, Charles B.
McLean, A.C.
McNerney, Kathryn
MDI Historical Society (7)
MDI Historical Society (2)
MDI Historical Society Bicentennial Committee (5)
MDI Historical Society Board of Directors
MDI Historical Society Committee on V. Sanderson Gift (2)
Meany, Terence
Mercy Johnson, writing for the Bar Harbor Times
Merkel, Jeanne St. Andre
Merkel, Otto
Miller Studio
Mina E. Pomeroy
M.J. Bixby
Monarch Metal Weather Strip
Monk, Edwin
Monteleon, Marjorie
Moore, I.T. (4)
Moore, I.T., Northeast Harbor, ME
Morison, Betty
Morison, B.J.
Morison, Samuel Eliot (2)
Morison, S.E.
Morris, Anne Farlow
Moss, Roger W., and Gail Caskey Winkler
Mount Desert Island High School (2)
Mount Desert Island Historical Society (37)
Mount Desert Island Historical Society (3)
Mount Desert Island Historical Society Bicentennial Committee (17)
Mount Desert Island Historical Society Building Committee
M.P. Slade (8)
Mrs. Lyman Somes
Mrs. Pattie Graham
Mullikin, Alfred (5)
Mullins, Lisa C., ed. (3)
Mullins, Lisa, ed. (2)
Muzzy, Duane
Nancy [last name unknown]
Nancy Long
National Archives
National Art Views Company N.Y. City
Natural Resources Council of Maine
Neal, George (3)
Neal, George
Neal, George A.
Needham, F.M.
NEH Golf Club (3)
Nelson C. Leland
Newsletter Committee, Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Nic Seely (3)
Nickerson, Philip Tillinghast
none (2930)
Noreen Hogan (12)
Northeast Harbor Golf Club
Northeast Historic Film (3)
O’Brien, Louise and John
Oerke, Bess V.
Office of the Registrar General, Ontario, Canada
O'Gorman, James F. and Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr. (2)
Oldham Era
Opdycke, Leonard
Palmer, Alice Howe
Palmer, Mary R.
Parker, Jesse L.
Partridge, Boston & Vicinity
Patterson, R.W., SR (6)
Patterson, R.W., Sr.
P.C. Tuttle
P.C. Tuttle in Belfast, Maine
Pennington, David A. and Michael B. Taylor
Pete Tavers
Pete Travers (3)
Peter Travers
Phillips, Luther S. (5)
Photo Courtesy Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commision.
Pierce, Roger
Pike, Dr. Clifford L
Plante, Ellen M.
Plummer, Harry L., Lewiston, ME
Pretty Marsh Community Corporation (16)
Pretty Marsh Community Corporation
Price, H.H. and Gerald E. Talbot
Prins, Harald and Bunny McBride (2)
R. Hinshelwood
R.A. Lord
Ralph Stanley (2)
Ralph Stanley, President of the Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Raup, Henry A.
Read, Thomas
Reed, S.B.
Reed, WS
Reese, William Willis, ed.
Reiber, Gail Hysom
Reid, Doris Fielding
Reid, Nancy Thacher
Rich, M.F.
Richard Lunt
Richardson, Dale M
Ringleblen, J.
Robert Michael, Jr.
Robert Raynes
Robinson, Cynthia
Roc Caviano and Harris Hyman
Rolde, Neil
Ruby Higgins
Ruher, Thomas A.
Rust Craft of Boston
Ruth E. Dow
Ruth Gay, editor
S. A. Eliot (2)
S.A. Eliot (30)
Sanderson, Virginia Somes
Sarah Louise Arnold
Savage, Charles (2)
Savage, Fred L.
Sawtelle, William Otis (2)
Sawyer Studios. Concord, NH
Scholefield Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
Seavey, Wendell
Serrell, Beverly
Seymour, John
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate
Sharkey, Jim
Shaw, G. M.
Shea (2)
Shivers, Natalie
Shoesmith, Kenneth (2)
Shoppell, R.W.
Shorey Studio
Sierra Club (14)
Sierra Club (3)
Sierra Club, Delta Chapter (8)
Silvestro, Clement M.
Sipe, Karen V.
Sloane, Eric (6)
Smeins, Linda E.
Smith, A.G.
Smith, Daniel Somes (2)
Smith, Elmer L.
Smith, Julia B. (2)
Smith, Owen
Snow, Edward Rowe
Social Security Administration
Some, Morris H.
Somes, Richard
Somes-Sanderson, Virginia
Somesville Sewing Circle (8)
Somesville Sewing Circle
Somesville Sewng Circle
Somesville Village Improvement Society
Southwest Harbor Planning Board
Spaulding, Hardwick, VT
Spiekr, LaRue
Spiker, La Rue (5)
Spiker, LarRue
Spiker, LaRue (1582)
Spiker LaRue
Spiker, LaRue (855)
Spiker. LaRue
Spiker, LaRue (54)
Spiker, LaRue
Spiker, LaRue
Spikerl, LaRue
Sprackling, Helen
Spurling, Theodore L., Sr.
Stanley, Ralph W.
State of Illinois (3)
State of Illinois
State of Maine, Secretary of State
Stella Richardson
Stenbey, Harry
Stewart, Martha
Stover, Arthur Douglas
Sturgis Haskins
Sullivan, Maurice
Suminsby, Kathy (8)
Sumner, Jane Thompson
Suzanne Wood
Sweet, Gerri
Taylor and Lamson
Thayer, Robert A. (2)
The White Studio
Thomas Kidder
Thomas Peter Bennett
Thornton, Mrs. Seth
Toney? Taney?
Town Hill Fire Department
Town of Mount Desert
Town of Mount Desert and MDI Historical Society
Town of Mount Desert, Maine
Town of Mt. Desert, US Bureau of Census, and LaRue Spiker
Townsend, C.A. (2)
Townsend, Chas. A. (3)
Townshend, Doris B.
T.R. Burnham
Trestain, Eileen Jahnke
Troy, Bill
Turner, Loretta M. (2)
Tyler, Norman
Tyson, Carroll S. and James Bond.
Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher
Underwood and Underwood
Underwood and Underwood
United States Army (2)
Unknown (160)
unknown (111)
Unknown (307)
unknown (2)
Unknwon (6)
Van Maanen, RCJ
Vandenbergh, Lydia and Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr.
Various Constractors
Various Newspapers (9)
Various Newspapers and Publications and LaRue Spiker (6)
Various Publications
Verrill, Byron D.
Vigue, Alford (47)
Vigue, Alford
Vining, Thomas, ed.
Vining, Thomas F., ed. (2)
Virginia Sanderson (8)
Virginia Somes Sanderson (6)
W. H. Ballard (203)
Warman, Edwin G.
Warren, James L.
Washington, Booker T.
Weigle, Donna
Wendel, C.H.
Weston, F.C., Bangor, ME
Westphal, David and Hansen, Gunnar
W.F. Somes
W.F.S (2)
W.H. Ballard (868)
W.H. Ballard (204)
W.H. Ballard [?]
W.H. Ballard [?}
W.H. Ballard or H.R. McGregor (3)
W.H.Ballard (3)
White, Jean
Whitmore, B.J.
Wight (4)
Wiley, Ken Lee
Willey, Thom
William D. Hathaway, U.S. Congressman
William Dunbar (6)
William Dunbar (3)
William F. Somes
William Frederick Somes
William O. Sawtelle (3)
William S. Cohen, United States Senator
Williams, Lovett (3)
Wilson, Cambridge, MA (2)
W.T. Seely
Yale Alumni Weekly
Zimmerman, Michael