File Attachment: compressed 76 Mr Dorr.pdf …Dorr to see Cammerer MS. …Dorr o f Mr. …Deasy STATS OF Lift.MS COUNCIL CHAMBER March 7, 1927. Guy S. …Bear Jlr* Dorr: When I saw Hr.
File Attachment: compressed d50.pdf …by land of self 2.67 267 1.53 153 4.2/3 700 3.29/ 85 1550 Lot bounded north by land of the Xedgelawn Cemetery and land of Hears, Morrison and Deasy …Hoberts; west by land of self Lot bounded north hy Cromwell Harbor Hoad; east and south hy Cromwell Harbor Brook; west by land of Hears, Morrison and Deasy …Dorr, Valuation Acres 191? …DORR. *,n nnn stone and frame V _?U ,U U U .
File Attachment: compressed d31.pdf …Deasy, Esq,, Bar Harbor, Maine. …My clear Mr Deasy, This is Just a line %0 give you Mr and Mrs Newbold s full names which I have looKed up in the Social Register. …In other words the first thing was t of way; for that Mr Dorr was entitled to compensation. …J* K. and L ., it has been constructed by Mr Dorr alone.
File Attachment: d2-abbyy.pdf …Dorr, f s q . , 16 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, rase. …Kft Dorr and Mrs. Ogden it was understood that it should not be recorded. …Dorr* s consent before sending it to you for record. The letter of May 27, 1907, from Mr. Huntington to Mr. …Dorr, Esq., 18 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. My dear Mr. D orr:At Mr.
File Attachment: d23-abbyy.pdf …* Mr# Dow agreed with me that the best t xint to do would bo to discuss the matter with r* Dorr before reply in., to you. …Bo Deasy, Esq., Bar Harbor, Maine. …My dear Mr Deasy, I am coming down on Sunday night and will come to see you Monday morning,when I will sign before you as notary the Green Mountain Carriage …Yours truly, t Feb. 18, 1910* George 3* Dorr, Esq., 18 Commonwealth Ave., j ' Boston, Hass.
File Attachment: compressed d25.pdf …Deasy & Lynam, Bar Harbor, Me. Dear sirs:I am enclosing herewith description of the Morrison lot to be deeded to Mr. Dorr. …DORR. .A certain lot or parcel of land situated in that part of Mpw Town of Eden'known as Bar Harbor^ and bounded and d e scribed as follows,vis …F R O M T H E O F F IC E O F DEASY - LYN-AM-r W. H. Sherman, Printer and Stationer, Bar Harbor, Maine. Jinoto all J nt bg tjjesc presents. …Dorr and his Heirs and Assigns, to Unb his and their use and behoof forever.
File Attachment: compressed d34.pdf …Dorr of said Eden, party of the second part. …Dorr,his heirs or assigns, the equitable owner of the earn , it is therefore agreed between George B* Dorr and John A * Peters as follows:- ' "E. * …Dorr,his heirs or aeoigns. …Deasy & Lynam, Bar Harbor, Maine.
File Attachment: compressed d39.pdf …Deasy & lynam, Bar Harbor, Maine. …Dorr in Washington. …Deasy & lynam:- We mailed to Mr. Gardiner power o f attorney from Mr. …Deasy & Lynam, Attorneys-at-Law, Bar Harbor, Main e Bro.
File Attachment: d17-abbyy.pdf …Deasy, Bsq., Bar Harbor, Maine. …i*3 1.5y dour Dorr: I found that I did not. have to jo to .-Haworth yesterday. …Deasy, Ban Harbor, Maine, My dear Mr Deasy, ThanKs for your word about the issue of town meeting and the action taKen at it, I will write to Mrs MarKoe …Dorr, marked by stone post and iron bolt, thence N. 21 15* E.
File Attachment: compressed d41.pdf …{ Alien p e rso n a lly appeared the above named L. 3* Deasy, P re sid e n t, and Thomas S e a r l s , Treasurer, and a ekrior lodged the above instrument …Deasy, Pro sid o n t and Thomas S e a r ls , T reasu rer, and acknowledged the above instrument to be t h e i r f r e e act and dood and the f r e e act …Deasy, President and Thomas S e a r l s , Treasurer, and acknowledged the above instrument to be t h e i r f r e e act and deed and the f r e e act and …Dorr to the Bar Harbor & Union R iver P war Company, dated February 1, 1919.
File Attachment: compressed d1.pdf …Dorr Hon. L. B. Deasy Mr. E. B. Mlars Mr. L. M. Luquer Mr. L. A. Austin Mr. B. E. Clark Mr* Prank M. Conners Mr. Wm. Eennelly Mr. …Dorr Bar H arbor, Me. L . B. Deasy Bar H arbor, Me. A. H. Lynam Bar H arbor, Me. A. S. Rodick Bar H arbor, Me. D a v id 0. …Deasy, N o ta r y P u b l i c . …Dorr L. B. Deasy A. H. Lynam P r e s i d e n t - George B. Dorr V i c e - P r e s i d e n t - L . B. Deasy T re a s u r e r - George B.
File Attachment: compressed d53.pdf …Dorr, Lafayette Rational Park, Bar Harbor, Maine. …Dorr, Seal Harbor, Maine* Dear Mr. Dorr A question as arisen as to the pledge Mr. …Dorr and Mr. …Dorr. Do you suppose Mr. Dorr would be willing to write Mr. RockeihLler a letter something along the lines in the accompanying draft?
File Attachment: compressed d60.pdf …Dorr, of Eden, Hancock County, Maine, in consideration of one dollar and other valuable considerations, paid by the Inhabitants of the Town of Eden (a …Dorr to the Hancock County Trustees of Public Reservations; and also ex cepting two small parcels situated within the above boundaries and known as the …Dorr, have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. …Dorr and acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act and deed. Before me, (Notarial Seal) Albert H.
File Attachment: compressed d37.pdf …TV tA-' v t/k>' X j O w, 4 155 M ilk S tr e e t, M Boston, Mass* Bear S ir : Me enclose herewith two deeds from you and Mr* Samuel T* Bates* Deasy. …Dorr's land with the Harden Farm Road north of Cemetery. …Dorr July 5, 1911. vC : Rt Rev* L S. …Mr* Dorr to you, p ro p erly executed.
File Attachment: compressed d24.pdf …Dorr, Cosmos Club, Washington D. C. Dear Mr. Dorr: Mrs. …Dorr. The $20,000. …DEASY, P r e s i d e n t VERNON B i i i IIa r lM H * B a n k i n g C A P IT A L $ SURPLUS 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 G . …DEASY, P r e s i d e n t C A P IT A L $ y n a m .t r e a s u r e r 5 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Vernon SURPLUS $ G .