Description: Fishing gear. Metal Fishing Buoy, round. It is stamped on one side PHILLIPS PATENT GUARANTEED LIGHTWEIGHT MODEL. and on the other, PATENT No 331163 NOTICE OF INFRINGEMENT REWARDED. The patent number is from Great Britain.
Description: A write up of Patti D'Angelo's work on Cranberry Island with the elementary school and interview with Tud Bunker as well as an explanation of her affiliation with the College of the Atlantic.
Description: Audio cassette tape, Benefit for College of the Atlantic, commisioned by music from Cranberry Isles, Sara Lambert "Sally" Bloom oboe, Susan Storey Frank soprano, Virginia Murray piano, Beatrice Weinreich mandolin, poetry & narration by Ashley Bryan
Description: Business receipt, dated 24 Sep 1910, E.B. Stanley bought of Nettie Stanley, pair of rubbers, ticking, pork, pepper, wire, etc., total $34.50, dated
Description: Journal, leather and paper, wallet style, with entries for years 1878, 1879, 1881. Pertains to nautical voyages of Meltiah Richardson aboard the Carrie M. Richardson and perhaps others. It is an extremely valuable resource for interpretation of annotated Nautical Chart 1 and other charts in GCIHS 2015.315.2076. Journal entries corroborate plot markings on nautical chart 1. All pages with handwritten text scanned (48 scans) at 600 dpi July 27, 2016. Complete transcription made Feb. 2017. (Pages with newspaper clippings glued to them were not scanned - most clippings were poetry. Note: Meltiah's wife, Carrie (Mary Catherine Stanley Richardson), wrote and saved poetry.) In several instances, a page had been cut out and/or a portion of a page had been cut out. The journal is not always chronological; entries switch around various years 1878,1879, and 1881. Some highlights are listed below.Scan no.9 Sailed from Cardenas for NY 260 lbs Manello(?) Rope, 178 shakers, 78 canvas10 Arrived at NY from Cardenas, list of perhaps cod caught per person by name and weight and $. Left for….11 Arrived at NY from C. Isles settled with mate $37.1614 Rec from M.P Richardson the sum of $70 wages up to Date Nov 19th 1881 William Brandt15 Arrived Cadiz…16 M. P Richardson mentioned17 M. P. Richardson mentioned and Schooner Carrie M. Richardson 188119 "Cash in Spanish gold 342"23 Mr. Rumill shipped on board Schr C. M. Richardson April 10/79 at 35 $ per xxx24 Antonio Williams on board C. M. Richardson Apr 9th/7925 more re: 187926 more re: 187927 more re: 187942 "cure for chills/fever (?) 2 bitter apples with one pint gin. Let same stand ays. Dose: ½ wine glass full twice a day before meals (R H O (?))43 Bill of sale for 1/32 of Schr CMR Mrs. E B Gregg (interest?) to Joseph W x of Philadelphia44 Name is clearly Joseph W. Willson of Phila45 Port charges list48 Mentions Cadiz [show more]
Description: Notice, handwritten, 4 sheets of paper, 4 pages per sheet, 14 pages total, to the voters of the Union Meeting House, from William Preble, by Carrie M. Richardson, clerk, about legal meeting of the stockholders, 18 Jun 1897
Description: Business receipts, 1878 (A) and 1898 (B). 1000.3.218(A) is from Potter and Wrightington, Boston, to Enoch Stanley for the Schooners S.L. Foster, Rozella, Sea Bird, and Relief: $2553.89 for fish. 1000.3.218(B) is a receipt for the Schooner S. L. Foster bought of Sm. Newman, Manset Maine 1898 various items like rope, sail line, nails, knife, keg, coffee and tea pots, spoons etc purchased March through September 1898 total $34.82.
Description: Collection of three scanned ledger account books originally from the Lewis Stanley boatyard. Ledgers were inherited by donor from his great uncle Lewis Stanley. (See scans on gcihs-nas\photo\Museum Photos\2015.316.2077_SchmidtLedgers and on DVD; ledgers were originally returned to donor August 2015; then all were donated to museum June 2017). Ledger A1: Measures 8.25H x 7: W x .5” thick. First page: George N. Spurling, Cranberry Isles; and [unreadable name below Spurling] Machias Port. Entries run from 1855-1870, with the last four pages dated 1855 pertaining to WatterWitch (Water Witch, Waterwitch, spelling and capitalization varies) stocks and specifics. Account entries recorded for the WatterWitch, Schooner Rozella, and Schooner Caressa. Names mentioned: Walton, Guptill, Haynes, Stanley, Spurling, Ferrin, Wentworth, Young, Saddler, Ladd. Commodities: fish and oil mostly; stocks and figuring notations in pen and pencil by different hands. First page states Schooner Hannah & Abigail bought in Boston May 6th, 1849. First entry is “E.B. Stanley, Cranberry Isles Oct. 9th, 1858 for $21 dollars on account of my share of fish bought on board Sch. WatterWitch this season. Asa [D?] Stanley.”Ledger B2: Measures 8”H x 6.75” W x .5” thick. Inside front cover is written: “Jonas Blood born April 15th, 1774.” First page begins with January 1st 1859 listing sale of butter, pork, and eggs. Ledger records expenses and sales of produce and other items through April 1862 and appears to be written by all the same hand. [For some info on Jonas Blood: probably born New Hampshire. Jonas Blood:b..c1774 d.5/21/1870, age 96 By] Ledger C3: 14" H x 3.75" W x 1" thick. Label on front cover: Sanborn & Carter, Publishers, Booksellers and Blank Book Manufacturers, No. 55 Exchange Street, Portland, Maine. Small envelope and letter addressed to Mrs. E. B. Stanley, Cranberry Isles, Maine, postmarked Waltham MA, Nov 17/12M/1908 (03?) with 2 cent stamp. Reverse postmark is Cranberry Isles 1908(3)? Begins "North East Harbor, Lindsay,” ends: "Hastily, Carol(?)" Many pages have been cut out from the beginning of this ledger. First entry, is on page 85 and starts: “Boston Dec. 6th 1879 Sch. S.L. Foster. Page 93 is “Boston Dec 14, 1885.” Page 98 deals with the estate of Enoch B. Stanley and Lewis B. Stanley 1903 and continues with various documents and deeds to 1908 (to page 151). Then returns to accounts for the S. L. Foster 1889. Page 176 begins accounts for the Schooner Rozella 1882, then to 1881, and goes back to deeds and correspondence p. 196 for 1908. P. 198 goes back to the Sch. Foster and alternates between accounts re: Foster and Rozella. Two small loose account papers between p. 212 and 213. The ledger goes back and forth between years and schooners and deeds throughout the book. Last pages of ledger date Jan 18, 1913 and begin with “I expressly forbade Lewis to connect the new building with the original fish house of the heirs of E. B. Stanley…..” (See also 2017.389.2164 and 2017.388.2163) See also notes from Charles Liebow email 2019 re: boat builders with this ledger. [show more]
Description: Book, "Book of Remembrance", by Velma Teel, history of the church and ladies aid. Also included, 3.5" floppy diskette perhaps by Sarah Newell, with, presumably, transcriptions of some parts. (From Ladies Aid 2000). A description of the early history of the Cranberry Isles and the Ladies Aid Founding history.
Description: Manuscript. A xerox copy of a collection of materials gathered in memoriam related to the military career of Lieutenant Colonel and Brevet Brigadier General Andrew Barclay Spurling who served during the Civil War and died August 22, 1906. [Spurling is the son of Abigail Cobb Hadlock Spurling who was widowed and married William P. Preble. Spurling's boyhood home was the Preble House on Great Cranberry Island, Maine. He was born in the house across the street from the Preble house now known as the Freeman house.] Spurling was in the 2nd Maine Cavalry Union Army and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor March 3, 1863. This packet of materials was given to GCIHS by Hugh Dwelley in 2004 and contains copies of documents outlined in a letter to "Cara and Ted" (probably Ted Spurling, Sr. of Islesford, Little Cranberry Island, ME) from "Marianne and Rene" dtd June 1st (no year). Marianne and Rene had requested the Spurling records and received them for the cost of $32.00. Documents explain Andrew Spurling's heroism and exploits, contain copies of military records, and include statements by other Mainers who served with him. There are also three typewritten pages of text written by Ted Spurling Sr., Islesford, Maine, summing up Andrew Spurling's life, including Ted Spurling's handwritten note: "Gen. Andrew Spurling's father was Samuel Spurling. Andrew's mother was Abigail Hadlock (of Little Cranberry Island.) Gen. Andrew was a first cousin to my great grandfather, George N. Spurling and also a first cousin to my Great Grand Father, Gilbert T. Hadlock - Ted Spurling Sr. 7/8/2002. *Benjamin Spurling was a Rev. War veteran as well. Ted" The last few pages include copies of newspaper articles: one describes the the discovery of 1864 graffiti etched into the wall of a home in Bagdad, Florida, where Spurling and his troops apparently stopped. Graffitti has been preserved in-situ by the homeowner. Another article tells about the end of his life in Chicago investing in real estate and a rawhide manufacturing company, and mentions his unfortunate investment in the Spurling Block in Elgin just at the Panic of 1893. The last page is a letter from "Bud" to Ted [Spurling] thanking him for his copy and inserting his thoughts, dated September 9, 1994. [Perhaps the original copies of these documents are in the Sawtelle collection at Acadia NPS or in the Islesford Historical Society? TBD] [show more]
Description: Brochure, "The Town of Cranberry Isles" by Ted Spurling, includes 12 black and white pages with illustrations by Rose Russo Crooker, copyright 1979 by Theodore and Cara Spurling. First printing 1979, second 1986.
Description: Book, hardbound, "John Gilley: Maine Farmer and Fisherman" by Charles W. Eliot, 72 pages, copyright 1899, reprinted 1947, describes a life on the Cranberry Isles
Description: Prints and photographs for The Great Cranberry Island Portrait Project 2009. Project combined art and oral history. 17 original, matted, unframed, black & white and color prints, numbered, signed, and copyrighted by the artist Janet Best Badger, a Bangor, Maine, artist and printmaker. (Three prints linoleum/color; 14 copper/b&W.) 20 color photos with text profiles by Bar Harbor photojournalist Rebecca Buyers-Basso. Individuals: Ruth Fostervold Westphal, Malcolm Donald, Annie Rice Alley, Gaile Frederika Bunker Colby, Sofie Lillian Nathan Dowling, Michael Richman, Louise Oldbrook Littleton Millar, Eva Mariae Bracy Galyean, Wesley "Junior" Bracy, Patricia Bailey, Charlene Louise Allen, Phil Allen Whitney, Clara Frances Pervear Wedge. Also miscellaneous photos including a rock, lupines, and the Macfarlan (Preble) house. Project was accomplished with a grant fom Maine Arts Commision, with support of The Heliker-LaHotan Foundation, GCIHS, and local residents. [show more]
Description: Document. Certificate: Augusta, Maine, 14 March 1860, William P. Preble of Cranberry Isle, State of Maine, as Notary Public for Hancock County for seven years. Signed by Scott M. Morrill, Governor. Certificate has an ivory and pink impressed and raised seal the State of Maine with the signature of the Governor below it and the notation: Commission Recorded Vol. 4, Page 173. Signed at bottom by Noah Smith, Secretary of State.
Description: Photo. Negative and 11"x14" photo of Lewis (Lew) Stanley's boatyard located on the pool during the wintertime with the pool frozen. The boatyard was later sold to Heliker and LaHotan and they tore it down because it was a hazard and in rough shape. Mickey Macfarlan who said that towards the end of his life Lew Stanley was hard up for money and could no longer repair the boatyard. Mickey said Lew was always complaining that people were stealing from the boatyard - the second floor of it was chock full of all sorts of things. Mickey mentioned that the boatyard itself was "tremendously large" [show more]
Description: Photos. Collection of 48 slides from ca. 1960-70s (one slide from 1940s) including aerial photographs of Great Cranberry Island and events concerning the Towns family. Aerial photographs ca. 1968 probably taken by Bob Hylander. Events and people include: Preble Cove, GCI houses, Beal and Bunker dock, Hamor House and restaurant, Polly Bunker and gift shop, George Savage and Ruth Haydock on motor scooter, Bloom concert, school house, Doc Haydock and George Savage with the Lollipop skiff, Norma Bunker with turkeys, Dorothy Dot Towns, Red Macallister with VW Bug, Leona Macallister, Cranberry Cove Restaurant, John Lawrence. This collection is in addition to the 223 Towns family slides catalogued as: 2013.243.1941. (All slides have been scanned and identified. See c:....2014>photos>etc.) [show more]