Description: Letter 16 - Aug. 26, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Thompson to Wheelwright one handwritten page re: estate matters.
Description: Letter 13 - Aug. 18, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Three handwritten pages Preble to Wheelwright re: estate.
Description: Letter 12 - August 17, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. One handwritten page re: estate matters.
Description: Letter 10 - August 13, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Three handwritten pages re: estate.
Description: Letter 9 - Aug. 10, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Four typed pages re: estate
Description: Letter 8 - August 7, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Andrew C. Wheelwright, Esq, North East Harbor, Maine addressee; Aug 7 1897 Boston postmark; Matthews & Thompson, 1134-1138 Tremont Building return address re: estate
Description: Letter 7A - August 4, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. From Mathews & Thompson counsellors at Law to Mr. Andrew C. Wheelwright re: estate
Description: Letter 7 - August 4, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. To Andrew C. Wheelwright from Myron W. Harwood re: estate
Description: Letter 6 - July 31, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. To Mr. Wheelwright from William G. Thompson, 1134 Tremont Building, Boston re: estate
Description: Letter 5 - July 30, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. To Mr. Andrew C. Wheelwright from Myron Harwood re: same subject.: pews and estate.
Description: Letter 4 - July 2, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Written from Springfield Ma to Mr. Charles Whittier from Myron W. Harwood. Re: the 24 pews in question which were paid for including $25 out of his own pocket.
Description: Letter 3 - July 2, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Written from Springfield MA to Mr. Andrew C. Wheelwright from Myron W. Harwood administrator of the estate of Charles E. Harwood Springfield MA, #367 Belmont Ave. He has just received another letter from Rev. Charle swhitter on the subject of his brothers affairs with the church at Cranberry. Doesn't see how his brother owed the church $120.00. Mentions he only had $11.35 on him when he died etc. [show more]
Description: Letter 2 - July 1, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Written fron Springfield MA, to Rev Charles Whittier from Meyron? W. Harwood, 367 Belmont Avenue about how his brother gave his life to the church on Cranberry and now they want him to give his money. Mr. Preble holds a deed of one of the pews which has not been recorded and which has been paid for by my brother the morning he left there Feb 8, 1897. [show more]
Description: Letter 1 - June 16, 1897, Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Dear Bro. Whittier, from SB Moore? About a manuscript. Includes text from Rv. Charles E. Harwood. Note on reverse says Mr. Harwood's article, ms important.
Description: Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. This is a collection of letters from 1896-1897 mostly between Mr. Andrew C. Wheelwright and Myron W. Harwood, the administrator of Charles Harwood’s estate. There are also letters from William Preble, Carrie Richardson, and Enoch B. Stanley to Mr. Wheelwright. Many letters still to be added 8/6/18.
Description: Letter 1A - Rev. Charles Elliott Harwood was the pastor of the Great Cranberry Island Congregational Church from 1894 to March 22, 1897 when he died suddenly. Letter 1A: Statement for Mission work on the Cranberry Islands. Toward the $700 needed to purchase and repair the church property on Cranberry Islan Island (some $500 of which has already been given or pledged) we contribute the amounts opposite our names to be transmitted for this purpose to Rev. Mr. Harwood, the resident mission by:xxx Bishof $5.00; Merril E Gatel? $5.00; Lucius G. Pruitt $5; A.V.A. Nimter? $5.00; and a couple of others paid to Mr. Harwood Sept. 1, 1896. [show more]
Description: Two-mast schooner model by George Savage. Red, white, orange, black with blue deck, four sails, no name or number on stern or sides. He lived on the island from the 1930s onward. He was a constable.
Description: Five folders of Rachel Field research, primarily from the late Phoebe White Wentworth of Southwest Harbor who gave it to Carl Little years ago while he was working on the foreword to a new 1999 edition of Field's "God’s Pocket" published by the Northeast Harbor Library . These research materials relate to a 1985 exhibit and quilt raffle held at the Southwest Harbor Public Library.
Description: William Kienbusch, a Retrospective Exhibition 1946-1979, published by Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland Maine, 1996, William Kienbusch first painted in Maine in 1934, eventually taking up residence on Great Cranberry Isle in 1962. Born in New York City, and a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Princeton University, he studied at the Art Students League in New York with Raphael Soyer and John. Kienbusch lived across from the tennis courts on GCI. He is Carl Little's uncle. [show more]
Description: Booklets published by GCIHS. (Collection ongoing) GCIHS BOOK PUBLICATIONS LIST as of March 2016 with printed copies of book covers. Not all books are present in collection yet. Digital copies on GCIHS NAS in Archives GCIHS publications. A Cabin in the Woods - A Story of Sammy Sanford and Rachel Field, by Wini Smart (2011). A Taste of Cranberry, by Susan Donald Michalski 2002. Now recorded at 2023.635.3125 An Artist's Sketchbook, 1998, Great Cranberry Island, Maine, by Susan Donald Michalski 2001. An Interview with Ralph Stanley, Wooden Boat Builder and National Heritage Foundation "National Treasure", by Jeff Weisbruch, 1994. Published by GCIHS 1999. Artists of the Cranberry Isles, Past & Present, by Wini Smart (2005). Now recorded at 2023.636.3126 Baker Island - The Early Years, by Wini Smart (2012). Boatdog Bess - My Story, by Kay Gibson (Year?) Cookbook 2004. Cranberry Road Great Cranberry Island 1919-1950 by Wini Smart & Bruce Komusin 2002-2003 Cranberry Quilts by Charlotte Harlan 2006 Enterprising Islanders - Great Cranberry Island 1760-2008, by Wini Smart (2008). Now recorded at 2023.638.3128 Hitty Preble of the Cranberry Isles, Maine by Wini Smart & Bruce Komusin (2004). Now recorded at 2023.637.3127 House Histories Of Great Cranberry Island by Wini Smart 2010 If It Were Yesterday…A Historic Coloring Book Of Great Cranberry Island by Wini Smart (2001) Preserving our Past to steer our Future - Cranberry House Prospectus (2004). Now recorded at 2023.639.3129 Riding with Tud - An interview with Lyndon "Tud" Bunker, March 18, 1993, by ? 2001 Salvaging Cargo from the Wreck of the Emily F. Northam, by Farnham W. Smith, with permission of Down East Magazine (March 1974). Now recorded at 2023.640.3130 Surf, Stone, & Spruce by Ted Harlan (2003) The Construction of Road I-95 by Doris "Dot" McSorley (1996). Now recorded at 2023.641.3131 Three Heroines of Great Cranberry Island by Wini Smart (2013) Winter: The Other Season A Look at Old Great Cranberry Island by Wini Smart & Bruce Komusin (2004) Booklets from other lists I came across, not found yet on computer 3/17/16: Favorite Island Recipes (published in conjunction with Ladies Aid) The Asa D. Stanley House 31/07/2023 Booklets that didn't have a new record created and recorded in the above text were not found during the 2023 review. [show more]
Description: The Emily F. Northam was a three masted cargo schooner that was grounded off of the Baker Island reef, the crew and cargo were rescued but the Northam never left the Cranberry Isles. In 1974 the Downeast Magazine published a piece written about the event by Farnham W. Smith, and the Historical Society acquired its use for the island's history. Introduction by Bruce Komusin.
Description: A descriptive booklet describing a number of enterprises local islanders began and maintained between 1760 and 2008. Fishing, Ship Building, Boat Yards, Newman and Gray Boatyard, the mailboat, Stores, Restaurants and Boarding Establishments, Farms, Hooked Rugs, Antique Autos, Art.
Description: A booklet written by Wini Smart and Bruce Komusin, regarding background information on Hitty Preble, a doll written about by the acclaimed Rachel Field.