Description: Two sailing vessels and a rowboat seining shad off Mount Desert Rock, August 1907. To the left, the two masted schooner is Capt. Robinson, while the Friendship sloop to the right is Capt. Van Norden, who appears with his boat in other photographs. The smaller boat in front of Capt. Van Norden is identified as Willard K. Osier This negative is damaged across the center. Written on the negative envelope is "Capt. Robinson and Capt. Van Norden Seining Shad. Small boat Willard K. Osier. [show more]
Description: Photograph taken at Mount Desert Rock Light Station of Capt. Van Norden's friendship sloop sailing near the shore. On the sloop four men are visible, and a dory appears to be on the deck of the boat as well. Written on the negative envelope is "No. 1. Capt. Van Norden's Boat"
Description: Photograph taken at Mount Desert Rock Light Station, August 1907. At the left the double tenement is visible, next to the single tenement adjacent. To the right is the tower, with the window shutters open, and the oil house. In front of the tower, three people are standing on the ledges. Written on the negative envelope is "Taken from the water, looking S.E."
Description: View of Mount Desert Rock Light Station, taken from the water, 4:00 pm, October 1907. This photograph shows the extent of the settlement at Mount Desert Rock, including the derrick boathouse, workshop, keepers' dwellings, tower, oil house, and bell tower. Written on the negative envelope is "Taken from water." Near the top right is "Oct. 1907, 4 o'clock P.M." Written on the left side in pencil is "2 min" [show more]
Description: View of Mt. Desert Rock Light Station, June 1908, from the water. The view includes the boathouse, workshop, light keepers' houses, tower, oil house, and bell tower. Written on the negative envelope is "No. 3 View from Water. Devel. with Di. S. Plate."
Description: "Looking West from Woodpile, Double Tenement, Mt. Desert Rock Light Station" - View of boy on wooden walkway, with the rear side of the double house visible in the background. To the right of the house a woman looks on.
Description: Photo-Essay by Bronson W. Chanler detailing a trip aboard the coal schooner "Rebecca R. Douglas" between Northeast Harbor and New York City. Note: As originally displayed in the museum, copies of the photographs taken by Chanler were mounted alongside excerpts and quotes. Around 2015 the photographs were removed from the 1984 posters so they could be scanned and better protected. They are uploaded here, as is the complete text by Bronson W. Chanler. [show more]
Description: View at Mount Desert Rock Light Station showing the tower, the double tenement house, and the boathouse and a workshop in the background. In the foreground large ledges are visible.
Description: View of Mount Desert Rock Light Station, showing the boathouse, derrick, workshops, keepers' houses, tower, bell tower, and oil house. The horizon line is very uneven and the photograph is slightly out of focus. Writing in ink on the envelope is: "Mt. Desert Lt. Sta., Oct. 1907, 4 o'clock, P.M., Taken from water." Written in pencil near the bottom of the envelop is "Print 2 m Sw."
Description: Looking northwester toward Mount Desert Rock Light Station showing the tower, the keepers' houses, workshops, and the rear side of the boathouse. To the right of the negative a pole appears, which may be the end of a boom for the sailboat that served as the platform of this photograph. Written on the negative envelope is: "Taken from the water, looking N.W."
Description: View at Mount Desert Rock Light Station showing the part of the derrick, the boathouse, a workshop, and part of the double tenement building. A person is visible walking between the boat house and workshop. The negative envelope reads: "Taken from water, Looking South."
Description: View at Mount Desert Rock Light Station. Written in ink on the negative envelope is: "No. 3a. Derrick, Boathouse, Shop, Looking East." In the foreground the ledge is covered with seaweed, and a wooden pole appears to be tied to something that is not visible.
Description: View at Mount Desert Rock Light Stations. Several smaller buildings are visible at the crest of the ledges. Written in ink on the negative envelope is: "No. 2 b - Newman's Shop, Dwelling House, Tower, Bell Tower + Oil House, Looking South" In pencil it reads incomplete. Note: this description does not seem to align with the negative, and this negative appears to be slightly blurry.
Description: View of many of the buildings at Mount Desert Rock. The negative envelope reads " No. 3 b., Mr. Newman's Shop, Dwelling House, Tower, Bell Tower, Oil House."
Description: "Mr. Brewer in the tower." View of the lighthouse tower at Mount Desert Rock, with the keepers' dwellings to the right. Standing at the top of the tower is a man, likely Mr. Brewer.
Description: "Sitting Room, North House, Left Hand Side Corner" - View in the living room of the north house (in the double tenement on Mount Desert Rock). Two chairs flank a table in the background, and a sideboard is visible to the left. Photographs are visible on the walls and on the table. A young child sits on the floor in the middle of the room, but he moved during the exposure of the negative, causing a blur.
Description: "Capt. Van Norden's Boat" - A friendship sloop sails off the waters of Mount Desert Rock with four men aboard. To the right a spar buoy leans is visible
Description: Mount Desert Rock Light Station, August 1907. "No. 7, Looking S.E." View from Mount Desert Rock, looking southeast over ledges, several small plants are visible
Description: Frame containing four fragments of pages from programs from the Pastime Theatre in Northeast Harbor, ME. Two of the fragments contain lists of coming attractions, one for the weeks of October 9 and 16 and the other for the weeks of January 1 and 7, 1917. People Mentioned: Billie Burke, Dustin Farnum, Pearl White, Pauline Frederick, Francis Bushman, Theodore Roberts, Fannie Ward, Marguerite Clark, Harold Lockwood, John Barrymore, Marie Doro, Sidney Drew, Mrs. Sidney Drew [show more]