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You searched for: Contributor: Mount Desert Island Historical Society
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Title Type Subject Creator Date Place Rights
Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • 4/18/1985
Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Bar Harbor Times feature on Mount Desert Island Libraries. Lists all of the libraries on Mount Desert Island, addresses, hours of operation, Librarian names. Also a brief article talking about National Library Week. [show more]
Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • June 1967
Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photograph from unknown newspaper. Showing two librarians helping two children find books for a school project.
Seal Harbor Library Fundraiser
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
Seal Harbor Library Fundraiser
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photograph from a variety of newspapers showing events during the the Seal Harbor Library summer fundraiser fair. One cliping is from the Bar Harbor Times Aug 9, 2007, Mount Desert Islander no date, Mount Desert Islander Sugust 14, 2008. There are also three loose color photos of of the fair as well. [show more]
Seal Harbor Library Donnor List
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Announcement
Seal Harbor Library Donnor List
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. List of donors who gave to the Seal Harbor Library printed on orange cardstock.
Seal Harbor Library Greeting Card
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Greeting Card, Holiday Card
Seal Harbor Library Greeting Card
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Seal Harbor Greeting card with a photo of the library in the snow on the front, photo of the staff and volunteers standing in front of the library with the words "Happy New Year and Thank You! The Seal Harbor Library", back cover says "Season's Greetings" with a photo of the library and two children standing in front. [show more]
Letter from Jan Brett to the Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence
  • 12/1/2011
Letter from Jan Brett to the Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Copy of a letter from Han Brett to the Seal Harbor Library telling them they have won a copy of her book "Home For Christmas."
Hooked Rug
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
Hooked Rug
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Color photograph of an oval hooked rug showing a costal scence with clouds, wildflowers, a digny.
Seal Harbor Library Hooked Rug Winner
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Announcement
Seal Harbor Library Hooked Rug Winner
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Flyer announcing the winner of the hooked rug (object id 020.10.57) which was raffeled off by the Seal Harbor Library.
Seal Harbor Library letter to partrons
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Summer 2011
Seal Harbor Library letter to partrons
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Letter from the Seal Harbor Library to library partrons giving an update of the past winter, summer hours, special events, call for volunteers, request for donations. Two copies of the letter.
Seal Harbor Library Open House
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Advertising, Print Ad
  • 4/18/NY
Seal Harbor Library Open House
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Flyer printed on cardstock announcing the the Spring Open House. Tells what time the Anne Funderburk will give her gift in memory of George Ledyard Stebbins.
Tea Time at the Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Advertising, Print Ad
  • 11/4/NY
Tea Time at the Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Flyer printed on green cardstock announcing the next Tea TIme at the Seal Harbor Library talk on Home-made Cleaners. Gives a brief description of the talk and a phone number for more informaiton.
Seal Harbor Library Story Time.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • August 2008
Seal Harbor Library Story Time.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Two color photographs of the Seal Harbor Library Pirate Story Hour at Seal Harbor Beach. Two adults are dressed in pirate outfits with children gathered around them. One photo shows a group of children in a boat with the Pirarte standing in the water next to the boat. Notations on the back of the photos reads "Pirate Story Time Program August 2008, Seal Harbor Beach, 24 children and parents (aprox 38 participants)", other reads Seal Harbor Library Pirate Story Time August 2008 Lynn King Librarian. [show more]
Seal Harbor Library Flyers
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Advertising, Print Ad
Seal Harbor Library Flyers
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. A collection of flyers announcing upcomming events at the Seal Harbor Library; summer hours, Baby and todler story time, Fall 2014 & 2015 hours.
Seal Harbor Library Talk
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Advertising, Print Ad
  • August 18, 2015
Seal Harbor Library Talk
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Flyer announcing the upcomming talk by Senator George Mitchell at the Seal Harbor Library. Talk will focus on his book The Negotiator with a book sale/signing after the talk.
Seal Harbor Library Concert
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Program, Concert Program
  • August 12, 1968
Seal Harbor Library Concert
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Program from Thomas Brockman's performance August 12, 1968. Shows the musical pieces he will be preforming. There is also a sample of the announcment card and RSVP card. There is a a photocopy of a list of those who were patrons and patronesses of the concert. [show more]
Seal Harbor Library reception
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Advertising, Print Ad
  • August 6-20, 1990
Seal Harbor Library reception
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Card announcing the reception of Jeffery A. Kryvicky. The Opening reception and dates for the exhibit titled Recent Landscapes and Still Lifes
Seal Harbor Library Ledger
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
Seal Harbor Library Ledger
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Ledger has a membership list, attendence numbers, dues and fines collected, list of books pruchased or donated, inventory of the number of books by theme.
Seal Harbor Library Ledger
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
Seal Harbor Library Ledger
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Ledger has a membership list, attendence numbers, dues and fines collected, list of books pruchased or donated, number of books loaned per month.
Letter from Lydia B. Vandenbergh to Debbie
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence
  • 1961
Letter from Lydia B. Vandenbergh to Debbie
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. The fax is discussing the reseach Lydia has been doing and on the Village Green and the Women's Literary Club picture. Talks about having the women identify themselves with married and maiden names. There is also a list of members. The fax paper is begining to grey and becoming hard to read. [show more]
Women's Literary Club
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Bylaws
  • 1961
Women's Literary Club
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Booklet on the bylaws of the Women's Literary Club in Seal Harbor, Maine, Revised 1961. Green cover
Letter from George L. Stebbins to Mr. Allen
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Oct. 20, 1925
Letter from George L. Stebbins to Mr. Allen
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Letter discussing a check to the the Seal Harbor Yarch Club and the purchase of stock certificates.
Seal Harbor Yatch Club Sails On
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • August 4, 1988
Seal Harbor Yatch Club Sails On
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Article from the Bar Harbor Times from Thursday August 4, 1988. Gives information on the 65 year history of the Yatch Club. Also talks about the regatta being held.
South Bubble Trail Letters
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence
  • 1939
South Bubble Trail Letters
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Letter from Jospeh Allen part of the Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society to Mr. Hadley discussing the sudden closing of the South Bubble Trail and other trails the Society plans on building that coming summer. Letter from Jospeh Allen to T.A. McIntire talking about the South Bubble trail and the need to keep it in a more primitive trail to make it more attractive to younger people. They also discuss other trail which were recently completed. [show more]
Annual Report
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Report, Annual Report
  • 8/14/1975
Annual Report
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society annual report listing the officers and directors, Financial Statement, President's Report, Comtributors- 1974, five typed quarter pages.
Roscoe C. Brown
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence
  • 1934
Roscoe C. Brown
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Letter from Roscoe C. Brown to unknown person discussing Mrs. Dunham's work with the society as well as the loss of Dr. David Hunter McAlpin. One typed page. The first page of this letter appears to be missing. [show more]

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