Description: Eight color photographs of Singlehanded Race International One Design (IOD), year unidentified. 2022X.05.006.001 - Two boats under sail, #14 and #21 2022X.05.006.002 - One boat under sail, #1 2022X.05.006.003 - One boat under sail, #1 2022X.05.006.004 - Two boats under sail, including #14 2022X.05.006.005 - Two boats under sail, #14 and #21 2022X.05.006.006 - Two boats under sail, #11 and #14 2022X.05.006.007 - Two boats under sail, #12 and #14 2022X.05.006.008 - One boat under sail, #1 [show more]
Description: Binder with 76 pages of notices related to the 1943-1945 seasons, such as racing schedules, application for sailing instruction, announcement of upcoming races and cruises, etc.
Description: 84 pages of newspaper clippings from 1932-1936 in reverse chronological order. Table of Contents. 1. Cover 2-12: 1936. 13-19: 1935. 20: 1934. 21-29: The Boston Herald. 1934. 30-39: The Boston Herald. 1933. 40-49: The Portland Press Herald. 1933. 50-51: The Boston Transcript. 1933. 52-54: The Boston Globe. 55: 1932. 56-63: Communications to The Boston Globe. 64-73: Communications to The Boston Herald. 74-76: Communications to The Boston Transcript. 1932. 77-80: Communications to The New York Herald-Tribune. 81-84: Communications to The Portland Press Herald. [show more]
Description: 122 pages including photographs with handwritten notes, correspondence, minutes, notices, handwritten "Record of Races," hand-painted prize pennants, protests, logs of cruises, listing of vessels in the Fleet, miscellaneous accounting and expenditure documents. 1921-1922 Logbook Table of Contents Page Numbers: 1: Cover 2: Photos with handwritten notes 3: Correspondence 4-5: Minutes 6-8: Notice 9: Racing Instructions page 10-11: Notice 12-15: Racing Instructions 16: Rule regarding fouls 17: List of entries, 1921 18-27: Record of Races 27-29: Minutes of meeting for those “interested in the races” 29-33: Record of Races 33-24: Regatta Committee minutes 34-41: Record of Races 42-44: Regatta Committee minutes 44-46: 1921 Yacht Races Report 47-48 Hand-painted pennants 49: Notes from informal meeting 50-53: 1922 season information 54-55: Record of Races 56-61: Fleet meeting minutes 62-63: Record of Races 64: 1922 memo 65: Record of Races 66: Protest 67-70: Record of Races 71: Newspaper clipping 72-75: Record of Races 76: Minutes 77-83: Protests 84: Kollegiwidgwok Yacht Club guest card 85-86: Protests 87-94: Cruise log 95-96: Minutes 102: List of vessels in Fleet 103-109: Regatta Committee report 109-111: Blank Fleet contract to purchase “O” Class Boat for 1922 with vessel info 112-113: Regatta Committee memos 114-122: Race Committee account records [show more]
Description: 290 pages, including race results, meeting minutes, protests, announcements, correspondence, and more. 1923-1926 Logbook Table of Contents 1: Cover 2: Schedule of Points Awarded to Yachts Finishing 3: Handwritten dates “March 4, 1923 - June 20, 1926” 4: Minutes 5: Clipping from “The Rudder,” April 1923, about “O Class” sloop 6-17: “Northeast Harbor Fleet 1923” booklet with race and cruise information, courses map, Fleet listing, includes handwritten notes 18: Announcement 19-36: Race results 37: Blank 38: Memo 39-66: Race results 67: Yacht Races poster 68: Announcements 69-70: Yacht Races poster 71: Yacht race details 72: Announcements 73: Bar Harbor Yacht Races information sheet 74: Bar Harbor Yacht Races entry blank 75: Yacht race details 76-78: Bar Harbor Yacht Races information sheets 79-84: Copies of Deeds for Trophies 85: Executive Committee minutes 86: Copy of Deed for Class O Trophy 87-94: Clippings from 1923 Annual Report 95-96: Membership letter with application and envelope 97: Handpainted burgee 98: Executive Committee minutes 99: Announcement of Activities 100: Memo for Owners of Class O Boats 101: Newspaper clipping regarding Edsel Ford 102-104: Agreement concerning yacht races between Tarratine Club and the Fleet 105: Special regulations for Class C 106-117: 1924 Racing Instructions 118: Notice 119: Addendum to Racing Instructions 120-125: Race Results 126: Notice 127: Circular of Information on Inter-club Races with Tarratine Club 128: Handwritten note by Madeira 129-130: Race Agreement with Tarratine Club 131-132: Race Results 133-134: Regatta Committee minutes 135-138: Race Results 139-140: Regatta Committee minutes 141-144: Race Results 145: List of Boats - Eastern Yacht Club Seventeen Foot Class 146-149: Regatta Committee minutes with exhibits such as protests, statements, etc. 150-153: Race Results 154-155: Third Annual Three Day Cruise announcement 156: Northeast Harbor Fleet Entry List 1924 157: Notice 158: Telegram 159-160: Race Results 161-164: Regatta Commitee minutes with exhibits 165-166: Race Results 167: Protest 168-170: Race Results 171: Notice of Annual Meeting 1924 172: Protest 173-177: Log of Northeast Harbor Fleet August 22-24, 1924 178-182: Race Results 183: Newspaper Clipping 184-186: Race Results 187-190: Race Instructions 191-192: Bar Harbor Yacht Club Racing Rules 192-198: Race Results 199: Executive Committee minutes 200-207: 1924 Annual Meeting minutes 208-209: Secretary report 210: Folded paper with “Membership list Oct. 1924” written on outside 211: Envelop with “Treasurer’s Temporary Report Feb. 17th 1925” written on it 212-213: List of Members October 1st, 1924 214: Letter from the Treasurer 215-216: Letter to Edward Madeira 217-219: Letter from J. L. Grant with newspaper clippings 219: Announcement of Commodore Hayward’s death 220: Sympathy note related to Commodore Hayward’s death 221-230: Correspondence and votes from Executive Committee to nominate and elect Edward Madeira as Commodore and Frederic Spedden as Vice Commodore 230: Announcement of George Davenport Hayward Memorial Trophy 231-232: Letter from Madeira to Executive Committee 233-235: Announcement - 1925 236-237: Newspaper clippings 238: 1925 Schedule of Events 239: Notice 240-251: 1925 Racing Instructions 252-254: Minutes of Executive Committee 255: Invitation to the Seal Harbor Yacht Club 256-259: Letters announcing the Annual Cruise and Hayward Cup race 260: Annual Meeting announcement 261-264: Annual Meeting minutes 265-266: Executive Committee minutes 267-270: Letters to members regarding clubhouse and new yachts 271: Announcement 272: Note to the Secretary regarding death of Richard Harte 273: Newspaper clippings 274-279: Letters to members regarding elections, insignia for yachting caps, Annual Cruise, Election of Reginald C. Robbins 280-283: Letters to members regarding Lloyds Yacht Register; Secretary Jeffrey resignation 284-286: Newspaper clippings 287: Secretary Jeffrey’s resignation letter 288-290: Article “Many Races Scheduled in New England Waters” [show more]
Description: 340 pages, including race results, meeting minutes, protests, announcements, racing instructions, and more. 1926-1931 Logbook Table of Contents. 1-2: Cover 3: Handwritten note “June 20, 1926 - “ 4: Newspaper clipping: Yacht Season…comes to an end 5: Envelopes 6: Letter from Commodore regarding Log Books 7: Announcement of Robert Johnson as secretary 8: List of 1926 events 9-11: Preliminary draft of Entry List 12-26: 1926 Racing Instructions 27: Envelopes 28-29: Letter to the Executive Committee regarding proposed bylaws amendments 30: Entry List 1926 31-36: Fifth Annual Cruise circulars, resolutions regarding details of rig, and Seamanship Race 37-41: Notice of Annual Meeting, Notice of election of E.S. Burke, Jr., as Vice Commodore, Notice of Race for Auxiliary Friendship Sloops, Announcement of Appointments. 42-44: Newspaper clipping: “Percival’s Eastern Crew…” 45: Clipping from “Yachting” 46-48: Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting 49-50: Financial Statement 51-54: 1926 Annual Meeting Minutes 55-56: Blank 57-61: Protest 62-63: Seamanship Race Secret Instructions 64: Newspaper clipping: “Close of yachting season…” 65: Blank 66-69: Executive Committee meeting minutes 70-72: Data Letter of New boats “A” and “B” and “O” 73: Blank 74-79: Commodore’s letter of 1927 plans and certification of “A” sailboats 80-82: Executive Committee letter regarding paid secretary and announcement of membership in the North American Yacht Racing Union 83-86: 1927 Seamanship Race Instructions 87-91: Yacht Racing Preparedness 92-110: Racing Instructions 111: Announcement regarding sailing instruction 112: List of Class “O” 15 Footers and Class “S” Herreshoff 21 Footers 113-114: Announcement of Race Committee Class Captains 115-117: Newspaper clippings 118-119: Change of Racing Rules, Rule restricting the use of the spinnaker pole; cruise circulars envelope 120: Newspaper clipping on The Ara wreck 121: Meeting announcement 122: Newspaper clipping 123-125: Annual meeting minutes 126-127: Letter requesting info on yachts 128: Newspaper clipping; handwritten note “1928” 129-135: Report and letter by Edward Madeira, president of Mount Desert Yacht Racing Association 136-138: M.D.Y.R.A. Elimination Races for Sears Cup 139-158: 1928 Racing Instructions 159-165: Changes to the Racing Instructions, and Entry List 1928 166-170: Ocean Schooner Race and Seamanship Race 171-173: Racing Bulletin 174-176: Seventh Annual Cruise 177-178: Notice of Annual meeting 179-180: Hayward Cup Race 181-184: Annual Meeting minutes 185: Blank 186-187: Seaman’s Race 188: Note from secretary: “Book Complete. January 1, 1929” 189-209: 1929 Racing Instructions 210-218: Letters and questionnaire regarding race policies 219-220: Invitation to Winter Harbor Yacht Club 221-223: Changes in Racing Rules 224: Bulletin 225: Southwest Harbor Village Association Race 226-228: Seamanship Races for Boys and Girls 229: Hayward Cup Race 230-231: Eighth Annual Cruise 232: Race Committee announcement 233-234: Seaman’s Race 235-237: Annual Meeting Minutes 238-239: Request for yacht info 240-241: Request for summer plans and contact information 242-245: Seamanship Races for Boys and Girls 246: Southwest Harbor Village Association Race 247-248: Bulletin and notice 249: Tea invitation for after the Hayward Race at Mr. and Mrs. Vance McCormick’s 250: Hayward Cup Race 251-257: Annual Cruise, Seamanship Race, Ocean Race, Seaman’s Race 258-260: Annual Meeting Minutes 1930 261-262: Questionnaire 263: Envelope 248-286: 1931 Racing Instructions 287-288: Notice regarding Johnson as Assistant Treasurer 289-291: Special Meeting minutes 292-303: Seamanship Races for Boys and Girls 1931 304-310: Southwest Harbor Village Association Race 1931 311-320: Race Entry List 1931, Seamanship Race Secret Instructions, Schooner Race, Annual Cruise 321-328: Hayward Cup Race, Race Committee Notice, Letters asking residents to join fleet, Special Cruise notice 329-333: Seamans Race notice, Hayward Cup Race, Special Cruise 334: Notice regarding model yacht for Dr. Milliken 335-340: Annual meeting minutes 1931 [show more]
Description: Newsletter for those who harvest clams published by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Service. The newsletter contains information on harvesting, clam breeding, licensing, reseeding clams.
Description: Newspaper clippings on a variety of topics: Bar Harbor Times April 25, 1985- Article titled Pretty Marsh Endeavors to Maintain Rural Traditions Bar Harbor Times March 10, 1994- Mazie E. Smallidge obituary. Unknown Newspaper- Editorial on landing rights to the boat launching area. Bar Harbor Times October 20.2005-Obituary for David E. McGiffert a summer resident of Pretty Marsh. Bar Harbor Times October 1, 1987- Photo and caption by Nan Lincoln of Alyssa Jones. Bar Harbor Tmes December 22, 1988- Article on Pretty Marsh Christmas. [show more]
Description: Two yellow pieces of paper five inches long, one inch wide announcing: "Community Center will be open for you to donate Sale items DAILY 8:30am-5:30pm from Sunday June 30-Friday July 5. TO VOLUNTEER AS HELPER CALL PAT (244-3543). Thanks!!"
Description: Newspaper article from unknown paper and unknown date about the proposed building of a recycling center at the town grange site in Pretty Marsh, Maine.
Description: Seven page typed timeline of a brief history of Pretty Marsh. The document has page number citations next to some of the entries but it is unclear what book or document the page numbers refrence.
Description: Two large off white envelopes containing bills and receipts for services rendered to the Pretty Marsh Community Corporation. Dates on the outside of the envelopes are 1937-8, 1968-1972, 1938-44, 1989-1990
Description: History of the Someville Sewing Circle. Two typed pages and ten small pieces of scrap paper with notes on the Circle's history written or typed on them. Four handwritten list of money made on Sales, Fairs and Suppers held by the Sewing Circle starting in1855-1987. This is not a complete list there are a number of years listed with no figures or events listed. Three typed pages of the minutes of the first Circle's meeting back in 1880. [show more]
Description: Application and associated documents for the Sewing Circle applying for tax exempt status. Application to the Internal Revenue Service Bill from the law office of Fenton, Chapman, Smith and Kane P.A. for assistance in preparing IRS application. Tax exempt status approval letter from the Internal Revenue Service. Letter from Robert Patterson to Leslie Dryden at the Internal Revenue Service responding to her questions posed by the taxexempt application filed by the Sewing Circle dated July 22, 1987. Two copies. Letter from Louis Ramos, of the IRS, to the Sewing Circle requesting more information to process their taxempt application. Letter from Leslie Adryden to the Sewing Circle for requesting more information to process their taxexempt status application. Application for taxempt status to the State of Maine Revenue Service. Application date stamp October 26, 1987. [show more]
Description: Two typed pages which have been copied from the first volume of records of the Somesville Sewing Circle. These pages outline how the Circle will hold meetings, how they will create items for sale by the Circle, how many officers there will be, how to become a member of the Circle. One copy of the Constitution has been submitted for their tax exempt status paperwork. This is dated May 4, 1987.
Description: Federal tax return documents for the Someville Sewing Circle. Seven First National Bank 1099-INT forms for years; 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000. IRS Form 8109- Federal Tax Deposit Coupon Book. Information about if your organization needs to file Form 990. IRS Form 941 dated Jan 1, 1998, June 9, 1988, June 17, 1988, September 16, 1988
Description: Treasurer's Annual Report from 1956-2003 showing the income made by the Sewing Circle and the amounts of money donated to various organizations that year.