Description: Article by Dr. R. L. Grindle about traveling on a schooner to deliver a load of lumber milled on the edge of Patten's Pond, Trips his Uncle Ben had made on various schooners, meetings of the Temprence movement. Three Copies.
Description: Birth Certificate of Stuart Smith born on June 27, 1916 in Mount Desert, Maine. This is not an orgional but a new one issued in March 24, 1992.
Description: Hand-drawn map showing transfers of property between MDI Historical Society and Francis Grindle. MDI Historical received approx. .18 acres and Grindle received approx. .05 acres. Sketch of the property in Somesville includes boundary dimensions.
Description: 13 page manuscript of an article titled The Heritage Trail about a travel loop through New England which will allow the reader to experience all that New England has to offer.
Description: Map of Juniper Springs Recreation Area published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture showing the swimming, camping, hiking areas in the recreation area.
Description: Map of Central Philadelphia showing how to reach many places of interest published by the Covention and Visitprs Bureau of Philidelphia. Map on one side and a list of places of interest on the other.
Description: Map of Metropolitan Philadelphia showing a street map on one side and a map showing major highways used to access Metropolitan Philadelphia.
Description: Envelope from the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis containing two brochures from 1962. Both list attractions and upcomming events.
Description: Letter from LaRue Spiker to Charles Durham about the prospects of writing some of the articles he suggeted to her and telling him that she is going to be unable to travel for the next few months.
Description: The bottom third of a letter from Charles Durham offering to prepare a list of article topics she might be interested in writing on for his magazine.
Description: 7 pages typed and hand written about Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. This appears to be a draft of an article she is writing for Chales Durham.
Description: Rough note by LaRue Spiker, listing common and Latin names for plants. Research for an article on Florida. Previously accessioned as **1966, Object Id 2001.1966
Description: Newspaper article from the Evening Bulletin, Tuesday Tuesday Nov, 10, 959. About the decline of the use of the Port of Philladelphia. Previously accessioned as **1932, object Id 2001.1932
Description: Atricle about the Masonic Lodge in 1860s. Article contains notes from Captain Pray about traveling over the ice to get from one location to the other
Description: Article about upcomming lecture at the Masonic hall the proceeds of which will bennefit the Mount Desert Historical Society. The lecture will be given by LaRue Spiker and Marjorie Hayward about early Somesville History with never before pictures of Somesville. Previously archived as 011.FIC.58.1