226 - 250 of 408 results
You searched for: Date: 1920sPlace: [blank]
Title Type Subject Creator Date Place Rights
Maine Province and Court Records Vol. 1
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, History
  • Other, Law & legal affairs
  • Other, Maine
  • Maine Historical Society
  • 1928
Maine Province and Court Records Vol. 1
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Reprint of the first three volumes of six that were published by the Maine Historical Society between 1928 and 1975. Vol. I contains all government and courts not under the contril of Mass; that is, records under a. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and His Councillors (1636-1646; 1652) b. Ferdinando Gorges the Younger (1661-1665) c. the Commission of Charles II (1665-1668)
Maine Beautiful
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, History
  • Other, Maine
  • Nutting, Wallace
  • 1924
Maine Beautiful
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Author explains that in this volume the text/history is secondary to the pictures, except in the case of the "quaint architecture".
Quit-Claim Deed
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Legal, Deed
  • 1928
Quit-Claim Deed
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
This is the original of 015.FIC.033.06; giving from ER Kittridge to FP Smith a right of way from the Marsh lot in Bar Harbor to the highway leading from Somesville to Town Hill.
Quit-Claim Deed A.C. Hagerthy to B.R. Smith and F.P. Smith
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Legal, Deed
  • 1924
A.C. Hagerthy of Ellsworth releases to B.R. Smith and F.P. Smith two described lots in Bar Harbor.
Quit-Claim Deed, B.R. Smith to F.P. Smith
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Legal, Deed
  • 1928
Quit-Claim Deed, B.R. Smith to F.P. Smith
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
This deed is to convey to F.P. Smith the remaining part of the lot of land conveyed by A.C. Hagerthy to us (B.R. Smith and F.P. Smith) in 1924.
Letter from Eliz. B. Smith to John Allen Somes
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • 1923
Letter from Eliz. B. Smith to John Allen Somes
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Letter concerns grading of property and plastering rooms, fixtures in bathroom, and more. Writer seems to be corresponding on behalf of her parents.
Letter from Samuel W. Smith Jr. to John Allen Somes
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • 1923
Letter from Samuel W. Smith Jr. to John Allen Somes
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Letter from Mr. Smith, Cincinnati, to John Allen Somes, Mt. Desert, concerning planting at cottage in Somesville; also enclosing check for $4,000.00. He also writes of a possible visit in Feb.
Whitmore to J.A.Somes concerning charge for auto delivery
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Whitmore, F.E.
  • 1924
Whitmore to J.A.Somes concerning charge for auto delivery
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Letter asks for payment of additional $4.00 to pay Boston and Maine Railroad for loading and blocking auto for shipment of the Ford Beach Auto.
Bar Harbor Motor Co. to [JA?] Somes
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Object, Armaments, Bill
  • 1924
Bar Harbor Motor Co. to [JA?] Somes
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Bill from Bar Harbor Motor Co. on Cottage St. to [JA?] Somes for freight and storage. Total bill=$44.00. Marked Paid
Freight Bill
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Object, Armaments, Bill
  • 1924
Freight Bill
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Bill for loading and blocking the Ford Beach Auto.
A.C. Fernald Store Bills
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Object, Armaments, Bill
  • 1924
A.C. Fernald Store Bills
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Bills from A.C. Fernald Store (General Merchandise) to J.A. Somes for various items, e.g., brackets, screws, shellac, door knob, and more.
Pemetic 1929
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Yearbook
  • 1929
Pemetic 1929
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
"Pemetic 1929" -- Yearbook for Southwest Harbor High School
Standard Shapes
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Projection, Architectural Drawing
  • Campfield Raggle Block Company
  • 1920 ca.
Standard Shapes
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Drawings from Campfield Raggle Block Co. showing flashing
Edward Kellogg Dunham 1860-1922
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Bacteria
  • Other, Cholera
  • Other, Histology
  • Other, Meningitis
  • Other, Obituary
  • Other, Physicians
  • Other, Seal Harbor
  • Taylor, Henry Osborn
  • 1922
Edward Kellogg Dunham 1860-1922
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Tributes to Dr. Edward Kellogg Dunham, summer resident of Seal Harbor, written by Henry Osborn Taylor and read before the Tavern Club of Boston and published in the New York Evening Post, by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. read in person before the Village Improvement Society of Seal Harbor, Maine; and by Simon Flexner. Includes reprint from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. LII, May 1923 by H.D. Dakin. Includes "An Ode composed by Edward K. Dunham, Jr. on the occasion of the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hoe, January 15, 1923." [show more]
From Hillsdale College to Nellie Whitmore
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • 1920
From Hillsdale College to Nellie Whitmore
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Letter from Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan, to Nellie Whitmore, Seal Harbor, Maine stating that they had sent her a telegram telling that they had hired a teacher "to fill her position." Also expressing sorrow that she would not be with them and the hope that her "aunt will fully recover her health and strength." Includes envelope.
Nellie Whitmore to Carroll Edward Valentine
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Announcement, Wedding Announcement
  • 1923
Nellie Whitmore to Carroll Edward Valentine
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Wedding anncouncement card, 3.5" X 5", announcing the marriage of Miss Nellie Whitmore to Mr. Carroll Edward Valentine at Seal Harbor, Maine, on Oct. 12, 1923
The Dairy Farmer | For The Farmer Who Has Milk Cows | March 15th 1925
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
  • 1925
42 pages. Back cover missing. The Dairy Farmer Magazine
Brewer Ice Company
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Financial, Receipt
  • 1926
Brewer Ice Company
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Paper receipt for Brewer Ice Company, June 1, 1926. Sold to Dr. L. S. Cleaves for $10.50
Martin H. Burke
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Financial, Receipt
  • 1926
Martin H. Burke
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Receipt of Martin H. Burke, Automobile Trimming--Repairing of Suit Cases & Bags, March 6, 1926 for $3.30 for celluloid. Sold to Dr. L.S. Cleaves
Needlecraft Magazine (January 1925)
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
  • 1925
Needlecraft Magazine (January 1925)
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Needlecraft Magazine (January 1925)
Needlecraft Magazine (October 1924)
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
  • 1924
Needlecraft Magazine (October 1924)
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Needlecraft Magazine (October 1924)
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Object, Securing Device, Latch
  • c. 1920
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
possibly a gate or door latch remnant found at Ober Lath and Shingle mill “S” relates to a map that was created by Alice Smith 002.47 (archived in flat file)
Deed: Robinson to Ashley
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Legal, Deed
  • 1926
Deed: Robinson to Ashley
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
George Fuller, administrator of estate of Francis Robinson, converying real estate of F. Robinson to Caroline Ashley of Tremont
Directory and Hand Book: Northeast Harbor, Seal Harbor, Mount Desert, and Adjacent islands
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Directory, Telephone Directory
  • Other, Mount Desert
  • Other, Northeast Harbor
  • Other, Seal Harbor
  • Hill, Stella L.
  • 1920
Known as the "Red Book." Lists owners and their cottages. Advertisements. 1920 Edition Directory and Handbook 3" X 5" 121 pps. Soft cover Index
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Object, Clothing, Dress
  • 1921
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
White Wedding Dress with ruffles and polka dotted pleats and bodice. Worn by Eunice Catherine Palmer (1887-1987) on 6/11/21 for her wedding to Dr. PFM. Gilley, dentist and resident of Southwest Harbor (parents of donor). More info in file