Description: Letter to Mr. Frank P. Lurvey re Rockefeller interest in Lafayette Park area of Southwest Harbor but feels should remain with committee of Southwest Harbor residents.
Description: Shotgun. 1925-1928, .410 gauge shotgun judging by trigger. Barrel is not twisted (that started in 1950s). Trademark STEVENS Reg. U.S. Pat Off & FGN. J Stevens Arms & Tool Co. Chicopee Falls MASS USA . Wood stock.
Description: Booklet, comedy play "In Broad Daylight" by Lyn Blanning, 1928, owned by Alice Marion Stanley, about a sewing circle, listing women who played the six parts, all GC Islanders
Description: Light fixture. hanging chandelier in good working condition circa 1928 (in association with item #1397 (estimated total value of items # 1396 & #1397 on 8/7/2011 is $100.00). First year of electricity on the island.
Description: Map. Digital photograph of a property map of Moorfield Storey's GCI properties ca. 1928. Legend on lower corner reads: "Map showing land on Great Cranberry Island, Maine, belonging to Moorfield Storey [at xx/xx maybe 8/31?], surveyed and made by [Alruly or Alruh?] L. Reed, surveyor, Northeast Harbor, Maine." This very large plan map shows parcels on the south west portion of GCI along the town road surrounding Bulger Hill. It shows property boundaries with owners names (often including deed references from about 1886-1928), placement of houses, water tank, woods etc. Names include: Donald; Stanley Heirs-Storey; Frank Nelson; Duran to Storey; Stanley to Storey; Emma E. Birlem to Moorfield Storey; Wyatt to Storey; George O. Johnson to Moorfield Storey; Moorfield Storey to Charles M. Storey; Ralph Bulger to Chas M. Storey; Clarence Crosby to Chas. M. Storey; Margaret H. Pierce; the Cranberry Club; and John H. Pressey to Moorfield Storey, among others. This map shows the extent of changes wrought by rusticators. It also captures the location of the "old house" before it was moved in 1945, and the location of the Stanley Cemetery: 2015.326.2088B shows this detail. [Due to poor quality of the photograph, some writing is illegible. Donor has original which we'll eventually scan.] [show more]
Description: Bill, to Addie Duren, $107.50 for casket, plate, and funeral for Ellen Maria Stanley (Addie's mother), 14 Nov 1929. (See also 1000.7.111, likely for Ellen Maria Stanley burial, too). Per, Ellen Maria Stanley is buried in Spurling Cemetery #3, 1929.