Description: Photo, "Little Durmont" - Buried in Stanley Cemetery (location in cemetery is 5th row 52r)-Mrs. Balridge (spelling?) is holding him. The child is Dumont Neal Stanley b. February 29, 1928 and d. September 27, 1928. Son of Enoch A. and Emma B. (Bunker) Stanley.
Description: Video. Two DVDs made by Northeast Historic Films in Bucksport, ME, of a 16MM film and three documents. A letter from David Wesphal, Acadia Film/Video, GCI, ME, 17Feb1989 to Robertina (Bobby) Gray, Cranberry Island Library President; and a newspaper clipping dated Feb. 16, 1989 (newspaper unidentified) discussing the Northeast Historic Film archive in Blue Hill; and a film log for each of the seven reels. Westphal's letter speaks about the sugar tin can that Gray brought to him containing seven 400-ft reels of film which Wesphal titled Sugar 1, 2, 3 etc. Westphal suggests the film go to the Blue Hill Film depository for long term storage. He says the whole film runs about 1 and a half hours, was shot at slow speed (silent speed). Reel 1: Lobster-Herring (some on CI). Reel 2: Duck Island, A Few Yachts, Robinson Mtn. Reel 3: Bob in Punt, Al and Rene, Yojo, Bathing Group, Lorae, Isl and Pine Isl, Bob in Lorae. Reel 4: Morse, Panorama, Reception, Picnic Bakers, Anna Arm. Reel 5: Valley Cove, Teacup Inn, Mt Road, Jordan Pond, Grand Pre, Lena at Bakers. Reel 6: Bemesa and Yacht Races. Reel 7: Bathing, Sammy Sanford, Natives on Wharf, Eber at P.O., Enoch, Capt Rice, Kelly and Boy Radts. The leader on the digital copy of the film reads: The David Westphal Collection, Acc 0702, Browning Home movies, transferred from 16mm master by Northeast Historic Film 12 June 1996. At GCIHS this film is called the Lloyd Hayes-Bob Browning video and is believed to have been taken ca. 1929-1931; Bob Browning donated home movies made by Lloyd Benjamin Hayes (1880-1943), and that Lloyd and Rachel Hayes bought and refurbished the old Spurling home, ran a boarding house 1934-1937, and made these home movies. [show more]
Description: Business Bill, Maine Central Railroad charges W. Stanley 66 cents to deliver 1 ?gallon of paint from Boston to Southwest Harbor, 16 Apr 1926
Description: Telephone bill, 30 Jun 1926, New England Telephone & Telegraph Co., bill to W.F. & L.G. Stanley, Northeast Harbor, ME, $22.15 for 5 months season service