Description: Somesville School 1926. Grammar School. Two girls, one female teacher and six boys stand in front of the school house. From right; James Young, Nelson Leland, Dan Smith, Don Smith, Hollis Smith, Julian Brown, "Nell See" (?), Horace Dichie, Ruth Dichie. The house they are standing in front of is the Don Smith House. Fred P. Smith (1886-1960), house built in 1880 for $1,000.
Description: 1926 Somesville High School students seated and standing on lawn in front of trees. Male principal or teacher stands in center at back. Eleven boys and twelve girls.
Description: Color postcard of Mt. Desert Bridge, Maine. "One of the few toll bridges now in existence." Published by J.A. Thompson, Ellsworth, Me. Addressed to Miss Mabel D. Mason, c/o L. Davis, Plaistow, RFD, NH. (Removed from original frame.)
Description: Color postcard labeled, "American Falls from Goat Isle, Niagara Falls." Postcard is addressed to Mary Rainey [sp?], Southwest Harbor, Maine, Hotel Dirigo.
Description: Two cars parked along road side over looking lake and mountain beyound. Man stands with foot on running board of 1920s convertible. Woman near back, wears white shoes, print skirt, white sweater, and hat. Second car, man stands with foot on runningboard. Another man stands near front wheel. Third talks to woman in white sweater. Marked, “H.L. Bradley, Bar Harbor, Me.” H.L. Bradley was the son of photographer Bryant Bradley. 11/20/13: No marking HL Bradley on back; rather it is stamped LaRue Spiker (ABenson) [show more]
Description: Marked Hollis. Man age 40 -50 stands in field above two story white house. Telephone pole and unpaved road visible in background. Man wears dark cap with dark suit. Coat buttoned. Shiny/patterned tie hanging out of coat.
Description: Julian ?, June Smith and brother Daniel Somes Smith seated on rock. Julian on left age 6-8. Wears dark hat with sweater and light pants. June in middle age 7-9 with hands clasped in lap and legs crossed wears dark sweater with knee pants, dark stockings and boots. Daniel on right wears cap, dark jacket, knee pants, dark stockings and light colored shoes or boots.
Description: Daniel Somes Smith and brother June with Julian ?. Julian on left in tree, age 6-8. Wears dark hat with sweater and light pants. June in middle age7-9 seated on tree with hand on head wears dark sweater with knee pants, dark stockings and boots. Daniel on right wears cap, dark jacket, knee pants, dark stockings and light colored shoes or boots. Photo torn on upper left hand corner.
Description: Photo of Bill Ballard, August 1927, as purser on steamer "Emita," Portland, part of a fleet that went to Maine ports as far as Bath. He worked for Mallory Line and Merchant & Minner (?)
Description: Snapshot of man and unknown woman standing next to tree pictured in previous snapshot (.221). Man could be man on right in previous photo. Man wears light colored suit with long dark wool coat over it, woman wears dark jacket that falls to knees, has fur trim at cuffs. Also wears dark top only partially visible, string of pearls, and dark high heels. Has wavy dark short hair. Woman is facing camera, man is turned more towards woman. Inscription on back reads “Lamont M. Higgins Jr. Helen B. Higgins Oct 19 1926.” [show more]
Description: Snapshot of two unknown men leaning against tree holding puppies in their arms. Man on left wears dark suit, holds white puppy, man on right wears light-colored suit, holds dark puppy. Can see large bare trees, large house with balcony and distinctive railing in background. Man on right in photo is probably Lamont M. Higgins, Jr. (see Relations tab).
Description: Snapshot of seven kids, four boys, three girls, posed in front of doors of brick building. All seven are wearing what seem to be stockings pulled over their heads . Hats are all similar. Can also see four girls off to the side who are looking at the kids. Stamp on the back of photo reads “The Miller Studio, Pierre SD, Nov 20 1926.”
Description: Framed photo. of 15 young men in uniform and one man in suit in front of brick building; one young man holds football with Champs 1921 GHS written on it. Removed from frame 04/11/2014 (AB)
Description: Framed photo. of eight young men in uniform that resembles modern day sweats; top has letter G. Also in photo. two men in suits, presumably coaches. Per Richard Smith (9/12/13) people are, left to right: Standing- John Foster, unknown, Richard Smith Sr., unknown Kneeling- unknown, S. Edwin (Bussy) Tracy, unknown, XXX Tracy (?), unknown Removed from frame 04/11/2014 (AB)
Description: Black and white photograph of LaRue Spiker, age 6 months. This is a studio portrait. She is wearing a long white dress and seated in a chair with a patterened cloth drapped over it. One is printed as a photo postcard and the other is a long thin stip. Caption on the back reads: LaRue 6 months, the photo postcard reads" I hope this finds you well, often think of you and wonder how you feel this winter. We have seen Hazel several times, (word unreadable) sun wish so much, Jennie has an invitationto George Sr. wedding, Wish you could see this girl, From Grace (LaRue's mother). Georgia La Rue Spiker, 7 months old. [show more]
Description: Black and white photograph of LaRue Spiker, age 2 years old. She is outside wearing a shortsleved light colored dress and dark colored tights. She is pushing a doll baby carriage on the elevated walkway. One hand in behind her head. Yard behind her. This also apprears later in the photo album mounted to grey consturction paper along with 998.1980.3085.2241.b Caption on the back reads: 1914
Description: Black and white photograph of LaRue Spiker, age 2 years old. She is outside wearing a shortsleved light colored dress and dark colored tights. She is patting a back dog on the top of the head. There is an elevated sidewalk over the grass with a childs toy baby carriage. There is a tree and a white house in the distrance. This is also further on in the photo album mounted on grey construction paper with photo 998.1980.3085.2242.b Caption on the back reads: 1914 [show more]