Description: Female ballerina dancer pin with green and white stonescostume jewelry that came from the waist band of black skirt (001-56.11)part of a pair male dancer (001-56.12A)
Description: Postcard with photo of High Seas, restaurant built for Mr. and Mrs. G. Edgar Morang. Designed by Robert Patterson. Note gave date of 1956.
Description: One pair of Mrs. Day's IDEAL Baby Shoes, Size 0. Creamcolor. Cream lace edging around front part of opening for foot. Ribbon ties. 3 1/2" long by 1.75" width. Some discoloration but still in good condition. Original box is included. a lock of is hair is also in the box in paper. These shoes belonged to Steven Joseph Carvajal.
Description: Model of Baker Island Lighthouse made ca. 1950; electric lights in keeper's house and lighthouse; heavy cement base, wooden keeper's house, metal Lionel train set tower (no longer in existence on Baker Island), connection between keeper's house and lighthouse (no longer in existence on Baker Island); roof lifts off keeper's house for storage of low voltage (14V) lights and access to ordinary 115V lamp and transformer. Loaned to GCIHS by Great Harbor Maritime Museum to ca. 2010 but remained in GCIHS collection for years. Photo 2013.215.1849C shows Great Harbor Maritime Museum curator Willie Granston with the lighthouse (photo dated 2008). Contact GHMM regarding this item. [show more]
Object, Medical, Medicine Container, Medicine Bottle
Description: Square, amber prescription bottle from Carroll Drug Store, Phillip T. Carroll, reg. pharm., Southwest Harbor, Maine. #39963, filled 2/12/1953. "Dissolve two in 1/2 glass hot water and use as a gargle every two hours." Prescribed by Dr. Black.