Description: Color slide of straw spread on the beach to soak up oil on top of the water. Notation on slide reads: Oil and straw 2/7/1969 From folder: Sierra Club Oil Show, Do not separate.
Description: Color slide of grasses along the edge of a river. Slide 8 Notation on the slide reads: Fish, polychaetes, crabs, ect. Little offshore from main river. From folder: "Salt Marsh" For League of Women Voters. Do not separate. These slide as numbered but were not in neumerical order in the box.
Description: Gunnar Hansen and playmate in “The Lordly Lion”. Scenery by Stephen Dorland. Hanson to left, curly dark hair with beard. Wearing crown, draping coat with leopard skin trim, holding walking stick. Woman next to him wears black leotard and tights. Poses with hands on hips and on leg lifted in air. Painted jungle backdrop. Gift of George Daniell.
Description: Richard Butler, lobsterman in Frenchman’s Bay, 1965, hauling lobster trap from water. Leaning over boat, cigarette in mouth. Gift of George Daniell
Description: Clara Fargo Thomas sitting on deck of her summer home at head of Somes Sound. Summer 1969 Looking over Somes Sound. Landmark house designed by George Howe, prominent NY architect. House said to be first cantilevered house in Maine. Mrs. Thomas is the mother of architect Joseph "Tommy" Thomas (deceased, 2010). Gift of George Daniell
Description: Clara Fargo Thomas at her home on Somes Sound. Standing on deck next to American Flag. Rattan chair in behind her. Wears sleeveless striped dress. Gift of George Daniell
Description: Color slide of five dead birds covered in oil laying on the sand. This is an orgional slide. A duplicate appears in other Sierra Club slide shows in the LaRue Spiker Collection. From folder: Sierra Club Oil Show, Do not separate.
Description: Color slide of men in hardhats and rain gear spreading sraw on oil on the beach. Notation on slide reads:Leadbetter Beach, Feb 1969 This is an origional slide. A duplicate appears in other Sierra Club slide shows in the LaRue Spiker Collection From folder: Sierra Club Oil Show, Do not separate.
Description: Color slide of Nan Lawler crouched on an oil covered beach next to a sign warning of pollution. This is an origional slide. A duplicate appears in other Sierra Club slide shows in the LaRue Spiker Collection. Notation on slide reads: Oil Pollution- Water Contaminated sign, Arroyo Burro Beach, Feb 1969 From folder: Sierra Club Oil Show, Do not separate.
Description: Color slide of dead and dying clams in the water. This is an origional slide. A Duplicate of this slide appears in other Sierra Club slide shows in the LaRue Spiker Collection. Notation on slide reads: Wild Harbor River, More dead or dying nemertines+ polychaeles and clams. From folder: Oil Spill loose slides
Description: Color slide of a limpet attached to oil This is an origional slide a duplicate slide appears in other Sierra Club slide shows in the LaRue Spiker Collection. Notation on slide reads: limpet attached to oil. From folder: Oil Spill loose slides
Description: Southwest Harbor Town Dock and Beal’s Lobster Wharf. Three punts on float below Beal's. Barrels and traps piled on the pier. Car near the back door of the lobster pound.