Description: Photocopy, single page, labeled as "Sheet 2", of genealogical chart beginning in 1673 with Timothy Somes through to 18th C. generation including Abraham Somes, first settler of Mount Desert Island.
Description: Photocopy of letter correcting facts on a previously written article on the subject of the history of Somesville, Maine. The letter includes biographical information about Somesville settler, Abraham Somes as well as Virginia Somes Sanderson's line of descent.
Description: Photocopy of handwritten list of Somes family members whose deaths are recorded in the Brookside Cemetery, Somesville, Mount Desert Island, Maine as of July 1971.
Description: Photocopy of article in "American Genealogist", Vol.53, No.1, January, 1977. Article is on Morris Somes who emigrated from England to settle in Gloucester, Mass.
Description: Handwritten letter from Burley Black to Dr. Sanderson concerning the relationship of Francis Orlando Black to the Somes family of Mount Desert Island.
Description: Handwritten notes of Virginia Somes Sanderson pertaining to the handling of her proposed donation of the Somes house to the Mount Desert Island Historical Society.
Description: Letter from Society secretary, Winfield Sprague, notifying Thalia Nutting of appointment as a charter member of the MDI HIstorical Society.
Description: Letter from MDI Historical Society secretary, Winfield Sprague, to Helen Fernald notifying her of her appointment as a charter member of the Society.
Description: Letter from the MDI Historical Society secretary, Winfield Sprague, to Ada Leland, notifying her of her appointment as a charter member of the Society.
Description: Letter from MDI Historical Society secretary, Chadbourne Gilpatric, to Virginia Somes Sanderson, notifying her of her election as Honorary Director of the Society.
Description: Letter from Nelson Leland to Betsy Alexander discussing problems within the MDI Historical Society in relation to the Society Newsletter. Four typewritten pages.
Description: Letter from Mrs. Alexander to Sanderson tendering her resignation from the MDI Historical Society Newsletter Committee and explaining her discontent with the operation of this committee.
Description: Photocopy of two page handwritten letter from Sanderson to Betsy Alexander. Sanderson accepts Alexander's resignation from the MDI Historical Society Newsletter Committee and discusses Mrs. Alexander's grievances with the committee.
Description: Letter to Executive Director of Nature Conservancy re a bequest of land where LaRue Spiker lives on Long Pond to Nature Conservancy for its use to sell after death of a friend who shall hold title during the friend's lifetime. Describes property. Letter from her lawyers explaining what Douglas Chapman did to revise the will. Advises setting up a trust. The will is not attached to this letter. Previously archived as object id 012.Fic.042.12, **1348, **1349 [show more]
Description: Letter from Writer's Digest awarding prize for manuscript, "Hang Him Higher than Human" Prizes not attached Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.13, **1345
Description: Letter from John Letcher, Jr about a story the American (magazine) was plannng about the Stanley -44 launching to LaRue Spiker. And copy of letter that Lechter has attached from Lechter to Dave Getchell regarding launching and the design of the boat by Lyford Stanley and Jock (Stanley?) Discusses computerized design. Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.15, **1346, **1347
Description: Booklet of 32 pp. detailing powers, responsibilities and governance of the Town of Bar Harbor. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as Object id 012.FIC.062.1
Description: 84 page booklet with text, graphs, tables and photographs detailing the future planning for the community of Southwest Harbor. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.062.2
Description: Seven page oversized document detailing proposed land subdivision standards for the town of Bar Harbor. The document was to be reviewed at a public hearing in January, 1974. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.062.3
Description: Draft of article typed and annotated by LaRue Spiker for unknown publicatin and date. Reserved Lands about sale of timber land in unorganized townships in early 1800's to private corporations. Previously archived as 013.FIC.30.8
Description: 2 handwritten pages Copy of a letter from Charles to Charles Dunbar. Letter relates the formation of the Champlain Society in 1880, questions about the photos he saw of the Champlain Society camping trip, questions about what field of science each member studied during these camping trips, Charles will be sending the photos on to his brother Tom for his help in identifying members.