Description: Memorial service program for Elizabeth Hartley (b 27 Nov 1914, d 30 Mar 2009), held at the Great Cranberry Congregational Church, 12 Aug 2009. Transcribed.
File Attachment: 00000874.txt …Obituary part of the memorial service program Betty was born in Toledo Ohio in 1914 to Grace and Walter Eversman.
Description: John Heiliker, 91 Cranberry Is. artist and teacher died Feb. 22.He was a professor of art at Columbia for 27 years. His career included attend the Art Students League and was a member of the New York arts scene.
Description: Roscoe Salisbury age 66 died in Cambridge.Ma. and was brought home to Somesville to be buried by his daughter Mr. Hollis Hysom Bar Harbor Times
Description: Roscoe Salisbury age 66 died in Cambridge.Ma. and was brought home to Somesville to be buried by his daughter Mr. Hollis Hysom Bar Harbor Times
Description: Charlton Yarnall, age 68, resident of Bryn Mawr, Pa. and Northeast Harbor died Oct. 9, 2000. An investment banker and graduate of Philps Exeter academy and Wharton School.
Description: Lawrence Hadley age 76 died of an aneurysm. A descendant of some of the original settlers of Mt. Desert. His career was in the National Park System. He retired to Mt. Desert where he was active in community and park affairs.
Description: Grace Tracy Reed, 109, died July 19, 2000. In 1914 she taught in the one-room school house in Somes Sound that eventually became part of the MDI Historical Society.
Description: Grace Tracy Reed, 109, died July 19, 2000. In 1914 she taught in the one-room school house in Somes Sound that eventually became part of the MDI Historical Society.
Description: ...Obituaries of B. J. Morrison (Betty Jane), Chester E. Clement, Nelson Collins Leland, Louine Lunt Peck, Lawrence C. Hadley, Harold W...
Description: Roscoe Salsibury age 66 died in Cambridge.Ma. and was brought home to Somesville to be buried by his daughter Mr. Hollis Hysom Bar Harbor Times
Description: Roscoe Salisbury age 66 died in Cambridge.Ma. and was brought home to Somesville to be buried by his daughter Mr. Hollis Hysom Bar Harbor Times
Description: COA News was published from 1977 until 2002.
File Attachment: 2000-Winter_COA-News.pdf …Tempest Williams p. 25 Tribute to Etta Kralovec by William Carpenter pp. 27-29 Melville Cote Honored pp. 28-29 by Edward Kaelber and Richard Borden Obituaries …COA NEWS 29 WINTER 1999/2000 Obituaries Robert E.