1 - 6 of 6 resultsYou searched for: Place: Northeast Harbor✖Subject: Places✖TableGridIndex CreatorDatePlaceRightsSubjectTitleTypemodified date 102550100200 AllWith Images Refine Your SearchRefine Your SearchSubjectPlaces✖Town (1)Yacht Club (5)TypeDocument (2)Image (2)Object (2)PlaceNortheast Harbor✖Date1900s (1)1940s (3)1980s (1)1990s (1)ContributorNortheast Harbor Fleet (5)Great Harbor Maritime Museum (1) Item nehflt-11Framed Plaque Northeast Harbor FleetItem nehflt-9Architectural Drawing, Northeast Harbor Fleet House Northeast Harbor FleetItem nehflt-10Architectural Drawing, Northeast Harbor Fleet House Northeast Harbor FleetItem nehflt-8Architectural Drawing, Interior of Fleet House Northeast Harbor FleetItem nehflt-6Wooden Plaque Northeast Harbor FleetItem ghmm-1273Main Street Northeast Harbor, Maine circa 1908 Great Harbor Maritime Museum