Description: General letter from the Jesup Memorial Library to accompany a catalog of its most recent acquisitions. The letter asks for monetary contributions and lists different subscriber levels. The names of the members of the book committee are also provided. People Mentioned: John Whitcomb, Arthur Train, Mrs. R. Amory Thorndike, Dora Brewer, John Hampton Barnes, Mrs. Edward Browning, Mrs. Haskell Cleaves, Mrs. Harry Conners, Mrs. Shepard Fabbri, Sheldon Goldthwait, Mrs. Richard W. Hale, Mrs. Russell S. Hubbard, Mrs. John H. Evans, Seth Libby, Mrs. Ralph Masterman, Eleanor Mellon, Harriett V. C. Ogden, Mrs. John DeWitt Peltz, Mrs. Stanley M. Rinehart, Mrs. C. Morton Smith, Alonzo H. Tuck [show more]
Description: Bound notebook with a brown cover containing handwritten minutes taken by the secretary of the Bar Harbor Village Library Committee for meetings from July 16, 1877 through September 22, 1888. For each meeting, the secretary provides a list of attendees and a discussion of business and records the votes and decisions taken by the committee. People Mentioned: H. J. Minot, Lewis Heffins, E. Heffins, Ida Ash, James B. Thayer, Henry Grew, D. Ogden, Frank Conners, Jeanie Salisbury, Mrs. Leander Higgins, Edmund Higgins, Lewis Higgins [show more]
Description: Society edition of The Bar Harbor Record from August 12, 1899 with articles on events held in honor of the visit of the North Atlantic Squadron led by Admiral William T. Sampson, golf scores, notable arrivals at area hotels, gossip from the town of Newport, and a fictional travel diary from Manila. Several advertisements are included as well. The name Reginald Johnson is written on the back cover. People Mentioned: Robert Adams, Mrs. W. C. Allison, W. C. Allison, Mrs. Robert Amory, Robert Amory, H. Arnold, Calvin Austin, M. L. Balch, George V. N. Baldwin, Mrs. Bleecker Banks, Mrs. Henry I. Barbey, Herbert H. Barnes, Mrs. Edgar W. Bass, Mrs. Truxton Beale, I. Sanford Beaty, David Belasco, Oliver H. P. Belmont, J. Gerald Benkard, E. C. Bentzon, Mrs. Charles William Bergner, K. V. R. Berry, H. G. Beyer, Christine W. Biddle, J. C. Mercer Biddler, Theodore Bjorksten, James Bracy, Lothrop Bradley, Mrs. Lothrop Bradley, S. F. Bridgham, Mrs. Robert Coleman Brock, John Crosby Brown, Mrs. John Crosby Brown, Thomas Bush, Mrs. Leslie Carter, F. E. Chadwick, John Chadwick, A. D. Childs, M. G. Childs, Carroll Brent Chilton, John E. Clark, Edward Coles, Mrs. Thomas G. Condon, T. G. Condon, Joseph Corson, Charles Cramp, Florence Cramp, E. J. Curley, Edwin C. Cushman, Mrs. T. DeWitt Cuyler, Elizabeth Davies, Aaron Davis, Jessica Davis, Mrs. John Davis, G. de Stale, Samuel B. Dean, Emily Delafield, Mrs. Lewis Livingston Delafield, G. Des Champs, Elizabeth Dodge, William E. Dodge, Mrs. Charles H. Dorr, Anna Vernon Dorsey, C. H. Draper, Cleaves Draper, W. F. Draper, Mrs. Henry E. Drayton, George W. Childs Drexel, G. Dunlap, John Dunlap, Julia Pierrepont Edwards, Mrs. Pierrepont Edwards, Pierrepont Edwards, Pattie Elison, Mrs. Frank Ellis, Ralph N. Ellis, Mrs. John J. Emery, Osmond Emery, Max Etting, H. L. Ewer, Ernesto G. Fabbri, Mrs. Ernesto G. Fabbri, F. H. Faught, Charles Fearing, William Fennelly, Mrs. DeGrasse Fox, M. Franklin, Mrs. R. Horace Gallatin, W. H. Gillbart, G. H. Gillette, Nora Godwin, Julia Dent Grant, Mrs. William L. Green, William Lawrence Green, A. C. Gurnee, G. W. Guthrie, John A. Haddan Jr., Esther B. Hare, J. J. Clark Hare, John Harrison, Mrs. John Harrison, B. S. Higgins, William H. Hill, Frances Hinckle, A. H. Hinkle Jr., Asa Hodgkins, H. M. Hodgkins, Orville Horwitz, Charles T. How, Hollis H. Hunnewell Jr., T. G. Ireland, Charles Carroll Jackson, Mrs. Harry Jenkins, Mrs. Theodore F. Jewell, Theodore F. Jewell, J. Norton Johnson, Mrs. Francis H. Johnson, Reginald Johnson, Mrs. Cadwalader Jones, Mrs. Frederic Joy, Mrs. John S. Kennedy, Edward Kirk, R. H. Kittredge, J. Komwia, Mrs. Gouveneur Kortright, Julius Kuison, Mrs. Adolph Ladenburg, Francis W. Lawrence, Mrs. Abram R. Lawrence, Andrew Leffler, R. J. Lemont, William Fisher Lewis, Mrs. Philip Livingston, Philip Livingston, Mrs. George Lord, Fred C. Lynam, Peter Marie, E. L. Mason, Mary L. McCarthy, R. Hall McCormick, Edward B. Mears, Mrs. Edward B. Mears, Max Merryweather, William Miller, Mrs. Edward Caldwell Moore, John Moran, T. F. Moran, Dave Hennen Morris, Mrs. Gouverneur Morris, M. C. Morrison, A. H. Morse, E. S. J. Morse, Mrs. A. H. Morse, Mrs. Howard Munnikhuysen, Walden Myers, W. P. Neal, Clement Newbold, Alice Olies, Julia Olies, S. H. Olies, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Frances Parsons, Herbert Parsons, Arthur C. Patterson, Eleanor Stuart Patterson, Henry S. Patterson, Mrs. Edward Patterson, Mrs. A. P. Peabody, Edmund Pendleton, Mrs. Edmund Pendleton, Carroll S. Perot, E. B. Pike, Mrs. James W. Pinchot, Frank H. Platt, Alice Pomeroy, Mrs. J. Biddle Porter, Michael Power, Mrs. Henry Redman, Mrs. Jules Reynal, Mrs. Waldo Richards, George Riddle, Arden M. Robbins, Mrs. George A. Robbins, Tobias L. Roberts, James A. Robinson, Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Mrs. Raymond Rogers, William T. Sampson, Helen Sands, Kate Sands, Mrs. W. P. Sands, W. P. Sands, Mrs. William Jay Schieffelin, Edgar T. Scott, Mrs. Thomas A. Scott, Grace Seely, H. Seely, Mrs. W. W. Seely, W. W. Seely, Gardiner Sherman, Mrs. Gardiner Sherman, C. D. Sigsbee, Mrs. Samuel Slater, Helen M. Smith, J. Emlen Smith, Mrs. C. Morton Smith, Mrs. Fremont Smith, Mrs. Edward I. Snelling, Charles F. Sprague, Mrs. Seth E. Sprague, R. A. Sproul, A. L. Stafford, George J. Stafford, Mrs. Miles Standish, John A. Stewart, Milton W. Stratton, M. Sullivan, H. C. Taylor, Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, Mrs. Samuel Thomas, Samuel Thomas, E. K. Thorndike, Harry Thorndike, Mrs. J. Quincy Thorndike, C. I. Train, Mrs. C. I. Train, Mrs. John B. Trevor, Mrs. Alexander Van Nest, Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer, William K. Vanderbilt Jr., Cornelius Vanderbilt, George W. Vanderbilt, Mrs. George W. Vanderbilt, Roger Walcott Jr., Mrs. Roger Walcott, Roger Walcott, Mrs. W. P. Walley, Wilford Watters, George P. Wescott, John W. Wheaton, Mrs. Henry Whelen, Mrs. William N. Whelen, Franklin A. Wilson, M. A. Wilson, C. M. R. Winslow, H. Roger Winthrop, Spencer Wood [show more]
Municipal Officers of the Town of Eden, MEBunker Jr., John E.
Paine, Charles F.
Sherman, W. H.
Wakefield, H. E.
Wilkinson, W. W.
W. H. Sherman
Bar Harbor
Description: Eden was incorporated as a town in 1796, and the town's name was officially changed to Bar Harbor in 1918. Report by the selectmen of Eden, ME on the financial accounts of the town, including lists of expenditures and receipts for the fiscal year ending February 1, 1905. There are also statements from the treasurer, board of health, road commissioner, overseer of the poor, town clerk, and superintendent of schools. The report concludes with an annual town meeting warrant and summary of the previous meeting. People Mentioned: Lewis Abbott, Helen Adair, C. F. Allen, Flora Allen, Ephriam Alley, Everard Alley, F. O. Alley, J. W. Alley, Norman Alley, Anton Anderson, Douglass Anderson, Edmund Anderson, F. L. Andrews, Frank Andrews, J. Franklin Anthony, R. L. Arey, Nathan Ash, Fred Ashford, John Atcherson, Ruth Atherton, George W. Austin, H. D. Averill, E. E. Babb, Conrad Bagrielson, S. D. Bailey, Henry K. Barnes, Cyprian Barrett, E. Barton, L. Barton, E. C. Bass, Finley Beaton, Andrew Benson, E. Bernardini, George P. Billings, A. B. Black, Harold L. Bond, F. A. Bowden, F. O. Bowden, Paul Bowden, George S. Bowdoin, R. P. Bowler, H. J. Bragdon, F. C. Bragg, E. Brailey, E. Braley, James L. Bray, Archie Brewer, Daniel Brewer, F. J. Brewer, F. L. Brewer, Harold Brewer, Icaphene Brewer, Melinda Brewer, H. N. Brooks, Daniel K. Brown, Elmira Brown, Henry A. Brown, D. A. Bunker, D. Wellington Bunker, G. L. Bunker, Ralph Bunker, W. H. Bunker, Charles Burleigh, Alex Burns, Michael Burns, John Burr Jr., Thomas Burr, Alex Campbell, L. A. Campbell, Margaret Campbell, Willie Campbell, J. J. Canning, E. S. Carpenter, Nellie Rebecca Carroll, Mrs. Daniel Carter, N. Carter, Mrs. Henry Chambers, Pearle E. Cheney, E. E. Chick, H. M. Clark, J. E. Clark, Lenora Clark, W. S. Clark, A. W. Cleaves, Arno Cleaves, George Cleaves, L. Sherman Cleaves, S. J. Clement, John Codie, Ethelyn Cole, C. M. Conant, Neldo Conary, Charles E. Conners, F. H. Conners, H. A. Conners, H. M. Conners, John W. Conners, George Corbett, E. E. Cousins, Herbert Cousins, Hoyt Cousins, Fred H. Cowan, H. J. Crabtree, Mrs. Uriel H. Crocker, Charlotte Cross, J. L. Crossman, Charles Cunningham, W. E. Cunningham, E. E. Curtis, Daniel Daigle, Joseph Dalissio, E. T. Dalton, A. H. Davenport, Abigail Davis, Grace Davis, Leroy Davis, W. H. Davis, Burton Day, T. J. De Laittre, Thomas De Laittre, William De Laittre, Luere B. Deasy, William Dennery, John Dennis, Pauline Devereaux, F. E. Dillingham, Charles Dodge, T. Donovan, Ida Dorcus, E. E. Dorr, Michael Doyle, Joseph Duffy, Granville Dunham, Frank Dunton, J. P. Dunton, W. H. Dunton, Walter Dunton, H. A. Dyer, Leander B. Dyer, Roy Ells, Roderick Emerton, A. C. Emery, A. G. Emery, Ceylon Emery, Charles Emery, Frances Emery, George L. Emery, H. F. Emery, H. J. Emery, Hoyt Emery, Lawrence Emery, W. H. Emery, Mary I. Emmons, Eben Eveleth, Ernesto G. Fabbri, John Falkensteine, James Farley, Thomas Farley, Clara Farnsworth, J. C. Farrell, William Fennelly, A. L. Fletcher, George Fletcher, Harry Fogg, H. Warren Foss, F. D. Foster, William Foster, C. J. Francis, M. Franklin, C. E. Freeman, C. Frost, Enos Frost, Irving Frost, Fred Fuller, Charles Garland, J. K. Garland, L. A. Garland, Samuel C. George, S. W. Getchell, H. B. Gilbert, Sherman Gilbert, Basil Goodell, G. W. Goodell, Wesley Goodell, A. A. Gordon, E. D. Gordon, Ernest Gordon, Ralph Gordon, Frank Gott, Charles Graffam, Harry Grant, James Grant, Jennie Grant, Mark Grant, A. L. Graves, Adelbert Gray, Arthur Gray, Dell Gray, E. J. Gray, E. L. Gray, Fred Gray, Malvern Greenhouse, D. G. Grindle, Fausta Grindle, G. D. Grindle, R. L. Grindle, Percy Grover, Charles Guptill, George Guptill, Letitia Guptill, T. P. Guthrie, Thomas Guthrie, C. M. Hadley, E. Hadley, Eddie Hadley, Granville Hadley, John Hadley, R. J. Hadley, George R. Hagerthy, Carrie Haley, P. Haley, D. G. Hall, George Hall, Ivory Hall, Charles Hamilton, I. K. Hamilton, J. K. Hamilton, J. L. Hammett, Alden Hamor, C. A. Hamor, E. M. Hamor, Eugene Hamor, Frank Hamor, G. H. Hamor, H. D. Hamor, Irving Hamor, J. C. Hamor, J. E. Hamor, Linwood Hamor, M. L. Hamor, Mae L. Hamor, Maud Hamor, Orrington Hamor, Roy Hamor, W. B. Hamor, A. R. Hanscom, A. Harden, Almond Harden, George Hardy, Susan Warren Hardy, B. W. Harker, Mabel Harlow, Herbert Harris, Andrew Haskell, F. J. Haskell, Christine Hatch, James Hatt, Grace Haynes, Charles Haywood, Harold E. Haywood, Jessie Haywood, O. O. Haywood, D. C. Heath, T. C. Herscom, T. G. Hersom, Charles Heyward, David Heywood, Alonzo Higgins, Ann M. Higgins, Ansel Higgins, B. S. Higgins, C. B. Higgins, Calvin L. Higgins, Coll Higgins, Conie Higgins, E. P. Higgins, Earle Higgins, Eben Higgins, Edward Higgins, Elliott Higgins, Elverdo Higgins, Elvin Higgins, F. B. Higgins, F. L. Higgins, Frank N. Higgins, George Higgins, Jessie H. Higgins, Joseph Higgins, Lawrence Higgins, Lionell Higgins, Marguerite Higgins, Minnie Higgins, Mrs. S. H. Higgins, R. G. Higgins, Robert Higgins, S. H. Higgins, S. N. Higgins, T. C. Higgins, W. F. Higgins, William Higgins, E. W. Hill, N. Hillson, Charles Hinckley, Agnes Hodgkins, Asa Hodgkins, B. L. Hodgkins, C. A. Hodgkins, J. L. Hodgkins, Henry Holt, Lydia Holt, George W. Hopkins, J. H. Hopkins, S. H. Hopkins, Seth Hopkins, Phineas J. Horwitz, William Howard, Thomas Howlett, Thomas H. Hubbard, Carrie Hughes, Abel Hunt, Stillman Huntley, Daniel Hurd, Emma F. Hutchinson, Carl Ingalls, Reginald Ingalls, Sidney Jackson, A. E. Jellison, A. O. Jellison, Arthur Jellison, Elmer Jellison, Eugene Jellison, F. R. Jellison, G. M. Jellison, Henry E. Jellison, Rupert Jellison, V. P. Jellison, Veranus Jellison, Edward Jewell, C. S. Johnson, J. L. Johnson, C. L. Johnston, C. S. Johnston, Charles W. Jordan, Sullivan Jordan, Sylvanus Jordan, P. H. Joy, John I. Kane, M. T. Kavanaugh, Henry Kelley, Mrs. Frank Kelley, John S. Kennedy, George King, Stephen L. Kingsley, Charles W. Kittredge, R. H. Kittredge, Mary Knight, A. B. Knowles, Bent Knowles, Harold Knowles, Lottie Knowles, T. B. Knowles, Tommy Knowles, James Knox, Julius Kurson, C. C. Ladd, Charles H. Lake, John E. Lake, William Lalley, George Lambert, A. E. Lawrence, E. A. Leary, E. A. Leland, Eugene Leland, F. I. Leland, Harry Leland, Lewis Leland, Linnie Leland, Oscar Leland, P. R. Leland, Roland Leland, Shirley Leland, W. Leland, W. M. Leland, C. E. Lindall, C. C. Linscott, Everett Liscomb, T. S. Liscomb, W. H. Liscomb, Flora Long, Edgar I. Lord, Martin L. Lord, George J. Loring, Alice Lowell, Esther Lowell, Murray Lurvey, William Lurvey, A. H. Lynam, F. Lyonds, A. F. Manning, Helen Mansfield, David Marshall, George Marshall, Raphael Masstrangialo, Nathan Matthews, George Mayo, John Mayo, Liston Mayo, W. G. Mayo, A. H. McCalley, Hugh McCourt, Allison McDougal, A. R. McFarland, Blanch McFarland, C. L. McFarland, Edward McFarland, H. L. McFarland, H. S. McFarland, Irving McFarland, J. M. McFarland, Lester McFarland, S. P. McFarland, Sanford McFarland, Vernon McFarland, W. McFarland, Washburn McFarland, W. P. McGown, Wallace McGown, David McGuire, Annie McKay, D. W. McKay, George McLain, Jane McLaughlin, Arthur McQuinn, Atkinson Mentzer, A. A. Mitchell, G. B. Mitchell, George Mitchell, Howard R. Mitchell, John Mitchell, M. B. Mitchell, Maude E. Monroe, E. Eugene Moon, F. H. Moon, R. H. Moon, S. V. Moon, James Mooney, C. W. Moore, Martha Moore, Thomas F. Moran, C. L. Morang, A. L. Morgan, C. C. Morrison, E. J. Morrison, E. S. J. Morse, Fred Morse, A. L. Mosely, A. A. Mosley, J. W. Mosley, Fred Murch, Elizabeth Murphey, May Murphy, Mrs. P. Murphy, John H. Nevills, Flora Nickerson, Juliette Nickerson, Marietta Nickerson, James Nolan, Chester Norris, Harvey Norwood, Eugene Page, D. H. Paine, E. M. Paine, Josie Paine, M. W. Paine, Norman Paine, B. W. Parker, E. C. Parker, Helen Parker, George Parks, Ivory B. Parrett, George H. Patterson, W. E. Peach, W. Pendleton, C. E. Perkins, M. Perlinsky, Arno Pettingill, George A. Phillips, Charles Phippen, Chester Phippen, Chauncy Pierce, W. L. Pierce, C. B. Pineo, Herbert Poole, Sadie Poole, J. M. Parker Post, H. K. Potter, J. L. Potter, Nathan Povich, John Powers, L. N. Pray, G. H. Preble, George Preble, W. H. Puffer, J. W. Purte, Mrs. W. H. Rankin, Edward Ready, Charles Reeves, Reuben Remick, E. M. Renouf, David Reynolds, Frank Reynolds, G. F. Reynolds, Josephus Reynolds, A. N. Rich, Chester Rich, Lona A. Rich, O. P. Rich, S. N. Rich, Eunice Richards, George H. Richards, Hannah C. Richards, James Richards, M. F. Richards, Thomas Richards, W. B. Richards, Arthur Richardson, E. C. Richardson, Harriett Richardson, Lewis Richardson, Millard Richardson, Mrs. M. Richardson, Charles Rinaldo, Fred Robbins, Mrs. S. A. Robbins, Ralph Robbins, A. R. Robertoff, Benjamin Rodick, F. Rodick, F. M. Rodick, H. C. Rodick, J. A. Rodick, S. H. Rodick, Scott Rodick, Lawrence Rooney, Willie Ross, E. B. Ryder, Eugene Ryder, Frank Ryder, Freeman Ryder, Stephen Ryder, George D. Salisbury, Archie Salisbury, Clarence Salisbury, Dallas Salisbury, Evadne Salisbury, S. C. Salisbury, Sherman Salisbury, W. M. Salisbury, Benjamin Sanborn, Edith Sargent, Walter Sargent, David M. Sawyer, E. J. Sawyer, J. H. Sawyer, Cora Schoppe, W. A. Scott, J. W. Seavy, F. E. Sherman, A. M. Shiro, Idylene Shute, R. R. Simpson, Paul Sinford, Mary Small, B. R. Smith, Charles Smith, Edward L. Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Ernest E. Smith, Everett Smith, F. L. Smith, H. D. Smith, Lincoln Smith, Lottie Smith, Mabel Smith, P. E. Smith, W. E. Smith, W. H. Smith, Wilbur Smith, A. C. Snow, J. W. Somes, John F. Spelman, Seth Spencer, Bertha Sprague, Lillian Spratt, G. J. Stafford, George Stanley, H. A. Stanley, H. I. Stanley, H. J. Stanley, Hannah Stanley, J. N. Stanley, L. A. Stanley, R. E. Stanley, T. W. Stanley, W. W. Stanley, Charles Staples, Harry Stearns, Dan Steele, Eugene Stevens, O. K. Stevens, F. L. Stewart, Anna Stinson, Susie Stinson, Grange Store, Henry Story, C. H. Stover, James Stover, M. W. Stratton, Ora G. Strout, Hugh Stuart, Vesta Stubbs, James D. Sweeney, Beulah Sylvester, O. W. Tapley, Clarence Tate, Fred Taylor, William Thatcher, Charles Thomas, E. P. Thomas, J. H. Thomas, John S. Thomas, Orient Thompson, William Thorn, A. G. Thurston, C. D. Thurston, James Thurston, Stephen Timmons, George Todd, George Tracy, Margaret Tribou, B. A. Tripp, I. M. Tripp, J. E. Tripp, Henry Trott, Samuel Tuttle, Hattie Urquhart, C. Fred Vielli, H. D. Wakefield, R. W. Wakefield, Chester Walls, Clifford Walls, Daniel Walls, Elbridge Walls, F. E. Walls, Frank Walls, S. J. Walls, George Ward, Florence Warren, Samuel Warren, Fred Watson, C. A. Weaver, Harry Webb, Charles Wedburg, George L. Wescott, Grace Wescott, Elva Whipple, Bert White, Charles B. White, Eugene White, Fred White, C. E. Whitmore, Frank E. Whitmore, J. E. Whitmore, B. E. Whitney, Ernest Wilcomb, F. B. Wilkinson, C. M. Willey, Clifford Willey, Clifton Willey, A. T. Wilson, A. V. Wilson, J. W. Wood, R. D. Wood, Charles Woodbury, Norman Woodbury, W. L. Woodworth, Marion Woy, Hollis Wright, Lincoln Wright, Gertrude Wyman, Charles Young, Frank T. Young, H. H. Young, Irving Young, J. L. Young, Merrill Young, Robert Young, Royal Young, S. K. Young, W. Young, W. H. Young, Willard Young [show more]
Description: Society edition of The Bar Harbor Record from July 29, 1899 with articles on recent parties and other social events, notable arrivals at area resorts, a yacht race out of Frenchman Bay, golf scores, gossip from the town of Newport, and a fictional story about travelers in Canada. Several advertisements are included as well. The name Reginald Johnson is written on the back cover. People Mentioned: Eda Aberle, Mrs. Ricards Acosta, Amelia Ames, Butler Ames, Eleanor Ames, Harold Arrowsmith, Charles Baker, Christine Baker, W. Baker, M. L. Balch, Albert Sprague Bard, J. Sanford Barnes Jr., Charlotte A. Barnes, Cornelia R. Barnes, Edith S. Barnes, James Barnes, Llewellyn Barry, August Belmont, Mrs. August Belmont, Mrs. Perry Belmont, Perry Belmont, E. C. Bentzon, Mrs. Charles William Bergner, Theodore Bjorksten, Stephen Bonsal, Lincoln F. Brigham, Edward Browning, N. B. Burr, Otway Byrd, Frederic Cabot, Miles B. Carpenter, F. Catherwood, John Chadwick, J. P. Cheney, M. Cheney, P. Cheney, T. L. Cheney, W. B. Cheney, W. C. Cheney, A. D. Childs, Carroll Brent Chilton, John E. Clark, Henry Clews, John Codman, A. W. Cole, Mrs. A. W. Cole, Mrs. Edward Coles, Mrs. Thomas G. Condon, T. G. Condon, Joseph Corson, Charles H. Cramp, C. I. Cresswell, E. P. Cresswell, Mrs. C. I. Cresswell, Grafton Cushing, Charles Dabney, Mrs. Walter Damrosch, A. S. Davis, K. S. Davis, Samuel B. Dean, William P. Draper, Mrs. Henry E. Drayton, Mrs. Pierrepont Edwards, K. W. Eginton, Frank Ellis Jr., Mrs. Frank Ellis, J. J. Emery, Mrs. J. J. Emery, Osmond Emery, C. S. Fairchild, Mrs. C. S. Fairchild, William Fennelly, Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish, DeGrasse Fox, Sylvia Fox, M. Franklin, R. H. Gallatin, E. T. Garland, John Glidden, Parke Godwin, E. R. Gould, M. Adelaide Gould, Mrs. E. R. Gould, Douglas S. Grant, Julia Dent Grant, Mrs. David Beach Grant, Mrs. Douglas Stewart Grant, Mrs. Frederick Dent Grant, Mrs. Ulysses Grant, Edward Everett Hale, Augustus Noble Hand, Leonard Hand, Marcia Hand, Richard E. Hand, Theodosia Hand, Mrs. C. G. Harrington, Edith Hastings, Ellen Hawes, John B. Henderson Jr., John B. Henderson, Mrs. John B. Henderson, Mrs. Bernard Henry, Erskine Hewitt, B. S. Higgins, Arthur Devon Hill, O'Donnell Hillen, A. H. Hinkle Jr., Mrs. Robert Hinkley, H. M. Hodgkins, George Quintard Horwitz, Orville Horwitz, Charles How, Mrs. S. S. Howland, Mrs. E. K. Hubbard, Paul Hunt, George Ingalls, Eunice Ives, Charles Carroll Jackson, Elsie L. Jackson, J. Norton Johnson, Mrs. Francis Howe Johnson, Reginald Johnson, C. E. Jones, Mrs. C. E. Jones, Mrs. Cadwalader Jones, Mrs. Arthur Kemp, Mrs. John S. Kennedy, Mrs. H. W. Kent, Mrs. M. H. Kimball, R. H. Kittredge, Madeline Knowlton, Mrs. Henry Knowlton, H. A. Lamb, Mrs. H. A. Lamb, Francis W. Lawrence, Marian Lawrence, Andrew Leffler, R. J. Lemont, Josephine Lippincott, Thomas Lipton, Mrs. Philip Livingston, Philip Livingston, F. A. Lombard, Mrs. Daniel Lord, James B. Ludlow, Fred C. Lynam, Mrs. Clarence H. Mackay, Mrs. Addison Macullan, Henry G. Marquand, E. Marvin, Langdon Marvin, Frederick Mason, Mrs. Frederick Mason, Frederic May, Mary L. McCarthy, Mrs. Bloomfield McIlvaine, Edward B. Mears, William Miller, S. Weir Mitchell, W. E. Montgomery, T. F. Moran, Dave Hennen Morris, M. Morris, Mrs. Dave H. Morris, Mrs. F. I. Morris, Mrs. Gouverneur Morris, M. C. Morrison, A. Henry Mosle, Frances Moulton, Mrs. A. R. Moulton, W. P. Neal, Clement Newbold, Mrs. Columbus O'Donnell, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Mrs. Henry Parish, Mrs. Edward Patterson, Edmund Pendleton, Carroll S. Perot, W. Philips, Mrs. W. H. Pitkin, W. H. Pitkin, Thomas Plant, Ellen B. Platt, Frank H. Platt, Livingston Platt, Mrs. Frank H. Platt, Luther B. Pollard, Dyneley Prince, E. Rawle, L. Rawle, Mrs. James Rawle, Mrs. Jules Reynal, J. C. Rice, John J. Ridgeway, Charles Riley, Mrs. Edward H. Ripley, Arden M. Robbins, George A. Robbins, H. Delano Robbins B., Mrs. H. Delano Robbins, Tobias L. Roberts, James A. Robinson, Mrs. L. de M. Sajous, John Saltonstall, William T. Sampson, Helen Sanders, Mrs. William J. Schieffelin, Mrs. J. M. Scofield, Edgar T. Scott, George S. Scott, Hugh Scott, Mary Scott, Mrs. George S. Scott, Mrs. Thomas A. Scott, Mrs. Richard Sears, Mrs. W. W. Seely, O. Seymour, Mrs. Rufus E. Shapley, Gardiner Sherman, Henry T. Sloane, Bruce Smith, Byron L. Smith, Harold Smith, Mrs. F. F. Smith, Mrs. Fremont Smith, Sol Smith, Walter B. Smith, Frederic O. Speddy, R. A. Sproul, George J. Stafford, Louis Starr, Mrs. Louis Starr, Mrs. W. E. D. Stokes, M. A. Stone, Milton W. Stratton, Edward Sturgis, Lucy Sturgis, McCulloch Sturgis, S. Warren Sturgis, Russell Sturigs, M. Sullivan, Mrs. D. C. Tally, Francis L. Taylor, H. A. C. Taylor, Katherine Taylor, Mrs. Francis Taylor, Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, Robert Downey Taylor, H. B. Temby, Mrs. H. B. Temby, C. S. Thomas, J. B. Thompson, Harry Thorndike, Benjamin K. Tilton, Helen Wilson Tisdel, Ralph Townsend, A. C. Train, Charles J. Train, Grace Train, Russell Train, Susan Train, N. Trotter, Harry B. Turpin, C. P. Van Wyck, Robert Varnum, Arnold Watson, John W. Wheaton, Mrs. William N. Whelen, H. J. Whigham, A. L. White, Harry Whitney, Stanton Whitney, Stephen Whitney, William C. Whitney, M. A. Wilson, Buchanan Winthrop, Gregore de Wollant, Mrs. Gregore de Wollant, Henry Wood, Mrs. Henry Wood, Francis E. Woodruff, H. E. Woodruff [show more]
Description: Flier listing upcoming exhibitions at the Jesup Memorial Library in Bar Harbor, ME. In addition, the flier asks for monetary contributions and lists different subscriber levels. The names of the members of the book committee are also provided. People Mentioned: Sargent Collier, John Whitcomb, Edward Browning, Mrs. R. Amore Thorndike, Dora Brewer, John Hampton Barnes, Mrs. Edward Browning, Mrs. Haskell Cleaves, Mrs. Harry Conners, Mrs. Shepard Fabbri, Albert Eugene Gallatin, Sheldon Goldthwait, Mrs. Richard W. Hale, Mrs. Russell S. Hubbard, Mrs. John H. Evans, Seth Libby, Mrs. C. C. Little, Mrs. Ralph Masterman, Eleanor Mellon, Harriett V. C. Ogden, Mrs. John DeWitt Peltz, Mrs. Stanley M. Rinehart, Alonzo H. Tuck [show more]
Description: The Bar Harbor Print Room was established in 1915 as a department of the Jesup Memorial Library. Newsletter from the Bar Harbour Print Room at the Jesup Memorial Library listing the hours and providing a brief history of the room. Lists of works on display, gifts and loans made in 1915-1916 are also included. People Mentioned: Albert Eugene Gallatin, Mrs. John T. Linzee, FitzRoy Carrington, Edward Robinson, Herbert C. Pell Jr., Hervey E. Wetzel, Frederic May, Mrs. A. Howard Hinkle, Mrs. Charles B. Perkins [show more]
Description: Society edition of The Bar Harbor Record from August 26, 1905 with articles on a recent horse exhibition, parties and other social events, news from Northeast Harbor, and a fictional travel diary from China. Several advertisements are included as well. People Mentioned: Edgar C. Abbott, Lyman Abbott, C. S. Abercrombee, Mrs. C. S. Abercrombee, Elizabeth J. Acton, Mrs. Thatcher M. Adams, Thatcher M. Adams, Thomas Adams, Arthur D. Addison, Francis J. Allanson, Frederick Allen, J. Milton Allen, O'G. Allmand, John de Koven Alsop, Larz Anderson, Mrs. Larz Anderson, Mrs. Nicholas L. Anderson, Mrs. W. F. Angus, W. F. Angus, George Appleby, Mrs. George Appleby, Ann Archbold, Norman Armour, E. E. Auchincloss, Mrs. M. C. Audenreid, Mrs. A. M. Baker, O. M. Baker, M. M. Balethe, Lalph Ballard, Hugo Baring, Mrs. S. D. Barron, S. D. Barron, Llewellyn Barry, Waldron Bates, M. A. Bayley, N. E. Baylies, Mrs. H. S. B. Beale, Truxton Beale, E. E. Beebe, Mrs. J. A. Beebe, J. W. Bell, Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont, W. C. Benedict, H. B. Berry, K. V. R. Berry, Edward Bettens, Mrs. L. E. Bettens, Thomas J. Bettens, Anna Wheelen Betts, Fred Betts, Mrs. W. W. Betts, Mrs. R. P. Birchoff, R. P. Birchoff, Mrs. W. B. Blackwell, W. B. Blackwell, Mrs. DeWitt Clinton Blair, W. P. Blake, Mrs. William H. Bliss, William H. Bliss, Mrs. M. M. Bollou, Mrs. J. S. Bosworth, Mrs. T. J. Bowlker, T. J. Bowlker, G. Boyajian, N. Boyajian, A. Brady, Joseph Bridgham, Mrs. Samuel W. Bridgham, Deborah Brock, Harold Brown, S. A. M. Brown, S. E. Brown, Mrs. S. S. Bryan, S. S. Bryan, Brinton Buckwalter, Henry Budd, Mrs. Henry Budd, Logan Bullitt, D. Wellington Bunker, G. W. Burman, Nancy Bush, Thomas J. Bush, Alfred Butes, Dorothy Butes, Mrs. Alfred Butes, William Allen Butler III, J. Albert Butler, Mary M. Butler, Mrs. Harry L. Butler, Nicholas Murray Butler, W. Butler, Mrs. Cass Canfield, James Carey, Mrs. W. A. Carpenter, W. A. Carpenter, John W. Carroll Jr., H. F. Chace, John Chadwick, Louis C. Child, Anna M. Clarke, H. A. Clay, Harold H. Cleaves, L. Sherman Cleaves, Mrs. A. M. Coats, William F. Cochran, Gifford A. Cockran, Mary Roberts Coles, Mrs. Edward Coles, J. B. Colgan, Mrs. J. B. Colgan, Fred R. Comee, W. H. Conyngham, A. D. Cook, Mrs. A. D. Cook, Mrs. Charles W. Cooper, D. Page Cottan, Paul D. Cravath, Annie Crosby, Flora B. Croseley, A. E. Cummins, William D. Curtis, Mrs. Edwin C. Cushman, Mrs. Walter Dabney, S. R. Dabney, Mrs. Charles Daniels, Charles Davis Jr., Charles Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Harold H. Davis, James H. Davis, N. F. Davis, Pauline Davis, R. Davis, Suzette Davis, W. Davis, Nathlie De Castro, Frederick de Peyster, Katherine Deering, Mrs. A. E. Deering, I. M. Devlin, Mrs. I. M. Devlin, Charles D. Dickey, Mrs. Charles D. Dickey, G. G. Dinsmore, J. Donnelly, Mrs. William P. Douglas, Sybil Douglas, William P. Douglas, Mrs. Henry E. Drayton, Mrs. T. C. Dugan, H. Dumont, Mrs. H. Dumont, A. Butler Duncan, E. Dutilth, Mrs. A. R. Edey, Mrs. J. Pierrepont Edwards, Richard M. Elliot, Mrs. Rudolph Ellis, Rudolph Ellis, Grace Elliston, L. A. Emery, Mrs. L. A. Emery, H. C. Emmet Jr., Henry C. Emmet, Jeannie Emmet, Laura Emmet, Marie Louise Emmet, Mrs. Henry C. Emmet, Watson C. Emmet, Gladys Endicott, Mrs. Robert Endicott, Robert Endicott, Mrs. Henry Lane Eno, Lydia Eustis, Robert D. Evans, W. P. Evans, Mrs. Ernesto G. Fabbri, Eliot Farley, Mrs. Charles Farrelly, S. E. Findlay, Edward Fisher, Augustus Franzen, John Frazer, Mrs. Persifor Frazier, Helen Frith, L. Edward Frith, Louise Frith, C. Frost, Mrs. P. R. Frothingham, P. R. Frothingham, E. B. Fuller, Mrs. E. B. Fuller, J. Austin Furfey, William Garrett, Elizabeth Gilman, Mrs. Henry Glover, George Gould, Mrs. George Gould, C. P. Grayson, E. G. Grob, Ed Grossman, B. S. Guiness, J. Gunderson, A. D. Haddad, L. Haddad, John A. Hadden Jr., Mrs. Ben Ali Haggin, P. P. G. Hall, R. B. Hall, Mrs. Harry Hamlin, Carl Haner Jr., John H. Hanna, Mrs. John H. Hanna, Charles Hargrove, C. C. Harrison, Dorothy Harrison, Mrs. Charles C. Harrison, Mrs. John Harrison, Mrs. T. S. Harrison, T. S. Harrison, E. M. Hastings, James Hawes, Mrs. G. P. Hawes, J. Hayden Jr., Mrs. John B. Henderson, Elsie Henry, Robert Higgins, J. B. Hillard, Mrs. J. B. Hillard, C. Lee Hillyard, C. Hittell, Mrs. J. Holland, Mrs. John Holman, John Hone, John B. Hood, M. G. Hooper, Louis Hosmer, F. T. Howard, Mrs. F. T. Howard, George Howe, Isabella Howland, Mrs. Thomas H. Hubbard, Thomas H. Hubbard, S. Huguenin, J. J. Hull, R. W. E. Hunt, W. R. Huntington, William DeWitt Hyde, Henderson Inches, Louise B. Inches, A. W. Ingersoll, C. E. Ingersoll, Harry Ingersoll, J. H. W. Ingersoll, Mrs. C. E. Ingersoll, Sturgis Ingersoll, Susie Ingersoll, J. Irjens, Mrs. C. Olive Iselin, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Lucy Jacobs, Mrs. A. E. Janapolski, F. A. Jellison, Morris K. Jesup, Francis Howe Johnson, Mrs. Francis Howe Johnson, S. Johnson, E. R. Johnstone, Hinton Jones, Roy H. Jones, J. I. Kane, George Karst, M. T. Kavanagh, Mrs. M. T. Kavanagh, Mrs. O. L. Keene, O. L. Keene, C. Keller, Dorothy Kelley, Anderson Kelly, Mrs. Anderson Kelly, Mrs. John S. Kennedy, Mrs. S. H. Kerbaugh, S. H. Kerbaugh, Mrs. S. Kerr, J. L. Ketterlinus, Charles A. Keucher, W. T. Kimball, David James King, G. G. King, Mrs. H. M. Kinsley, Wilfried C. Klamroth, Mrs. W. P. Knapp, W. P. Knapp, Harry C. Ladd, May Ladd, Susan Ladd, Lucius S. Landreth, E. M. Larkin, F. F. Larkin, Francis Lathrop, Marion Lawrence, Mrs. A. R. Lawrence, Mrs. William Lawrence, Elizabeth J. Lea, Francis J. Lea, Mrs. George H. Lea, P. Lee, Mrs. James Leeds, Mrs. Warner M. Leeds, Samuel W. Levis, Alfred Holmes Lewis, Mary I. Lewis, Mrs. Francis A. Lewis, Mrs. Philip Livingston, Philip Livingston, Sue Logan, F. L. Lombard, S. S. Lombard, W. B. Lord, Mrs. Arthur Lund, Frances Lurman, Gustav Lurman, Katherine Lurman, Mrs. Gustav Lurman, Fred C. Lynam, Mrs. I. C. Lyon, W. H. Macey, Mrs. George H. Mackay, Pauline Mackay, A. W. Martin, Mrs. E. Wallace Matthews, Frederic May, E. H. McCullough, Mrs. E. H. McCullough, J. Frank McFadden, T. A. McIntire, Emory McMichael, Mrs. Walter McMichael, Mrs. P. H. McMilan, Edward B. Mears, Mrs. Edward B. Mears, Otto Merkel, George S. Merriam, Douglass Merritt, A. Meserole, Mrs. J. V. Meserole, Stephanie Metz, J. Michael, Mrs. J. Michael, Mrs. Foster Miliken, E. Tripp Miller, George N. Miller, Helen L. R. Miller, Katherine C. Miller, Mrs. George N. Miller, Mrs. J. W. Miller, Harriet Mills, Weymer Joy Mills, C. Mitchell, Mrs. G. H. Morgan, Edward Morrell, Mrs. Dave Hennen Morris, Mrs. Gouverneur Morris, C. W. Morse, Glenn Tilley Morse, G. L. Murphy, D. J. Neeman, Florence Neilson, Mrs. Robert Neilson, M. J. Nenson, Dorothy B. Netting, George H. Netting, L. G. Niles, Dorothea Norris, Charles Norris, C. T. Nortemann, Eleanor R. Norton, Gertrude Norton, Gustavus Ober Jr., Frances Ogden, H. J. Orr, Mrs. E. A. Osgood, Amy Otis, Mrs. Frank Otis, Howard Page, Mrs. Howard Page, Alfred Palmer, Mrs. Alfred Palmer, George S. Patterson, Mrs. George S. Patterson, Effie Pearson, Mrs. George L. Pease, George Wharton Pepper, George Perkins, Mrs. C. L. Perkins, Robert F. Phifer, Mrs. Amos R. E. Pinchot, Mrs. A. E. Platt, Mrs. R. W. Pomeroy, R. W. Pomeroy, H. Kirke Porter, Mrs. H. Kirke Porter, Laura J. Post, Jack Potter, Mrs. James Potter, R. S. Potter, Cornelia Prime, J. D. Prince Jr., J. D. Prince, Mrs. J. D. Prince, Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn, Joseph Pulitzer, G. Purviance Jr., Mrs. M. Taylor Pyne, Percy Rivington Pyne, Madeline Rafter, J. L. Rand, Margaret Rand, Mrs. Arthur Randolph, Mrs. Samuel C. Reed, Samuel C. Reed, T. Chesley Richardson Jr., Mrs. T. C. Richardson, T. C. Richardson, John J. Ridgway, Mrs. John J. Ridgway, C. E. Riggs, Mrs. C. E. Riggs, Edw. H. Ripley, Mrs. E. H. Ripley, Caryl Robert, C. Roberts, Graham Roberts, Mrs. C. H. Roberts, J. A. Robin, Mrs. Moncure Robinson, T. G. Rosengarten, H. S. Ross, Maurice C. Rumsey, Mrs. A. F. Schauffler, Mrs. William Jay Schieffelin, William Jay Schieffelin, J. J. Scott, Elizabeth Seaton, Baroness de Saint Seigne, F. R. Senneckson, Mrs. William F. Sheehan, William F. Sheehan, Mrs. Gardiner Sherman, John B. Shober, Mrs. John B. Shober, William Siminson, E. H. Simons, E. E. Skinner, Mrs. E. E. Skinner, Fisher Sloane, F. O. Small, C. J. Smidth, R. Smiley, Armide Smith, Everett P. Smith, Horace Smith, J. Emlen Smith, M. L. Smith, Mary D. Smith, Mrs. Horace Smith, Mrs. J. Emlen Smith, Mrs. M. C. S. Smith, Rhoda Emlen Smith, Llewellyn Randolph Snowden, Amos Sperce, H. B. Sprague, A. Stafford, George Stafford, L. E. Sterns, Annie B. Sterrett, Emma J. Sterrett, L. S. Stevens, William Rhinelander Stewart Jr., William Rhinelander Stewart, Horace Stokes, W. F. Storm, A. Frost Strout, Frank Sturgis, Mrs. Frank Sturgis, J. F. Sweet, C. F. A. Tabbott, Eleanor Tabbott, Mrs. J. Talfree, Louise Taylor, Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, A. M. Tenney, Addison Thayer, Mrs. Addison Thayer, C. C. Thomas, J. C. Thompson, Mrs. Augustus Thorndike, J. S. Thorpe, C. L. Tibbetts, Mrs. C. L. Tibbetts, George Tohor, Aileen Tone, Anita Tone, Esther Tone, Katherine Tone, Mrs. S. J. Torrance, M. E. Torrey, Eugene Townsend, F. E. Townsend, May Townsend, Mrs. F. E. Townsend, Mrs. C. J. Train, Mrs. Charles R. Train, C. Trask, C. C. Trowbridge, L. S. Tuckerman, Mrs. L. S. Tuckerman, George E. Turnure, Mrs. George E. Turnure, Frederick Van Tine, Harold Vanderbilt, Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, Emeline G. Vernam, W. H. N. Voss, E. E. Waples, Booker T. Washington, Arthur Weeks, Mrs. Francis L. Wellman, Mrs. Arthur Welman, Allen West, Theo. S. West, Joseph A. Whitaker, A. White, Mrs. William R. White, William R. White, Charles A. Whiting, Helen Hay Whitney, Mary Whitney, Payne Whitney, William C. Whitney, J. F. Whittaker, Eliza C. Whyte, Louisa Hollingsworth Whyte, Mrs. Lucius K. Wilmerding, G. Wilson, M. A. Wilson, Margaret Wingate, Mrs. Buchanan Winthrop, Julia Wise, Adolph G. Wolf, D. T. Worden, Mrs. D. T. Worden, Julian Wright, Fanny Young, G. Young [show more]
Description: Souvenir issue of the Bar Harbor Record published on the centennial of the town of Eden's (the former name of Bar Harbor) founding. Includes the history of the area, discussion of the town's paths and trails, descriptions of the most impressive cottages and homes of residents, a summary of pastimes and pleasures, and biographies of prominent businessmen. Several photographs and drawings as well as advertisements accompany the articles. People Mentioned: Arthur D. Addison, J. Milton Allen, Isaac Allerton, Augustine Amory, Robert Amory, H. Anderson, Samuel Argall, George W. Armstrong, John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Atherton, John Avery, Samuel D. Babcock, Charles R. Bacon, Julie A. Bailey, M. L. Balch, J. Mark Baldwin, Mrs. William Barnes Jr., Albert Clifford Barney, Christopher Bartlett, David Bartlett, Elias Bartlett, Israel Bartlett, Edgar W. Bass, Waldron Bates, Miles Beach, J. Arthur Beebe, Mrs. George H. Bend, Laura Benet, S. V. Benet, Nathaniel Bennett, E. C. Bentzon, Charles William Bergner, Francis Bernard, Rebecca Biard, Christine W. Biddle, Mary D. Biddle, Mrs. Henry J. Biddle, Josiah Black, William P. Blackwell, James G. Blaine, Edward L. Blair, B. F. Blake, Sarah P. Blight, Samuel Bowden, Joseph Tilton Bowen, Mrs. George Pendleton Bowler, Ephraim Bray, Helen W. Buchanan, James A. Buchanan, L. Duncan Bulkley, Isaac Bunker, C. C. Burrill, George Butler, J. Albert Butler, Antoine de la Mothe Sieur de Cadillac, Eliza Caldwell, William Caldwell, E. M. Calvert, Daniel Carr, Lucien Carr, Christopher Carver, Clarence Cary, Mrs. Wilson M. Cary, Ellen M. Cerine, Florence Cerine, Samuel DeChamplain, H. G. Chapman, Mrs. C. F. Chickering, H. L. Cleaves, Eva Cochran, Mrs. William F. Cochran, Edward Coles, Frank M. Conners, Abby E. Cook, J. M. Cook, Joseph T. Cook, Erastus Corning, Frederic R. Coudert, Elisha Cousins, John Cousins, Susan D. Cox, A. Green Crabtree, H. D. Crosby, J. L. M. Curry, Joseph H. Curtis, Mrs. Edwin C. Cushman, W. H. Davis, W. K. Davis, Luere B. Deasy, Mrs. Alfred De Castro, Bartholomew DeGregoire, Marie Therese DeGregoire, John DeKoven, William E. Denison, Mrs. William Denison, Hasket Derby, Henry F. Dimock, Ezra H. Dodge, William E. Dodge, C. F. Dole, Peter Dolliver, Patrick Donahoe, George B. Dorr, Mrs. Charles H. Dorr, S. M. Downs, Mrs. William P. Draper, Mrs. Henry E. Drayton, J. R. Drexel, C. F. Dunbar, Amos Eaton, Creighton Eddy, George H. Eddy, Margarette Edes, T. R. B. Edmands, J. Pierrepont Edwards, Frank S. Ellis, J. J. Emery, Julien Emery, A. B. Farnham, Faranton S. Farrell, William Fennelly, C. H. Fernald, Tobias Fernald, Sydney G. Fisher, Morgan J. Flaherty, Roswell Flower, Alexander Forsyth, Georgy Henry Forsyth, James Bennett Forsyth, John Forsyth, Giraud Foster, James Foster, Rogert Foster, DeGrasse Fox, Mrs. DeGrasse Fox, Charles Francis, Max Franklin, J. J. Fransworth, B. W. Frazier, Mrs. Nalbro Frazier, Reuben Freeman Jr., George Freeman, Mrs. George Freeman, Reuben Freeman, Mrs. Calvin Frost, Charles Fry, Mrs. Charles Fry, Henry W. Fuller, Mary G. Fuller, Emma C. Fulsom, James Fulton, Mrs. Richard Gambrill, T. Garceau, James T. Gardiner, James A. Garland, Catherine Garrethson, Frederic Gebhard, James W. Gerard, Mrs. James W. Gerard, Mrs. H. D. Gibson, William Gilley, E. Shirley Goddard, Frederic N. Goddard, Parke Godwin, F. W. Goss, Daniel Gott II, Joseph Gott, Peter Gott, Henry T. Gould, H. A. Grant, Adolphus W. Greely, Charles Ewing Green, William Lawrence Green, John Gretto, W. S. Gurnee, Simeon Hadley, Jonathan Hadlock, Samuel Hadlock, E. C. Haight, John H. Haines, Mrs. Valentine G. Hall, Alden Hamor, David Hamor, Eben M. Hamor, Elihu T. Hamor, John Hamor, Millard L. Hamor, John Hancock, Alpheus Hardy, George Harmond, Herbert Harriman, Mrs. Burton Harrison, Theodore Havemeyer, George G. Haven, William D. Haynes, W. R. Hearst, Richard Heath, Willaim Heath, William Tod Helmuth, David B. Hemenway, Arthur Herburt, Belinda C. Heyden, David Higgins Jr., Albert Higgins, Blithen S. Higgins, David Higgins, Eleazer Higgins, Henry Higgins, Israel Higgins, Jesse Higgins, John T. Higgins, Levi Higgins, Solomon Higgins, Philip Highley, N. Hillson, A. Howard Hinkle, Isabella Hodgkins, Joseph Hogdon, Joseph Hopkins, Delphine Hopper, J. P. Horwitz, Charles T. How, W. B. Howard, Eliza Howe, Samuel Howe, Alfred M. Hoyt, Jesse Hoyt, Reuben Hoyt, Samuel Hull, Paul Hunt, W. E. Huntington, C. H. Hursh, James Hyde, C. S. Ingalls, Mark L. Ingraham, Brayton Ives, Charles Carroll Jackson, F. W. Jackson, William L. Jackson, Herbert Jacques, H. M. Jernegan, Morris K. Jesup, Evelyn Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Gabriel Johonnot, Beatrix Jones, Cadwalader Jones, Frank Jones, John D. Jones, Mrs. Frank Jones, Mrs. M. C. Jones, Bither Jordan, Mrs. George DeBenneville Keim, David Kelley, Mrs. George Kemp, John S. Kennedy, J. L. Ketterlinus, Prescott Keyes, William Keyser, Leo A. Knott, Henry Knowles, Moses Ladd, Daniel S. Lamont, Phillip Langley, A. R. Lawrence, Isaac Lawrence, W. H. Lawrence, M. C. Lea, Amariah Leland, Ansel B. Leland, Ebenezer Leland, Ezra Leland, Sylvanus Leonard, Barnard C. Lewis, Charles H. Lewis, Dexter W. Lewis, Edison Lewis, Kennith Lewis, Leonora Lewis, Charles A. Linquest, Arthur Little, Mrs. Morris Longstreth, Mrs. S. A. Lovejoy, Jacob Lurvey, A. H. Lynam, Fred C. Lynam, William Lynam, John W. Mackay, Samuel MacLonlock, John Manchester, Thomas Manchester, Mrs. F. C. Manning, D. P. Marcyes, Nathaniel Marcyes, Joseph Marshall, Morgan Marshall, Stephen G. Marston, Nathan Matthews, Mrs. J. Frederic May, Gideon Mayo,, Henry Mayo, Isaac Mayo, Joseph Mayo, Joshua Mayo, Edward McCauley, R. Hall McCormick, John McKenzie, James L. McLane, John R. McLean, Hugh McMillan, Edward B. Mears, Samuel Miliken, Simeon B. Miliken, Hugh Millen, D. O. Mills, Mrs. L. S. Minot, John Minturn, John Mitchell, S. Weir Mitchell, Welsh Moor, John Moore, J. Pierrepont Morgan, M. F. Morley, David H. Morris, C. C. Morrison, Mrs. Levi P. Morton, Alexander Moseley, Annie Muller, T. B. Musgrave, Wallace Neff, Mrs. John S. Newbold, George B. Nichols, Reuben Noble, Otis Norcross, Joshua Norwood, William Norwood, William Nutter, Isaac Ober, Joseph M. Ober, David B. Ogden, Mrs. Gouveneur M. Ogden, Leonard E. Opdycke, Aulick Palmer, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Silas Parker, James Parrish, Herbert Parsons, Edward Patterson, Louise Patterson, Charles Payson, Mrs. A. P. Peabody, Oliver W. Peabody, Lydia Pemrose, Mary Pemrose, Edmund Pendleton, R. A. F. Penrose, Mrs. Austin Phelps, Samuel Phillips, Walter P. Phillips, Emily Pierce, E. S. Pike, Lydia E. Pinkham, Mrs. Robert Pitcairn, Mrs. George Place, H. B. Plant, M. F. Plant, Biddle Porter, E. M. R. Porter, Hibbard Porter, J. Biddle Porter, J. R. Porter, Margarette Biddle Porter, James M. Parker Post, Mrs. R. B. Potter, Ephraim Pray Jr., Edward Prescott, Thomas B. A. Price, Cornelia Prime, Henry H. Proctor, Mary A. Proctor, Joseph Pulitzer, William Putnam, Mrs. E. S. Randolph, Jacob Read, James Read, Samuel Read, Thomas A. Reilly, Albert S. Rice, Mrs. William B. Rice, William B. Rice, John Rich Jr., John Rich, Samuel N. Rich, James Richardson Jr., Bloomfield Richardson, David R. Richardson, Enoch Richardson, George Richardson, James Richardson, John G. Richardson, Mary Richardson, Stephen Richardson, Thomas Richardson, J. P. Riley, George A. Robbins, George M. Roberts, Tobias L. Roberts, William Roberts, William Rochester, Daniel Rodick, Fountain H. Rodick, William Rogers, F. W. Rollins, Ebenezer Salisbury, Stephen Salisbury, Mrs. Edward Samuel, John Sanders, S. D. Sargeant, Aaron Sawyer, D. A. F. Schauffler, William Jay Schieffelin, Winfield Schley, Edgar Scott, Mrs. R. B. Scott, Mrs. Thomas A. Scott, J. Montgomery Sears, W. W. Seely, Thomas O. Selfridge, J. P. Sharpless, H. Lawrence Sheldon, Elliott F. Shepard, Gardiner Sherman, J. B. Shober, Charles P. Simpson, J. H. Simpson, Charles A. Sinclair, Timothy Smallidge II, Timothy Smallidge, C. Morton Smith, Cornelius Smith, Edward A. Smith, F. Fremont Smith, Frank Hill Smith, Helen M. Smith, Mary F. Smith, Mrs. C. B. Smith, Mrs. G. S. Smith, W. French Smith, Giles Snow, Prudence Somes, Rachel Herrick Somes, Abraham Somes II, Abraham Somes, Daniel Somes, John W. Somes, G. E. Soper, J.F. Spofford, Charles F. Sprague, Robert Sproul, Baron de St. Castin, William P. St. John, Peter Stanley, Francis L. Stetson, Adlai Stevenson, Robert Stockton, Anson Phelps Stokes, Moorfield Storey, William Struthers, Mrs. R. S. Sturgis, Daniel Sullivan, Andrew Tarr, J. Madison Taylor, Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, James B. Thayer, John Thomas Jr., John Thomas, Katherine Thomas, Nicholas Thomas, John H. Thurston, Lyman Tiffany, John Tinker, James Ross Todd, R. H. Townsend Jr., Andrew Tucker, Payson Tucker, Lawrence Turnure, Carroll Tyson, Mrs. M. D. Van Doren, George W. Vanderbilt, Mrs. William H. Vanderbilt, William K. Vanderbilt, W. A. Walker, Mrs. W. P. Walley, Benjamin Ward, David Wasgatt Jr., Thomas Wasgatt, Davis Wasgatt, Thomas Wasgatt, W. Herbert Washington, John W. Weeks, Hannah Weld, William S. Wells, George M. Wheeler, A. C. Wheelwright, Andrew Whipple, Guy Fairfax Whiting, Frank E. Whitmore, Parker Whitmore, Henry M. Whitney, William C. Whitney, A. B. Wilbor, Caroline Wilson, Charles H. Wood, James T. Woodward, B. W. Wrenn, Charles L. Yorke, Elkannah Young, Ezra Young, Robert Young [show more]
Description: The Mount Desert Kennel Club's first annual dog show took place in 1931. Poster advertising a dog show hosted by the Mount Desert Kennel Club at the athletic field in Bar Harbor, ME. People Mentioned: T. E. L. Kemp
Description: Book plate for the Jesup Memorial Library from 1911. The label features a crest with a pine tree, three fleur-de-lis, and the Latin phrase "Sapiens qui assiduus."