26 - 50 of 169 results
You searched for: Year start: 1900Year end: 1910Place: Maine
Title Type Subject Creator Date Place Rights
Woman Sitting on Lawn
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, family and Friends
  • People
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1956
  • Maine
Woman Sitting on Lawn
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
3.5 X 3.5 black and white photograph of a woman sitting on lawn wearing a dress with hands in lap, facing to the left of the photo. She wears glasses and is holding a newspaper. The bottom half of the photo is black, and the woman’s legs are unable to be seen. There is a car on the right side of the photo. And a small house in the background. ‘1957’ written on back.
Man near Hedge
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, family and Friends
  • People
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1957
  • Maine
Man near Hedge
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
2.5 X 2.5 black and white photograph of a man standing in middle of frame with brimmed hat with band. Wearing white shirt and tie that is blowing to the right of the photo. Man’s left hand is in his pocket. Hedge behind man; man is standing on lawn and looking into camera.
Woman near Table with Presents
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, family and Friends
  • People
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1957
  • Maine
Woman near Table with Presents
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
3.5 X 3.5 black and white photograph of an older woman sitting behind table that is set with Christmas packages and lamp with shade. Table has metal legs and is inside room with screens on walls. Wicker rocker in back corner of room. Woman is wearing flowered dress and glasses, looking at camera. Writting on back, "This is our Xmas table, before opening our packages."
Woman with Newspaper
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, family and Friends
  • People
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1957
  • Maine
Woman with Newspaper
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
3.5 X 3.5 black and white photograph of an older woman sitting in chair is wearing a flowered dress and reading a newspaper. Wood panneling behind woman and identical chair on the left. Curtained window in center of photo. Has glasses on. Ceramic Elephant with up raised trunk on shelf in uppermost right corner. Writting on back, “ We had the lamp on , and I think it should not have been.”
Man with Snow Shovel
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Other, family and Friends
  • People
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1956, March
  • Maine
Man with Snow Shovel
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
3.5 X 3.5 black and white photograph of a man in middle of picture in walkway, standing with shovel in his right hand. Snow is on ground and two houses on either side of man. Man is wearing brimmed hat and glasses. Black jacket and slacks. ‘1957’ written on back.
Three Lady's Slippers
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960
  • Maine
Three Lady's Slippers
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
3.25 X 3.25 black and white photograph of three lady’s slippers or pink moccassins grow out of forest floor. All flowers are facing camera. Leaves are opened side to side. Other twigs and leaves around.
Dead Tree against Sky
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Dead Tree against Sky
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 8 black and white photograph of dead tree with stripped bark silhouetted against the sky. ‘Y’ formation of top branches reaching to left and right corners. Sky in background with clouds, sun. Dark evergreen trees in lower left hand corner.
Once There Were Giants
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Once There Were Giants
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 8 black and white photograph of driftwood tree in midground with main trunk pointing toward left of photo. Sparse grass in foreground with rocks. Dark evergreen trees in background. Writing in back of photo, “ Mag.3 Dec.29 Once there were giants.”
Driftwood Patterns
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Driftwood Patterns
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 8 black and white close-up photograph of driftwood grain patterns, grey photo with black in corners.
Dead Tree
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Dead Tree
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 8 black and white photograph of a dead tree with stripped bark. Five branches reaching toward the sky. Large white cloud over top half of photo. Small strip of sea and horizon along very bottom half inch of photo.
Driftwood in Beach Grass
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Driftwood in Beach Grass
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
6 X 6 black and white photograph of a log of drift wood in lower left corner, surrounded by beach grasses. Highlighted patch of sand or rocks in lower right corner.
Evergreen Bush
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Evergreen Bush
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 10 black and white photograph of evergreen bush branches. Many small clumps of leaves on the bush. light shadows in background. Mostly grey photo. ‘LaRue Spiker’ written in red pen on back of photo.
Beach Stump
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Beach Stump
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 10 black and white photograph of a stump of driftwood lighted from the right on beach. Rocks in sand and waves on shore in background. Shadow is cast by wood to the left hand side of the photo.
Pitcher Plant
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Pitcher Plant
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 10 black and white photograph of two flowers of the pitcher plant bending toward the ground. Ground is cropped by bottom of photo. Background is tall thin grasses. Paper attatched to the back, “ The pitcher plant, common to the bogs and marshes of Maine, is an insectivorous plant. The leaves have become modified receptacles for the capture and ingestion of insects enabling the plant to grow in soils otherwise too poor to support it." [show more]
Pitcher Plants
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Pitcher Plants
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 10 black and white photographs of three flowers of the pitcher plant on tall thin stems. Flowers are round and shiny and petals curl into itself. All heads of flowers facing away from the viewer. Small veined cupped leaves on ground. Background is heavily textured with plant leaves and grasses. Print is on matte paper.
Skunk Cabbage with Fruit
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Skunk Cabbage with Fruit
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 10 black and white close-up photograph of skunk cabbage with white rough skinned fruit inside leaves. Closeup of cabbage leaning toward right side of frame. Lighted background.
Skunk Cabbage Opening
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 c.
  • Maine
Skunk Cabbage Opening
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 10 black and white photograph of skunk cabbage with opening leaves. Many twigs and branches in lower and top of picture. Three white areas on left side where tape has removed surface of photo. Paper attatched to back, “ 2. the leaves push through the earth in a pointed sheath and look like this several days after the appearance of the hood. In maturity they are oval and quite large. the fruit, somewhat larger than a golf ball, is fleshy and rough skinned.” [show more]
Maine Fern
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1959
  • Maine
Maine Fern
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 10 black and white photograph of a single stemed fern with five leaves coming off stem in center of photo. Leaves are lighted background is dark with other plants. Back of photo, ‘ December 1959, Frontier’s Zinc H7, 3” wide 2.5” deep.”
Fern with Seed Stalks
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1959
  • Maine
Fern with Seed Stalks
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
8 X 10 black and white photograph of a large fern in middle with all leaves pointing upwards. Large seed stalks in center of fern. All values of photo are of equall light and shadow.
Pod-like Plant
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960 ca
  • Maine
Pod-like Plant
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
4 X 5 black and white photograph of two dark pod-like plants. Like upright cupped hands. Plants have light colored spots all over exterior. Plants on ground, photo taken from above.
Pond Plants
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960s
  • Maine
Pond Plants
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
5 X 7 black and white photo of pond with water plants sticking up in middle. Horizontal Format. Many grasses are under water and small water lily leaves are clustered in foreground. Dark reflections on water in upper left hand side of photo.
Pitcher Plant
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960s
  • Maine
Pitcher Plant
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
3.5 X 7 black and white photograph of a pitcher plant with two flowers (Vertical Format). Flowers resemble orchids and have long steams with veined leaves on ground.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Animals, Birds
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960s
  • Maine
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
4 X 6 black and white photograph of many cormorant birds among twigs and branches. Large out of focus bird in foreground facing camera with puffed up throat. Many silhouettes of birds along horizon line and birds in air in upper left side of photo.
Young Cormorant
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Animals, Birds
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960s
  • Maine
Young Cormorant
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
5 X 5.5 black and white close up photograph of a baby cormorant. Black bird with white throat. Bird is looking up and facing the camera, beak slightly open. Surrounded by twigs and branches. Paper on back, “ Even babies too small to retreat tried to protect themselves with a horrendous bluff. Swelling up the naked orangish colored pouch beneath the chin, they clicked their bills rapidly at the intruders.”
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Nature
  • Nature, Plants
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1960s
  • Maine
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
4.5 X 4.5 black and white photograph of driftwood. Four large branches extending from base of photo and reaching toward sky. Clouds in sky and small bit of horizon line at very bottom of photo. Paper attatched to back, “ Near the shore a piece of drift wood seems to lift its arms as if in wonder for the beauty of the place.” On back of photograph: "Wonderland".