43 results
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1987 Publication List


Acadia National Park Draft Master Plan and Position Papers Document, July 23, 1976

Acadia National Park Report Notes, Undated

Acadia National Park Visitor Center Employee Phone Number List

Arno B. Cammerer to George B. Dorr Letter, February 28, 1927 (1)

Arno B. Cammerer to George B. Dorr Letter, February 28, 1927 (2)

Arno B. Cammerer to George B. Dorr Letter, July 26, 1922


Bar Harbor Path Committee to George B. Dorr Letter, April 1, 1922

Barrington Moore to Harold Peabody Letter, March 14, 1924

Bicycle Guide to Acadia National Park

Birds of Acadia National Park


Cadillac Mountain Road

Cassette-Tape Tour of Acadia National Park

Charles W. Eliot to Gist Blair Letter, July 11, 1927

Correspondence to Skip Haynes 3/16/87


Deer Ticks and Lyme Disease 9/1/87


Eastern National/ Eastern National Park and Monument Association Membership


Federal Recreation Passport Program

Fred C. Lynam to Frank B. Rowell Letter, March 11, 1924

Frederic Delano Weekes to Frank B. Rowell Letter, July 14, 1924

Free Publications List


George B. Dorr to Gist Blair Letter, April 10, 1925

George Wharton Pepper to Harold Peabody Letter, March 8, 1924


Harold Peabody Roads in Lafayette National Park Letter, c. March 26, 1924

Harold Peabody to Hubert Work Letter, May 21, 1925

Hearing on Lafayette National Park Road and Trail Development Held Before Secretary of the Interior Work Transcription, March 26, 1924

Hubert Work to Frank B. Rowell Letter, July 16, 1924

Hubert Work to Harold Peabody Letter, May 18, 1925


John A. Peters to Frank B. Rowell Letter, March 21, 1924

John A. Peters to George Wharton Pepper Letter, March 19, 1924

John D. Rockefeller Jr. to Director of the National Parks, Department of the Interior Letter, February 24, 1927 (2)


Lafayette National Park Road Construction Hearing Speakers List, undated

Luere B. Deasy to Hubert Work Letter, March 20, 1924


M. L. Peabody to Stephen Mather Letter, undated (Copy 1)

M. L. Peabody to Stephen Mather Letter, undated (Copy 2)


New Roads on Mount Desert Island Petition, c. March 26, 1924


Park History


The Future of Mount Desert Island Report, 1928

Ticks and Lyme Disease in the National Parks


Visitor Center Schedule September 1987

Volunteers in Parks


Welcome to Acadia National Park: Seawall Section

Winter Activities Guide