26 - 50 of 74 results
You searched for: Subject: StructuresSubject: CommercialSubject: Lodging
Title Type Subject Creator Date Place Rights
Bar Harbor Life, August 26, 1905
Jesup Memorial Library
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Businesses, Other Business
  • Nature, Animals
  • People
  • Recreation
  • Recreation, Sports, Golf
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Dwellings, House, Cottage
  • Haskins, George M.
  • 1905-08-26
  • Bar Harbor
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Bar Harbor Life, August 26, 1905
Jesup Memorial Library
Society edition of The Bar Harbor Record from August 26, 1905 with articles on a recent horse exhibition, parties and other social events, news from Northeast Harbor, and a fictional travel diary from China. Several advertisements are included as well. People Mentioned: Edgar C. Abbott, Lyman Abbott, C. S. Abercrombee, Mrs. C. S. Abercrombee, Elizabeth J. Acton, Mrs. Thatcher M. Adams, Thatcher M. Adams, Thomas Adams, Arthur D. Addison, Francis J. Allanson, Frederick Allen, J. Milton Allen, O'G. Allmand, John de Koven Alsop, Larz Anderson, Mrs. Larz Anderson, Mrs. Nicholas L. Anderson, Mrs. W. F. Angus, W. F. Angus, George Appleby, Mrs. George Appleby, Ann Archbold, Norman Armour, E. E. Auchincloss, Mrs. M. C. Audenreid, Mrs. A. M. Baker, O. M. Baker, M. M. Balethe, Lalph Ballard, Hugo Baring, Mrs. S. D. Barron, S. D. Barron, Llewellyn Barry, Waldron Bates, M. A. Bayley, N. E. Baylies, Mrs. H. S. B. Beale, Truxton Beale, E. E. Beebe, Mrs. J. A. Beebe, J. W. Bell, Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont, W. C. Benedict, H. B. Berry, K. V. R. Berry, Edward Bettens, Mrs. L. E. Bettens, Thomas J. Bettens, Anna Wheelen Betts, Fred Betts, Mrs. W. W. Betts, Mrs. R. P. Birchoff, R. P. Birchoff, Mrs. W. B. Blackwell, W. B. Blackwell, Mrs. DeWitt Clinton Blair, W. P. Blake, Mrs. William H. Bliss, William H. Bliss, Mrs. M. M. Bollou, Mrs. J. S. Bosworth, Mrs. T. J. Bowlker, T. J. Bowlker, G. Boyajian, N. Boyajian, A. Brady, Joseph Bridgham, Mrs. Samuel W. Bridgham, Deborah Brock, Harold Brown, S. A. M. Brown, S. E. Brown, Mrs. S. S. Bryan, S. S. Bryan, Brinton Buckwalter, Henry Budd, Mrs. Henry Budd, Logan Bullitt, D. Wellington Bunker, G. W. Burman, Nancy Bush, Thomas J. Bush, Alfred Butes, Dorothy Butes, Mrs. Alfred Butes, William Allen Butler III, J. Albert Butler, Mary M. Butler, Mrs. Harry L. Butler, Nicholas Murray Butler, W. Butler, Mrs. Cass Canfield, James Carey, Mrs. W. A. Carpenter, W. A. Carpenter, John W. Carroll Jr., H. F. Chace, John Chadwick, Louis C. Child, Anna M. Clarke, H. A. Clay, Harold H. Cleaves, L. Sherman Cleaves, Mrs. A. M. Coats, William F. Cochran, Gifford A. Cockran, Mary Roberts Coles, Mrs. Edward Coles, J. B. Colgan, Mrs. J. B. Colgan, Fred R. Comee, W. H. Conyngham, A. D. Cook, Mrs. A. D. Cook, Mrs. Charles W. Cooper, D. Page Cottan, Paul D. Cravath, Annie Crosby, Flora B. Croseley, A. E. Cummins, William D. Curtis, Mrs. Edwin C. Cushman, Mrs. Walter Dabney, S. R. Dabney, Mrs. Charles Daniels, Charles Davis Jr., Charles Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Harold H. Davis, James H. Davis, N. F. Davis, Pauline Davis, R. Davis, Suzette Davis, W. Davis, Nathlie De Castro, Frederick de Peyster, Katherine Deering, Mrs. A. E. Deering, I. M. Devlin, Mrs. I. M. Devlin, Charles D. Dickey, Mrs. Charles D. Dickey, G. G. Dinsmore, J. Donnelly, Mrs. William P. Douglas, Sybil Douglas, William P. Douglas, Mrs. Henry E. Drayton, Mrs. T. C. Dugan, H. Dumont, Mrs. H. Dumont, A. Butler Duncan, E. Dutilth, Mrs. A. R. Edey, Mrs. J. Pierrepont Edwards, Richard M. Elliot, Mrs. Rudolph Ellis, Rudolph Ellis, Grace Elliston, L. A. Emery, Mrs. L. A. Emery, H. C. Emmet Jr., Henry C. Emmet, Jeannie Emmet, Laura Emmet, Marie Louise Emmet, Mrs. Henry C. Emmet, Watson C. Emmet, Gladys Endicott, Mrs. Robert Endicott, Robert Endicott, Mrs. Henry Lane Eno, Lydia Eustis, Robert D. Evans, W. P. Evans, Mrs. Ernesto G. Fabbri, Eliot Farley, Mrs. Charles Farrelly, S. E. Findlay, Edward Fisher, Augustus Franzen, John Frazer, Mrs. Persifor Frazier, Helen Frith, L. Edward Frith, Louise Frith, C. Frost, Mrs. P. R. Frothingham, P. R. Frothingham, E. B. Fuller, Mrs. E. B. Fuller, J. Austin Furfey, William Garrett, Elizabeth Gilman, Mrs. Henry Glover, George Gould, Mrs. George Gould, C. P. Grayson, E. G. Grob, Ed Grossman, B. S. Guiness, J. Gunderson, A. D. Haddad, L. Haddad, John A. Hadden Jr., Mrs. Ben Ali Haggin, P. P. G. Hall, R. B. Hall, Mrs. Harry Hamlin, Carl Haner Jr., John H. Hanna, Mrs. John H. Hanna, Charles Hargrove, C. C. Harrison, Dorothy Harrison, Mrs. Charles C. Harrison, Mrs. John Harrison, Mrs. T. S. Harrison, T. S. Harrison, E. M. Hastings, James Hawes, Mrs. G. P. Hawes, J. Hayden Jr., Mrs. John B. Henderson, Elsie Henry, Robert Higgins, J. B. Hillard, Mrs. J. B. Hillard, C. Lee Hillyard, C. Hittell, Mrs. J. Holland, Mrs. John Holman, John Hone, John B. Hood, M. G. Hooper, Louis Hosmer, F. T. Howard, Mrs. F. T. Howard, George Howe, Isabella Howland, Mrs. Thomas H. Hubbard, Thomas H. Hubbard, S. Huguenin, J. J. Hull, R. W. E. Hunt, W. R. Huntington, William DeWitt Hyde, Henderson Inches, Louise B. Inches, A. W. Ingersoll, C. E. Ingersoll, Harry Ingersoll, J. H. W. Ingersoll, Mrs. C. E. Ingersoll, Sturgis Ingersoll, Susie Ingersoll, J. Irjens, Mrs. C. Olive Iselin, Mrs. Thomas Jackson, Lucy Jacobs, Mrs. A. E. Janapolski, F. A. Jellison, Morris K. Jesup, Francis Howe Johnson, Mrs. Francis Howe Johnson, S. Johnson, E. R. Johnstone, Hinton Jones, Roy H. Jones, J. I. Kane, George Karst, M. T. Kavanagh, Mrs. M. T. Kavanagh, Mrs. O. L. Keene, O. L. Keene, C. Keller, Dorothy Kelley, Anderson Kelly, Mrs. Anderson Kelly, Mrs. John S. Kennedy, Mrs. S. H. Kerbaugh, S. H. Kerbaugh, Mrs. S. Kerr, J. L. Ketterlinus, Charles A. Keucher, W. T. Kimball, David James King, G. G. King, Mrs. H. M. Kinsley, Wilfried C. Klamroth, Mrs. W. P. Knapp, W. P. Knapp, Harry C. Ladd, May Ladd, Susan Ladd, Lucius S. Landreth, E. M. Larkin, F. F. Larkin, Francis Lathrop, Marion Lawrence, Mrs. A. R. Lawrence, Mrs. William Lawrence, Elizabeth J. Lea, Francis J. Lea, Mrs. George H. Lea, P. Lee, Mrs. James Leeds, Mrs. Warner M. Leeds, Samuel W. Levis, Alfred Holmes Lewis, Mary I. Lewis, Mrs. Francis A. Lewis, Mrs. Philip Livingston, Philip Livingston, Sue Logan, F. L. Lombard, S. S. Lombard, W. B. Lord, Mrs. Arthur Lund, Frances Lurman, Gustav Lurman, Katherine Lurman, Mrs. Gustav Lurman, Fred C. Lynam, Mrs. I. C. Lyon, W. H. Macey, Mrs. George H. Mackay, Pauline Mackay, A. W. Martin, Mrs. E. Wallace Matthews, Frederic May, E. H. McCullough, Mrs. E. H. McCullough, J. Frank McFadden, T. A. McIntire, Emory McMichael, Mrs. Walter McMichael, Mrs. P. H. McMilan, Edward B. Mears, Mrs. Edward B. Mears, Otto Merkel, George S. Merriam, Douglass Merritt, A. Meserole, Mrs. J. V. Meserole, Stephanie Metz, J. Michael, Mrs. J. Michael, Mrs. Foster Miliken, E. Tripp Miller, George N. Miller, Helen L. R. Miller, Katherine C. Miller, Mrs. George N. Miller, Mrs. J. W. Miller, Harriet Mills, Weymer Joy Mills, C. Mitchell, Mrs. G. H. Morgan, Edward Morrell, Mrs. Dave Hennen Morris, Mrs. Gouverneur Morris, C. W. Morse, Glenn Tilley Morse, G. L. Murphy, D. J. Neeman, Florence Neilson, Mrs. Robert Neilson, M. J. Nenson, Dorothy B. Netting, George H. Netting, L. G. Niles, Dorothea Norris, Charles Norris, C. T. Nortemann, Eleanor R. Norton, Gertrude Norton, Gustavus Ober Jr., Frances Ogden, H. J. Orr, Mrs. E. A. Osgood, Amy Otis, Mrs. Frank Otis, Howard Page, Mrs. Howard Page, Alfred Palmer, Mrs. Alfred Palmer, George S. Patterson, Mrs. George S. Patterson, Effie Pearson, Mrs. George L. Pease, George Wharton Pepper, George Perkins, Mrs. C. L. Perkins, Robert F. Phifer, Mrs. Amos R. E. Pinchot, Mrs. A. E. Platt, Mrs. R. W. Pomeroy, R. W. Pomeroy, H. Kirke Porter, Mrs. H. Kirke Porter, Laura J. Post, Jack Potter, Mrs. James Potter, R. S. Potter, Cornelia Prime, J. D. Prince Jr., J. D. Prince, Mrs. J. D. Prince, Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn, Joseph Pulitzer, G. Purviance Jr., Mrs. M. Taylor Pyne, Percy Rivington Pyne, Madeline Rafter, J. L. Rand, Margaret Rand, Mrs. Arthur Randolph, Mrs. Samuel C. Reed, Samuel C. Reed, T. Chesley Richardson Jr., Mrs. T. C. Richardson, T. C. Richardson, John J. Ridgway, Mrs. John J. Ridgway, C. E. Riggs, Mrs. C. E. Riggs, Edw. H. Ripley, Mrs. E. H. Ripley, Caryl Robert, C. Roberts, Graham Roberts, Mrs. C. H. Roberts, J. A. Robin, Mrs. Moncure Robinson, T. G. Rosengarten, H. S. Ross, Maurice C. Rumsey, Mrs. A. F. Schauffler, Mrs. William Jay Schieffelin, William Jay Schieffelin, J. J. Scott, Elizabeth Seaton, Baroness de Saint Seigne, F. R. Senneckson, Mrs. William F. Sheehan, William F. Sheehan, Mrs. Gardiner Sherman, John B. Shober, Mrs. John B. Shober, William Siminson, E. H. Simons, E. E. Skinner, Mrs. E. E. Skinner, Fisher Sloane, F. O. Small, C. J. Smidth, R. Smiley, Armide Smith, Everett P. Smith, Horace Smith, J. Emlen Smith, M. L. Smith, Mary D. Smith, Mrs. Horace Smith, Mrs. J. Emlen Smith, Mrs. M. C. S. Smith, Rhoda Emlen Smith, Llewellyn Randolph Snowden, Amos Sperce, H. B. Sprague, A. Stafford, George Stafford, L. E. Sterns, Annie B. Sterrett, Emma J. Sterrett, L. S. Stevens, William Rhinelander Stewart Jr., William Rhinelander Stewart, Horace Stokes, W. F. Storm, A. Frost Strout, Frank Sturgis, Mrs. Frank Sturgis, J. F. Sweet, C. F. A. Tabbott, Eleanor Tabbott, Mrs. J. Talfree, Louise Taylor, Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, A. M. Tenney, Addison Thayer, Mrs. Addison Thayer, C. C. Thomas, J. C. Thompson, Mrs. Augustus Thorndike, J. S. Thorpe, C. L. Tibbetts, Mrs. C. L. Tibbetts, George Tohor, Aileen Tone, Anita Tone, Esther Tone, Katherine Tone, Mrs. S. J. Torrance, M. E. Torrey, Eugene Townsend, F. E. Townsend, May Townsend, Mrs. F. E. Townsend, Mrs. C. J. Train, Mrs. Charles R. Train, C. Trask, C. C. Trowbridge, L. S. Tuckerman, Mrs. L. S. Tuckerman, George E. Turnure, Mrs. George E. Turnure, Frederick Van Tine, Harold Vanderbilt, Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt, Emeline G. Vernam, W. H. N. Voss, E. E. Waples, Booker T. Washington, Arthur Weeks, Mrs. Francis L. Wellman, Mrs. Arthur Welman, Allen West, Theo. S. West, Joseph A. Whitaker, A. White, Mrs. William R. White, William R. White, Charles A. Whiting, Helen Hay Whitney, Mary Whitney, Payne Whitney, William C. Whitney, J. F. Whittaker, Eliza C. Whyte, Louisa Hollingsworth Whyte, Mrs. Lucius K. Wilmerding, G. Wilson, M. A. Wilson, Margaret Wingate, Mrs. Buchanan Winthrop, Julia Wise, Adolph G. Wolf, D. T. Worden, Mrs. D. T. Worden, Julian Wright, Fanny Young, G. Young [show more]
Seal Harbor postcard
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Picture Postcard
  • People
  • Places, Shore
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
Seal Harbor postcard
Islesford Historical Society
The postcard shows a view from Isleford toward Seal Harbor with the Seaside Hotel in the background.
Islesford Hotel
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
Islesford Hotel
Islesford Historical Society
Woodlawn Hotel now private residence
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Dwellings, House
Woodlawn Hotel now private residence
Islesford Historical Society
Hotel Islesford
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
Hotel Islesford
Islesford Historical Society
Front Yard Scene at Woodlawn Photograph, 1948
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph
  • Businesses, Lodging Business
  • People
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • 1948-08
  • Cranberry Isles, Little Cranberry Island, Islesford
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
The Woodlawn Inn was built by George Henry Fernald for George and Edna Gilley, circa 1893. After Edna's death it was closed in 1909. James Ray and Ada Dwelley reopened the inn in 1911 and ran it for over 40 years. Three people in the front yard of Woodlawn House. Inscription on back reads "Typical front yard scene at Woodlawn House. Mrs. Wagner busy at something, with Mrs. Kemmer and Miss Whilinan [sp?] deep in discussion on the porch rail. Islesford, Aug, 1948" in pencil Black and white [show more]
Hotel Islesford Booklet, undated
Islesford Historical Society
  • Publication, Booklet
  • People
  • Places, Shore
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Vessels, Boat
  • Noether, Gerry
  • Cranberry Isles, Little Cranberry Island, Islesford
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Hotel Islesford Booklet, undated
Islesford Historical Society
A booklet featuring photographs of sites on Islesford. People Mentioned: A. M. Falt
Hotel Iselsford Postcard, 1918
Islesford Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Picture Postcard
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Cranberry Isles, Little Cranberry Island, Islesford
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Hotel Iselsford Postcard, 1918
Islesford Historical Society
Note indicates the hotel was torn down circa 1918/1919. Postcard depicting Hotel Islesford. Inscription on front reads "Hotel Islesford/ [illegible] 1918-19-" in blue pen inscription on back reads "Irene Bartlett" in blue pen People Depicted: Irene Bartlett Black and white
Freeman House with Buggy Stereograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Recreation
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Allen
  • 1865 c.
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Freeman House with Buggy Stereograph
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Freeman House with a buggy in the driveway, in Southwest Harbor, ME, c. 1860s. Inscription on the back reads "R. H. Hyson" in blue pen. Black and white
Sunset Hotel and Restaurant Summer License Legal Notice, 1938 (2)
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Announcement, Legal Notice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Sunset Hotel and Restaurant, Inc.
  • 1938-06
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Bond for The Sunset Hotel and Restaurant Corporation of Bar Harbor, ME to accompany their application for a summer hotel license for the period ending October 31, 1938.
Sunset Hotel and Restaurant Surety Bond Application Form, May 31, 1938
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Form, Application, License Application
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Sunset Hotel and Restaurant, Inc.
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Application to the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York for a surety bond for the Sunset Hotel and Restaurant in Bar Harbor, ME. A financial statement from the Sunset Hotel and Restaurant from December 31, 1937 is included with their application. People Mentioned: Mark Perlinsky, Angela C. Kaufman, Peter Manty, R. C. Masterman, Wyman P. Wadleigh, Charles Chapman, Harold Carter
Sunset Hotel and Restaurant Hotel Malt Liquor License Application Form, June 1938
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Form, Application, License Application
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Sunset Hotel and Restaurant, Inc.
  • 1938-06
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Application form from the Maine State Liquor Commission for a hotel license to sell malt liquors. The form is filled out for the Sunset Hotel and Restaurant and dated June 1938. People Mentioned: Mark Perlinsky, Angela C. Kaufman, Peter Manty, R. C. Masterman
Sunset Hotel and Restaurant Summer Hotel Spirituous and Vinous Liquors License Application Form, June 1938
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Form, Application, License Application
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Sunset Hotel and Restaurant, Inc.
  • 1938-06
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Application form from the Maine State Liquor Commission for a summer hotel or club license to sell spirituous and vinous liquors. The form is filled out for the Sunset Hotel and Restaurant and dated June 1938. People Mentioned: Mark Perlinsky, Angela C. Kaufman, Peter Manty, R. C. Masterman
Thomas Mourkas and Angela C. Kaufman Liability Release Agreement, July 26, 1935
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Legal, Agreement, Contract
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Mourkas, Thomas
  • 1935-07-26
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Statement made by Thomas Mourkas releasing Angela C. Kaufman from any liability in connection with owning or leasing The Sunset Hotel and Restaurant. People Mentioned: Angela C. Kaufman
Angela C. Kaufman Court Summons Legal Notice, September 12, 1938 (2)
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Announcement, Legal Notice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Gray, Frank W.
  • 1938-09-12
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Court summons for Angela C. Kaufman and the Sunset Hotel and Restaurant Corporation to appear in the Bar Harbor Municipal Court on September 20, 1938 to answer to Mark Perlinsky in a plea of forcible entry and detainer. People Mentioned: Angela C. Kaufman, Mark Perlinsky, Harry M. Conners
Perlinsky, Kaufman, and Mourkas Contract Cancellation Legal Notice, November 21, 1938
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Announcement, Legal Notice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Kaufman, Angela C.
  • Perlinsky, Mark
  • Shaw, Norman
  • 1938-11-21
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Legal notice of the cancellation of the lease between Mark Perlinsky, lessor, and Angela C. Kaufman and Thomas Mourkas, lessees, for the property and building known as the Perlinsky Block on the western side of Main Street in Bar Harbor, ME. People Mentioned: Thomas Mourkas, H. L. Graham
Angela C. Kaufman Transfer of Goods to Mark Perlinsky Legal Notice, November 22, 1938
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Announcement, Legal Notice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Kaufman, Angela C.
  • 1938-11-22
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Legal notice of the transfer of goods and chattels from the second and third floors of The Sunset Hotel and Restaurant to Mark Perlinsky. Includes the terms of the sale and a list of items per room. People Mentioned: Mark Perlinsky, Angela C. Kaufman
Sunset Hotel and Restaurant Transfer of Goods to Mark Perlinsky Legal Notice, November 22, 1938
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Announcement, Legal Notice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Sunset Hotel and Restaurant, Inc.
  • 1938-11-22
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Legal notice of the transfer of goods and chattels from The Sunset Hotel and Restaurant to Mark Perlinsky. Includes the terms of the sale and a list of items per room. People Mentioned: Mark Perlinsky, Angela C. Kaufman
Office of Secretary of State Invoice, May 29, 1936
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Financial, Sales Record, Invoice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Barrows, Lewis O.
  • 1936-05-29
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Invoice from the State of Maine Office of Secretary of State for one certified copy of the certificate of change of location and clerk of Sunset Hotel and Restaurant. People Mentioned: R. C. Masterman
William D. Hayes Invoice, March 31, 1937
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Financial, Sales Record, Invoice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Hayes, William D.
  • 1937-03-31
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
William D. Hayes Invoice, March 31, 1937
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
Invoice from William D. Hayes, CPA, for the preparation of one corporation income tax return for The Sunset Hotel and Restaurant in Bar Harbor, ME. A handwritten note on the invoice indicates that the bill was paid on April 1, 1937.
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Invoice, October 22, 1936 (4)
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Financial, Sales Record, Invoice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Bangor Hydo-Electric Company
  • 1936-10-22
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Invoice from Bangor Hydro-Electric Company for the electric current used by The Sunset Hotel in Bar Harbor, ME.
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Invoice, October 22, 1936 (3)
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Financial, Sales Record, Invoice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Bangor Hydo-Electric Company
  • 1936-10-22
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Invoice from Bangor Hydro-Electric Company for the electric current used by The Sunset Hotel in Bar Harbor, ME.
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Invoice, October 22, 1936 (2)
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Financial, Sales Record, Invoice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Bangor Hydo-Electric Company
  • 1936-10-22
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Invoice from Bangor Hydro-Electric Company for the electric current used by The Sunset Hotel in Bar Harbor, ME.
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Invoice, October 22, 1936 (1)
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Financial, Sales Record, Invoice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Bangor Hydo-Electric Company
  • 1936-10-22
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Invoice from Bangor Hydro-Electric Company for the electric current used by The Sunset Hotel in Bar Harbor, ME.
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company Invoice, February 19, 1937
Great Harbor Maritime Museum
  • Document, Financial, Sales Record, Invoice
  • Legal Process
  • Structures, Commercial, Lodging, Hotel
  • Structures, Commercial, Restaurant
  • Bangor Hydo-Electric Company
  • 1937-02-19
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Invoice from Bangor Hydro-Electric Company for the electric current used by The Sunset Hotel in Bar Harbor, ME.