276 - 300 of 573 results
You searched for: Subject: Transportation
Title Type Subject Creator Date Place Rights
Boats in a Shipyard
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
Boats in a Shipyard
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of sailboats under construction on stands in a boat yard. Lower left of the frame there is the top of a phone booth along with buildings. Mountains and water can be seen in the distance. From folder: Landscapes
Buildings along the shore.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
Buildings along the shore.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of buildings built along the shoreline. These appear as if they maybe houses. The photo was taken in winter with snow on the ground. The tide is also out. From folder: Landscapes
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of islands and the shoreline at low tide. The photo maybe of sunrise or sunset. From folder: Landscapes
Person standing on rock ledge
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
Person standing on rock ledge
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a person standing on top of a tall rock ledge with waves breaking below. From folder: Landscapes
Small rock outcropping.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1969
Small rock outcropping.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a small island with waves crashing all around. it. Notation on slide reads: one 5x7 print From folder: Landscapes
Lobster Traps on Pier
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
Lobster Traps on Pier
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a wooden lobster traps stacked up on a pier. There is a grey building to the right of the traps and houses and a grassy meadow in the distance. Notation on the slide reads: Bailey's -Orr's Is From folder: Landscapes
Light House
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
Light House
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a long low island whith a tower style light house. The light house is white with a red top. The keepers cottage and fule shed can be seen further down the island. From folder: Landscapes
East Boston Skyline
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Nov 1971
  • Easton Boston, MA
East Boston Skyline
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a number red tugboats tied to the edge of a dock waiting. Row of houses line the ridge to the right of a large tree. Notation on slide reads: East Boston From folder: Landscapes
Houses in East Boston
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Nov 1971
  • Easton Boston, MA
Houses in East Boston
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a number of houses and buildings along the edge of the water in East Boston. There is a crane in the foreground and distance. Hard to tell what they are doing. The photo was taken from the water. Notation on slide reads: East Boston From folder: Landscapes
Point of Land
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
Point of Land
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of large point of land sticking out into the water. There is a large section of bare rock and the rest is covered by trees. The photo was taken from the water. From folder: Landscapes
Looking down from above
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • May 1972
Looking down from above
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of the view from high vantage looking over the trees towards the water and land on the other side. Snow is on the open areas and tree limbs. From folder: Landscapes
Dilapidated Wharf
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • May 1971
  • Bayonne, NJ
Dilapidated Wharf
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a number of piling jutting out of the water holding up noting. In the forground there is the stern of a boat with a docking line coming off the back. In the distance there is a few buildings and a large tower. Notation on slide reads: Bayonne, NJ, Tanker Terminal From folder: Landscapes
Large building on spit.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • July 1971
  • Bailey's-Orr Island, Maine
Large building on spit.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a large house with a redish roof which has been built on a skinny strip of land. To the right of the house there are also a number of low buildings. The photo is taken from a hill looking across to the house. Notation on slide reads: Bailey's-Orr Island From folder: Landscapes
Building off the edge of an island
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • May 1971
  • Trescott, ME
Building off the edge of an island
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a building built above the water with one edge anchored on the edge of a tiny island. The tide is low and there are large waves seen around the edge of the island. Notation on slide reads: Trescott, ME From folder: Landscapes
Stormy waves
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Nov. 1969
Stormy waves
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a large waves moving toward a rocky cliff. There is a break in the clouds with the sun shining through. Notation on slide reads: one 5x7 print. From folder: Landscapes
Large wave spray
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Feb 1971
Large wave spray
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a large wave breaking against large seaweed covered granite rocks sending up spray. There are buildings on the distant shore. From folder: Landscapes
Looking across a field
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Feb 1971
Looking across a field
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a large grassy field looking toward the water and mountains in the distance. A house can be seen in the lower right of the frame. From folder: Landscapes
Aerial View of Land
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Jun 1971
Aerial View of Land
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of an aerial view of land. There are two peninsulas of land connected by a bridge. On the far side it is much more densly populated on the right side of the land. From folder: Landscapes
Cross Country Ski
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • May 1972
Cross Country Ski
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a group of people out cross coutry skiing on the Park Loop Road in Acadia National Park. Frenchman's can be seen below the group. From folder: Landscapes
Large Granite Cliff
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
Large Granite Cliff
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide of a large granite cliff with some dead trees near the top, There are live evergreens further back on the island. From folder: Landscapes
Rocky ledge
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • Sept. 1969
Rocky ledge
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide looking through the trees at a large granite ledge sticking out into the water. From folder: Landscapes
Boats in a harbor
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • July 1971
  • Cutler, ME
Boats in a harbor
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide looking at lobster boats at anchorage in a harbor. Seagulls sit on a seaweed covered rock near the water. Small islands dot the landscape behind the boats. From folder: Landscapes
Lobster Boat Next to Pier.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • July 1971
  • Cutler, ME
Lobster Boat Next to Pier.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide looking at lobster boat tied to a float next to a pier. The tide is full out. There are lobster traps piled on the pier. There is another lobster boat at anchorage. From folder: Landscapes
Marsh Grasses
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • May 22, 1970
Marsh Grasses
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide looking at Dead Spartina. According to notes on the slide this was photographed near the road entrance. There is water flowing through the plants. Notation on slide reads: May 22, 1970 From folder: Landscapes
Marsh Grass
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Structures, Transportation, Lighthouse
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • May 22, 1970
  • Wild Harbor River
Marsh Grass
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Color slide looking at the Wild Harbor River at low tide. The tidal marsh grasses are exposed and some small snails can be seen here and there. Leaves are off the trees. Notation on slide reads: Wild Harbor River, May 22, 1970 From folder: Landscapes