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You searched for: Subject: PlacesType: DocumentType: Correspondence
Title Type Subject Creator Date Place Rights
Miscellaneous correspondence
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • People
  • Places
  • 1965
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Miscellaneous correspondence
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Miscellaneous correspondence re: GCI genealogy (Rice, Spurling, Hamor, Hardy Harwood, Stanley, Wedge, Alley, and Bunker genealogy October 1965. A= Letter from Paul Pattew(sp?) June 26, 1961 to Doctor Macfarlan. B= List of questions for Ethel October 16, 1965, with her answers. C= letter from Ethel October 1965
Deer Ticks and Lyme Disease 9/1/87
Jesup Memorial Library
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Acadia National Park
Correspondence to Skip Haynes 3/16/87
Jesup Memorial Library
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Acadia National Park
Pest House & Half Moon Pond Lot Correspondence
Jesup Memorial Library
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places
  • 1927
Letter re: annexing Bear Island
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Island
  • 1850
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Letter re: annexing Bear Island
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Document, 1 handwritten sheet, letter from J.G. Lauyer to W.P. Preble on annexing Bear Island to Cranberry Isles, 27 Feb 1850. Envelope item 693 contained items 692 and 40. Transcribed.
Disinterment of Arthur P. Stanley
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Cemetery
  • 1931
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Disinterment of Arthur P. Stanley
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Letter, 22 Sep 1931, from Frank Bartlett, Town Clerk, to Mrs. Duren, notifying that permit for disinterment of Arthur P. Stanley has been sent to Charles Stanley. (See GCIHS.org for Spurling Cemetery #2 note that Arthur P. Stanley was buried in the 2nd Spurling cemetery but then his stone and remains were transferred to the 3rd Spurling cemetery.)
Hugh Dwelley's historical reminiscences
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Electronic Mail
  • People
  • Places
  • 2011
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Hugh Dwelley's historical reminiscences
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Document from Hugh Dwelley to Bruce Komusin, Winnie Smart, and Phil & Karin Whitney, dated 3/22/2011. Subject: "Cranberry Chronicle". Documents mentions that Rachel Fields called it Big Cranberry and when Hugh Dwelley was growing up in the 1940s & 1950s, we simply called it "Big Island". The memories of Great Cranberry (Big Island) are indeed interesting as they are of Islesford. Document mentions memoirs of Islesford being published and the warm memories of The Grange where Les Rice held the #2 position and came over with Ida, Wilfred, Norma and a few others nearly every Wednesday night for many years. Hugh talks about enjoying photos of the kids at Longfellow School and wishing classes were still in session at the school. Documents mentions Jack Rosebrook moved to Islesford and was a good friend and that Richard Alley is on Islesford now. Hugh remembers Karl Wedge, Allison Bunker, Pauline Bunker and Charlene Allen. Hugh says there were two dozen kids in the Islesford School during my years there (1936-1944). Some of the kids were from Coast Guard families. Hugh mentions the Coast Guard Station where he delivered "GRIT" newspapers and sold pull-books. There were as many as 50 men there for a time late in WWII. Hugh also mentions Sadie's Doughnuts and Sadie Fernald frying doughnuts. Lew Stanley and Wilfred & Tud's pictures in younger days are also mentioned. [show more]
Remembrances of Great Cranberry Island
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Island
  • Betty Hartley
  • 2000
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Remembrances of Great Cranberry Island
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Letter, remembrances of Great Cranberry Island, written by Betty Hartley
Memories of 1841 visit to Duck and Baker Island
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • People
  • Places, Island
  • Rufus George Frederick Candage
  • No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
Memories of 1841 visit to Duck and Baker Island
Great Cranberry Island Historical Society
Memories of Duck and Bakers Island circa 1891. Gifted by Hugh Dwelley in Summer 2007. The bulk of the document is a copy of a letter to the Ellsworth American written by Rufus George Frederick Candage. The letter was written in 1891, but in the letter he is reminiscing about a two-week vacation to the Duck and Bakers Island in 1841. He writes about a barn, cattle, vegetables, hay, butter, cheese, eggs, fowls on Great Duck, and sheep on Little Duck. At that time the family of John Bartlett was living on Duck Island, although the Duck Islands were claimed by Mr. Gilley. Candage also remembers a trip to see the Bakers Island lighthouse. The letter is preceded by an excerpt from the book "The Descendants of James Candage/Cavendish of Blue Hill, Maine" and some notes on the Bartlett family and the letter made by Ralph W. Stanley. The document also includes a letter from Hugh Dwelley as President of the Islesford Historical Society to Mr. Gil Bunker in reference to a visit that the Bunker Family Association of America planned to make to the Cranberry Islands. [show more]
James Parker to Letitia A. Parker Letter and Envelope, August 10, 1862
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other
  • People
  • Places, Camp
  • Parker, James
  • 1862-08-10
  • Mount Desert
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
James Parker writes to his sister, Letita A. Parker, from Camp Roberts near Bangor. He wishes for new food, thanks her for a letter, asks for advice about purchasing a revolver, and describes his life at camp. The original envelope is included as well. People Mentioned: Lizzie Young
Arno B. Cammerer to George B. Dorr Letter, July 26, 1922
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Nature
  • Other
  • Places, Park
  • Recreation
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Cammerer, Arno B.
  • 1922-07-26
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Arno B. Cammerer to George B. Dorr Letter, July 26, 1922
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter from the acting director of the National Park Service, Arno B. Cammerer, to the Lafayette National Park custodian, George B. Dorr. Cammerer informs Dorr that a proposed road project in Lafayette National Park has been approved. Cammerer believes the proposed plan will provide access to more of the park and states that the planning recognized the importance of keeping some areas remote from the development to maintain their wild character. People Mentioned: E. C. Finney, Frederick Hale, Bert Manfred Fernald, John Edward Nelson [show more]
George Wharton Pepper to Harold Peabody Letter, March 8, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other
  • Places, Park
  • Recreation
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Pepper, George Wharton
  • 1924-03-08
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
George Wharton Pepper to Harold Peabody Letter, March 8, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter from Senator George Wharton Pepper to Harold Peabody. Senator Pepper includes a copy of the text from a letter he wrote to Loren Kimball, outlining his position on the construction of roads in Lafayette National Park. Pepper tells Peabody that he feels the Jordan Pond Valley is spoiled but hopes that the Bubble Pond Valley may yet be saved. People Mentioned: George B. Dorr, John D. Rockefeller Jr.
Barrington Moore to Harold Peabody Letter, March 14, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Nature
  • Other
  • Places, Park
  • Places, Road
  • Recreation
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Moore, Barrington
  • 1924-03-14
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Barrington Moore to Harold Peabody Letter, March 14, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter from Barrington Moore suggesting arguments to Harold Peabody for advancing his campaign against the further construction of roads in Lafayette National Park. Moore argues that while roads are necessary for the park to fulfill its mission of providing access to the public, certain areas must be kept wild, not only for the enjoyment of those seeking solitude in nature but also to serve as natural laboratories for scientists. People Mentioned: George B. Dorr [show more]
Frederic Delano Weekes to Frank B. Rowell Letter, July 14, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Weekes, Frederic Delano
  • 1924-07-14
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Frederic Delano Weekes to Frank B. Rowell Letter, July 14, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter from Frederic Delano Weekes to Frank B. Rowell, the secretary of the Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association. Weekes states his hope that high-ranking officials in the National Park Service will share his and Rowell's view that road construction in Lafayette National Park should be curtailed. Weekes goes on to suggest that those involved with the various path committees should confer and create a plan to prevent over-development in the park. People Mentioned: Robert Sterling Yard, Arno B. Cammerer, Harold Peabody [show more]
M. L. Peabody to Stephen Mather Letter, undated (Copy 2)
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Nature
  • Other
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Peabody, Marian Lawrence
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
M. L. Peabody to Stephen Mather Letter, undated (Copy 2)
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter from Harold Peabody to the director of the National Park Service, Stephen T. Mather. Peabody believes that he and Mather share a similar desire to see wild places conserved and that Mather will see that the natural character of Mount Desert Island will be preserved by the National Park Service by not allowing further development of Lafayette National Park. People Mentioned: William C. Endicott
Bar Harbor Path Committee to George B. Dorr Letter, April 1, 1922
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other
  • Places, Park
  • Recreation
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Bar Harbor Path Committee
  • 1922-04-01
  • Bar Harbor
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
An unsigned letter from the Bar Harbor Path Committee to George B. Dorr, the custodian of Lafayette National Park. The letter states that the various Mount Desert Island path committees are eager to cooperate with Dorr and asks that he confer with them regarding any planned road construction in the park. The path committees understand the need for limited automobile access to the park but would like the pedestrian trail system to be left untouched. People Mentioned: William Jay Turner [show more]
Fred C. Lynam to Frank B. Rowell Letter, March 11, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Nature
  • Other
  • Places, Park
  • Recreation
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Lynam, Fred C.
  • 1924-03-11
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Fred C. Lynam to Frank B. Rowell Letter, March 11, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter from Fred C. Lynam to the secretary of the Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association, Frank B. Rowell. Lynam disagrees with Senator George Wharton Pepper's objection to the proposed road construction project in Lafayette National Park. Lynam believes the road network is necessary for providing access to the park to those who cannot, or do not want, to hike. People Mentioned: George Wharton Pepper
John A. Peters to George Wharton Pepper Letter, March 19, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Peters, John A.
  • 1924-03-19
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
John A. Peters to George Wharton Pepper Letter, March 19, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter from John A. Peters to Senator George Wharton Pepper. Peters urges Pepper to state support for proposed road construction in Lafayette National Park at a scheduled hearing with the Secretary of the Interior. Peters goes onto to advise Pepper to suggest the creation of an advisory panel to assist in the creation of road planning projects in the future. Finally Peters states the senator's "misunderstanding" of the road issue should not keep him from attending the upcoming Republican convention. People Mentioned: Frederick Hale, Bert Manfred Fernald, John Edward Nelson [show more]
Luere B. Deasy to Hubert Work Letter, March 20, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Deasy, Luere B.
  • 1924-03-20
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Luere B. Deasy to Hubert Work Letter, March 20, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter to the Secretary of the Interior, Hubert Work, in which Deasy states his support of proposed road construction in Lafayette National Park. Deasy has the utmost confidence in the park custodian, George Dorr, and states that opposition to the project is not acting in the interest of the public. People Mentioned: Charles W. Eliot, George B. Dorr
John A. Peters to Frank B. Rowell Letter, March 21, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Peters, John A.
  • 1924-03-21
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
John A. Peters to Frank B. Rowell Letter, March 21, 1924
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter in which John A. Peters urges Frank B. Rowell to change his position regarding the proposed road construction on Mount Desert Island. Peters refers to enclosed copies of letters arguing for the proposed project to continue. People Mentioned: Luere B. Deasy, George Wharton Pepper
George B. Dorr to Gist Blair Letter, April 10, 1925
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Nature
  • Places, Park
  • Dorr, George B.
  • 1925-04-10
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
George B. Dorr to Gist Blair Letter, April 10, 1925
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
Letter from George Dorr to Gist Blair regarding Blair's acceptance of the chairmanship of a committee. Dorr states he would like Blair's work to extend to the whole of conservation.
Hubert Work to Harold Peabody Letter, May 18, 1925
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Work, Hubert
  • 1925-05-18
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Hubert Work to Harold Peabody Letter, May 18, 1925
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter from the Secretary of the Interior, Hubert Work, to Harold Peabody, responding to inquiries from Mr. and Mrs. Peabody regarding the status of road construction projects in Lafayette National Park. Work quotes a telegram from George Dorr stating that there are no road construction projects proceeding in the national park except those which were authorized the previous summer and that since these projects are on land held by trustees of public reservations, the Department of the Interior has no control over them. People Mentioned: Marian Lawrence Peabody, George B. Dorr, Stephen T. Mather [show more]
Harold Peabody to Hubert Work Letter, May 21, 1925
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Peabody, Harold
  • 1925-05-21
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
Harold Peabody to Hubert Work Letter, May 21, 1925
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
A letter from Harold Peabody to the Secretary of the Interior, Hubert Work, regarding conflicting information about new road construction in Lafayette National Park. Peabody accuses the Lafayette Park administrators of maintaining a policy of secrecy about projects. People Mentioned: Robert Sterling Yard
Arno B. Cammerer to George B. Dorr Letter, February 28, 1927 (2)
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Cammerer, Arno B.
  • 1927-02-28
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
A letter from Arno Cammerer, the assistant director of the National Parks Service, informing George Dorr that John D. Rockefeller Jr. has proposed to fund a project to create new roads in Lafayette National Park. Cammerer requests that Dorr bring the proposal to the attention of the residents and various organizations on Mount Desert Island and, following the input of the residents and organizations, reply with a recommendation for how the National Park Service should proceed. People Mentioned: John D. Rockefeller Jr., Hubert Work [show more]
John D. Rockefeller Jr. to Director of the National Parks, Department of the Interior Letter, February 24, 1927 (2)
Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Rockefeller Jr., John D.
  • 1927-02-24
  • Mount Desert Island
  • Copyright Not Evaluated
A letter from John D. Rockefeller Jr. to the Department of the Interior. The letter addresses two roads he is proposing to build that include portions that pass through Lafayette National Park property to the north and south of Bubble Pond.