Description: Contains brief written descriptions of activities, accommodations, and more. No date given, but mentions the Building of Arts, USN Radio Station at Otter Cliffs.
Description: Joint Statement of position of LaRue Spiker on the Stockholm Agreement. As child welfare workers they cannot see rebuilding a world after the atomic bomb. Must actively oppose the bomb. Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.15.10
Description: Discussion of Planning Board Meeting on College of the Atalantic proposal to build 3 dormitories 4 p. Already had 200 students so possibly 1970? By LaRue Spiker Previously archived as 012.FIC.052.6, **1383
Description: “Few Phenomena of Civilization” by LaRue Spiker. 5 pages. History of Roads, cars on Mt. Desert Island Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.065.05
Description: Robert Lincoln, Eddie Davis, Davis Irvin, Daniel McLauhlin - Boat Builders” by LaRue Spiker. 6 pages. Wooden canoe building Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.065.07
Description: The Louisville Pattern Excerpts from the Official Transcript Jefferson County Grand Jury Investigation Sep 1954 into an Explosion at the House of Andrew Wade IV. Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.069, **1284
Description: Six page newsletter of the Natural Resources Council of Maine which includes an article on p.3 regarding proposed aluminum smelter on the Maine coast near Ellsworth. This proposal eventually became associated with the company TEPCO. Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.9
Maine Department of Economic Development Commissioner James K. Keefe
Description: Letter from Kenneth P. MacLeod to LaRue Spiker about the volume of letters recieved in connection with the new environmental bills enacted in the State of Maine. Statements of Governor Kenneth Curtis and Economic Development Commissioner James Keefe made at meeting in Trenton. The meeting was to discuss the possible development of an atomic power plant and aluminum reduction facility by TEPCO ans its environmental implications. Transmittal letter is also included. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection. Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.1 Letter from Kenneth P. MCleod previously accessioned as **1671, object ID **1671 [show more]
Description: Article on two pages quoting Trenton selectman than an announcement was planned as to industrial development on the Union River. The proposed development was construction of aluminum plant. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.055.3
Description: Article on two pages reporting on a meeting of citizens to discuss the proposed industrial development by TEPCO in Trenton. Photos of Doug Smith and Frank Walker included. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.4
Description: Multiple newspaper articles, editorials, letters to the editor and advertisements regarding TEPCO proposed industrial development in Trenton. Development was to include a nuclear power plant and an aluminum reduction plant. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.5 WDEA Replays Entire Hearing previously accessioned as **1690, object id **1690
Description: Multiple clippings from newspapers and newsletters, all pertaining to various political topics such as highways, taxation, distribution of wealth, etc. Items may have been saved in preparation for articles Spiker was writing. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as 012.FIC.057.3