Description: This is the first COA academic catalog. "This catalogue is the result of two years of planning and thought. In many ways it is just a beginning. We are proposing a new direction in higher education, based on the changing needs of our social and natural environment. College of the Atlantic is a mission-oriented institution. We espouse a broadly-based education as a means of providing the necessary perspective for the study and understanding of human ecology. The program is problem centered, but is designed to utilize the thought and research generated by theoretical study." [show more]
Description: During the fall of 1982, the COA Oral History Workshop collected and prepared oral history interviews documenting COA's founding and early years. For her senior project, Bethany Arownow '83 edited these interviews into a booklet entitled "Such a Frail Bark". The book is fascinating and contains photographs of Kaelber Hall and people instrumental in COA's birth and life.
Description: A brochure for the Cranberry Island Museum, which was then located at the long fellows school. Inside the brochure was a postcard that with a photo by Henry Finklestien on it.
Description: A booklet of recipes donated by the Summer people of Cranberry Island. The drawing featured on the front of the book was drawn by Marilyn St. Germain
Description: a recipe book put together by the ladies aid society. it features recipes donated by the people of Cranberry Island. The artwork pictured on the front was drawn by Carl Nelson.
Description: A recipe book from the Ladies Aid Society. The artwork displayed on the front was drawn by Wini Smart. The recipes were donated by islanders of Cranberry Island, and they range from Doughnuts to Crab Dip.