Description: Receipt (copy), U.S.P.S. receipt for two first class registered letters sent by Postmaster William P. Preble of Cranberry Isles, on 21 Feb 1888 to Ellsworth. The letters could have been written by him, or any other person on Cranberry. The letters were to 1) Ellsworth American or editors of the American, and 2) First National Bank, Ellsworth chain. The Ellsworth Postmaster, A.V. Greely, received them, stamped his name on the return receipt, and returned it to Preble. [show more]
Description: Photo, "Hilda Spurling filled in for Marjorie Phippen at the Post Office" taken and developed by Ed Gray. (2 copies) (Note: Item 1633a is also Hilda Spurling from a different angle (5 copies)
Description: Ledger page, loose, both sides used, school and property tax info, no date, appears to be a working sheet, in pencil, 9 names: Arno P. Stanley, Lewis Ladd, George Bulger, Edwin Spurling, William Bulger, Thomas Bunker, Leonard Holmes, Sam Bunker, William Bunker. Poor condition.
Description: Collection of journals, ledgers, wallet, books, scanned photos pertaining to Stanley family: Items A-H. (A) Enoch B. Stanley's tan leather fold-over "The Revised and Improved Collector's Tax Book....Adapted to the Revised Statutes of 1883", by W. W. Bolster, Published Portland: W. H. Stevens & Company, No. 193 Middle Street. Entries from 1890-1892 with categories for real estate, personal property, poll tax, highway tax, a section on school district tax. With three loose handwritten pages inserted. One is list of children for Hannah Lopaus(?) who moved to Mount Desert July 12th 1799 and had 10 children and includes list of 9 children born to Hannah's daughter Nancy Lopauss Richardson Clark, one of whom was Meltiah P. Richardson (spouse of Carrie Stanley Richardson). The second loose page is a petition for a fish weir at Thrumcap for Enoch B. Stanley and W.D.(?) Stanley in January 1891. The third loose page is Permission for a fish weir with full description dated Feb. 7, 1891. (B) Maroon fold-over wallet (empty). (C) Scans from loaned Schmidt family photo albums including family and one of old hearse. (D) Maroon wallet with 14 items folded inside it: receipts: Meltiah Richardson 1871 taxes; E.B. Stanley 1862 & 1864; note to Capt Stanley 1864; 1864 receipt; 1864 receipt Hadlock; 1871 tax receipt; M. P. Richardson to E.B. Stanley 1874; one faded small photo of a person on a sailboat; registered letter receipt 1878 addressed to Thomas Leighton of Millbridge Me received of E. J? Stanley; Receipt 1882 for 7.33 payment; 1876 receipt E. B. Stanley and Perley Russell goods of Haskell 14.50. Envelope addressed to Mrs. Caroline H. Stanley Cranberry Isles ME with Boston Jan 30 1898 postmark 2 cents. Two comic poem pages (not scanned). (E) Small tan leather journal full of information listing fish catches and payments to individuals 1868-1870 in Boston, Cranberry Isles, Gloucester, Schooner Rozella mentioned on one page. Names include Gilley, Bunker, Spurling, Stanley, Ladd, Wayland, Bulger, Young; only three representational pages scanned from this journal. (F) Small narrow brown marbled ledger (undated) tallying fish and bills; two pages mention schooner Harrie [or Fannie?] Forrest; 1 page scanned. (G) Book: The Matron's Manual of Midwifery and the diseases of women during pregnancy and in child bed by Frederick Hollick, MD 1843. (H) Book: How to Hunt and Trap containing full instructions for hunting Buffalo, Elk, Moose, deer, Antelope - by J. H. Batty, 1878; inscribed "Boynton Stanley" at top of page, lower down "William G. Thumbeam[?] from Papa, Christmas 1878." (See also 2015.316.2077 and 2017.389.2164) [show more]
Description: Ten Town of Cranberry Isles documents 1876-1877, with summary of each item. Includes receipts for tax assessors; Perley and Russell v. Bunker; Gilley; Schooner Wayland; Leonard Holmes; and mention of a ship attacking a vessel, among other things.
Description: Journal with transcription. 38-page typed transcription of protestations of ships wrecked on the Cranberry Isles from an original 19th-century ledger/journal kept by William P. Preble 1867-1879. Journal transcribed by Michael Macfarlan c. 2002. One loose page partial protestation for 1893. The back of the journal also contains pages for the accounts pertaining to School district No. 2, the Post Office, and for various islanders (not transcribed). (See also 1000.0.934: selections from 1080 - sea captain's transcribed broadcasts for possible video production. (See also June 2018 Cranberry Chronicle, pages 20-13 - link below) [show more]
Description: Register of Arrivals and Departures for March and April 1897. Post Office mail boat Cranberry Isles. Identifies the Post office at Cranberry Isles, County of Hancock, State of Maine, Route No. 1423, from Cranberry Isles to South West Harbor. Name of Contractor: C. G. Steele; Name of Carrier: S. C. Stover. Mode of carrying the Mail: Sail or Row Boat; Trips a week required: Six. On reverse of this form are comments recording the Nature and Causes of Failures and Detentions: In March and April the carrier was absent or ill so mail carried by Gilbert Rosebrook, O.H. Spurling, Millard Spurling, and Eber Spurling when necessary. These forms are unsigned, forms usually signed by William P. Preble, Post Master. [show more]
Description: Register of Arrivals and Departures for the Months of January, February, and May 1884. Post Office mail boat Cranberry Isles. Identifies the Post office at Cranberry Isles, County of Hancock, State of Maine, Route No. 1423, from Cranberry Isles to South West Harbor. Name of Contractor: C. G. Steele, Name of Carrier J. C. Stevens. Mode of carrying the Mail: Sail or Row Boat; Trips a week required: Three for January and February, six for May. On reverse of this form are comments recording the Nature and Causes of Failures and Detentions about storms and weather, difficult to decipher but several transcribed. Most of these forms are signed by William P. Preble, Post Master. [show more]
Description: Register of Arrivals and Departures for April, May, October, and December 1895. Post Office mail boat Cranberry Isles. Identifies the Post office at Cranberry Isles, County of Hancock, State of Maine, Route No. 1423, from Cranberry Isles to South West Harbor. Name of Contractor: C. G. Steele; Name of Carrier: S. C. Stover. Mode of carrying the Mail: Sail or Row Boat; Trips a week required: Six. On reverse of this form are comments recording the Nature and Causes of Failures and Detentions - one failure reported for December 5: snow storm and gale (see 2794Drev herein). Several forms unsigned, forms usually signed by William P. Preble, Post Master. [show more]
Description: Register of Arrivals and Departures for several months of 1886. Post Office mail boat Cranberry Isles. Identifies the Post office at Cranberry Isles, County of Hancock, State of Maine, Route No. 1423, from Cranberry Isles to South West Harbor. Name of Contractor: Wm. B. Mitchell or Samuel Fernald; Name of Carrier: Samuel H. Fernald or William P. Bunker. Mode of carrying the Mail: Sail or Row Boat; Trips a week required: Three. On reverse of this form are comments recording the Nature and Causes of Failures and Detentions - there were three instances of mail failure in 1886: one in January, and two in December (see 2791A, W, and X herein). Forms are signed by William P. Preble, Post Master. [show more]
Description: Register of Arrivals and Departures for several months 1896. Post Office mail boat Cranberry Isles. Identifies the Post office at Cranberry Isles, County of Hancock, State of Maine, Route No. 1423, from Cranberry Isles to South West Harbor. Name of Contractor: C. G. Steele; Name of Carrier: S. C. Stover. Mode of carrying the Mail: Sail or Row Boat; Trips a week required: Six. On reverse of this form are comments recording the Nature and Causes of Failures and Detentions. January: Mail Carrier S. C. Stover sick; January 27 to 31 Orington H. Spurling took the carrier's place. February mail carrier still ill so mail carried by Orrington Spurling and C. W. Bracy. March carrier sick until 13th so Orrington Spurling and J. G Rosebrook took his place. Carrier resumed duties on the 13th. August 25th Spurling is sick, Millard Spurling and Richardson help out. December: carrier Stover sick: Arthur Joy, E. C. Rosebrook, and Preble Richardson work. December 16 tremendous snow storm; 22nd E.C. Rosebrook carried the mail. Many forms unsigned, forms usually signed by William P. Preble, Post Master. [show more]
Description: Register of Arrivals and Departures for September 1894. Post Office mail boat Cranberry Isles. Identifies the Post office at Cranberry Isles, County of Hancock, State of Maine, Route No. 1423, from Cranberry Isles to South West Harbor. Name of Contractor: C. G. Steele; Name of Carrier: S. C. Stover. Mode of carrying the Mail: Sail or Row Boat; Trips a week required: Six. On reverse of this form is space for comments recording the Nature and Causes of Failures and Detentions - no incidents this month so reverse of form was not scanned. Form not signed. [show more]
Description: Register of Arrivals and Departures for February 1899. Post Office mail boat Cranberry Isles. Identifies the Post office at Cranberry Isles, County of Hancock, State of Maine, Route No. 1423, from Cranberry Isles to South West Harbor. Name of Contractor: C. G. Steele; Name of Carrier: S. C. Stover. Mode of carrying the Mail: Sail or Row Boat; Trips a week required: Six. On reverse of this form are comments recording the Nature and Causes of Failures and Detentions. In February the carrier was absent or ill so mail carried by E. C. Rosebrook, O.H. Spurling, Millard Spurling, W. P. Richardson, and Arthur Joy as necessary. Form is unsigned, forms usually signed by William P. Preble, Post Master. [show more]
Description: Register of Arrivals and Departures for several months of 1887. Post Office mail boat Cranberry Isles. Identifies the Post office at Cranberry Isles, County of Hancock, State of Maine, Route No. 1423, from Cranberry Isles to South West Harbor. Name of Contractor: Wm. B. Mitchell, or Samuel Fernald; Name of Carrier: Samuel Fernald or William P. Bunker. Mode of carrying the Mail: Sail or Row Boat; Trips a week required: Three. On reverse of this form are comments recording the Nature and Causes of Failures and Detentions - there were three instances of mail failure in 1887: one in April, and two in May (see 2792E, G & H herein). See also December 2792L for evidence of a blue seal affixed to the edge of this folded form. Forms are signed by William P. Preble, Post Master. [show more]
Description: Folder of fish weir or trap licenses or applications during the period 1944 - 1951 for: Francis G. Fernald George R. Hadlock Joseph E. Spurling Ann Frothingham Guild Theodore J. Spurling (Scans of Town of Cranberry Isles, part of 2016.334.2100)
Description: Poster for Historical Museum Opener, featuring 2 videos: "Fishing with Wesley Bracy, Jr." and "Ice Harvesting", plus ice lecture by Bill Lawler, held 7 July 2004. (video of lecture on miniDV tape #2004-0004, and see 2013.265.1998 and all years>video)
Description: Document, 3 sheets, 1 envelope, sent to Bruce & Margarite Komusin, "February 2000 Newletter, We have Great News, we now have a home!" about opening the Historical Museum
Description: Poster, "Open House, Historical Museum, Great Cranberry Island, Thursday July 3, 1-3 p.m. Sheep Tales and Adventures, also a spinning demonstartion by Gail Grandgent" with Wini's photo of sheep tails (2003)