Description: Elmer "Mac" McGarr, age 72, owner and operator of Mt. View Cabins at Otter Creek, stands outside the office. People Mentioned: Elmer McGarr Color
Description: Photo. Cranberry Cove Restaurant (Now Wini Smart's house) on Spurling Cove. Picture most likely taken before Polly Bunker's shop was built nearby. Also Edgar's tractor is not visible. The Jarvis + Newman Boatyard is shown to the left and the Beal and Bunker dock is visible in the foreground.
Description: Photo taken from the porch of the Cranberry Cove Restaurant showing a planter tub in the front. First boat on the left is the Island Queen, the Island Queen was run 1963-1973 as the year round mail boat. This photo was taken during that time frame.