Description: Including How "Hitty" Happened. By Rachel field . . . 22. A Test of Hitty's Pegs and Patience. By Dorothy P. Lathrop . . .27. Hitty in the Bookshop. By Alice Barrett . . . 31
Description: Books. Collection of 61 books by and about Rachel Field, some first editions signed by the author. See list of titles and descriptions in FieldBooks2016.pdf. Articles and letters discovered inside various books were scanned and saved separately.
Description: 'The Rich History of a Western Pennsylvania Coal Town in Appalachia; The Inspiring Story of unrelenting Citizen Advocates for Social Justice. Book written by notable member of the community.
Description: A write up of Patti D'Angelo's work on Cranberry Island with the elementary school and interview with Tud Bunker as well as an explanation of her affiliation with the College of the Atlantic.
Description: Journal, leather and paper, wallet style, with entries for years 1878, 1879, 1881. Pertains to nautical voyages of Meltiah Richardson aboard the Carrie M. Richardson and perhaps others. It is an extremely valuable resource for interpretation of annotated Nautical Chart 1 and other charts in GCIHS 2015.315.2076. Journal entries corroborate plot markings on nautical chart 1. All pages with handwritten text scanned (48 scans) at 600 dpi July 27, 2016. Complete transcription made Feb. 2017. (Pages with newspaper clippings glued to them were not scanned - most clippings were poetry. Note: Meltiah's wife, Carrie (Mary Catherine Stanley Richardson), wrote and saved poetry.) In several instances, a page had been cut out and/or a portion of a page had been cut out. The journal is not always chronological; entries switch around various years 1878,1879, and 1881. Some highlights are listed below.Scan no.9 Sailed from Cardenas for NY 260 lbs Manello(?) Rope, 178 shakers, 78 canvas10 Arrived at NY from Cardenas, list of perhaps cod caught per person by name and weight and $. Left for….11 Arrived at NY from C. Isles settled with mate $37.1614 Rec from M.P Richardson the sum of $70 wages up to Date Nov 19th 1881 William Brandt15 Arrived Cadiz…16 M. P Richardson mentioned17 M. P. Richardson mentioned and Schooner Carrie M. Richardson 188119 "Cash in Spanish gold 342"23 Mr. Rumill shipped on board Schr C. M. Richardson April 10/79 at 35 $ per xxx24 Antonio Williams on board C. M. Richardson Apr 9th/7925 more re: 187926 more re: 187927 more re: 187942 "cure for chills/fever (?) 2 bitter apples with one pint gin. Let same stand ays. Dose: ½ wine glass full twice a day before meals (R H O (?))43 Bill of sale for 1/32 of Schr CMR Mrs. E B Gregg (interest?) to Joseph W x of Philadelphia44 Name is clearly Joseph W. Willson of Phila45 Port charges list48 Mentions Cadiz [show more]
Description: Book, "Book of Remembrance", by Velma Teel, history of the church and ladies aid. Also included, 3.5" floppy diskette perhaps by Sarah Newell, with, presumably, transcriptions of some parts. (From Ladies Aid 2000). A description of the early history of the Cranberry Isles and the Ladies Aid Founding history.
Description: Brochure, "The Town of Cranberry Isles" by Ted Spurling, includes 12 black and white pages with illustrations by Rose Russo Crooker, copyright 1979 by Theodore and Cara Spurling. First printing 1979, second 1986.
Description: Book, hardbound, "John Gilley: Maine Farmer and Fisherman" by Charles W. Eliot, 72 pages, copyright 1899, reprinted 1947, describes a life on the Cranberry Isles
Description: Book and photo album. (A) Home Folks - A Geography for Beginners by J. Russell Smith, John C. Winston Company, 1927. This book is designed for teachers to present beginners "a new way to begin the study of geography" not as political divisions but instead "it tells how some boys and girls live in the country and then how some boys and girls live in the city." One color plate, several black and white illustrations; 252 pages with index; (Size: 10" x 7.25" x .75"). (B) Photograph album: green with gold script "PHOTOGRAPHS" on cover; 19 small, faded, black and white photographs on black construction paper pages. Unidentified children - perhaps Annie Alley (donor) family members; (Size: 5.75" x 4.75" x .75") [show more]
Description: Newspaper clipping, "The Subway Sailors Who Saved New York", Saturday Evening Post 13 May 1944, about John Stanley being decorated for bravery aboard blazing ammunition ship. (3 pages)
Description: Newspaper page with article "God's Tugboat - News for the Seacoast Mission boat Sunbeam" by Edith Drury, about activities of the Seacoast Mission, with photo of Capt. Bert Stanley. From Maine Coast Fisherman, Oct 1949.
Description: Newspaper complete page, Ellsworth American 1 Jul 1971, "Cranberry Tales" by LaRue Spiker. About the Hadlock family, Capt. Sam Hadlock, Jr., with photos of Arthur Spurling, the old Ben Spurling house, Islesford Museum, Old Wm. Preble House, Church.
Description: Newpaper, "The Working Waterfront" Aug 2001, see page 10, article "Great Cranberry Island Historical Society Builds a New Museum from Scratch"
Description: Collection of "Friends of Hitty Newsletters" Published quarterly by Virginia Ann Heyerdahl. Collection contains each issue from January 1995 - Fall 2002
Description: Book, "Primary Arithmetic" by Samuel Hamilton. Copyright 1909. Inscription on front cover "Property of Town of Cranberry Isles Hazel Bunker"