Description: Poem, handwritten, "The old-fashioned bible", (probably written by Carrie Richardson) (found in Bob LaHotan's barn when he cleaned it 2001) (See scan in 2000>photos>Hazel Brooke Peterson. Transcribed.)
Description: Poem, handwritten, (possibly by Carrie Richardson), "A House of Glass Shall Come to Pass", with lines like "In 1891, the world unto an end shall come"
Description: Newspaper clipping. From the Bangor Daily News dated Wednesday, July 27, 2005 Regional B5. Article is titled "Art Show, sale to aid island museum, cultural center" A portion of the text in the article reads " Organizers have high hopes for Thursday's one-day art exhibit and silent auction at the Neighborhook House in Northeast Harbor, which will feature artworks inspired by the island's rock-bound beauty." "I think it's going to be a real fun time for everyone," Wini Smart, artist and president of the Great Cranberry Island Historical Society, said last week.The article goes on to say, "some of the better-known expressionist artists whose work will be displayed include C. Scott White, William Kienbusch, Carl Nelson and Dorothy Eisner." "Two of Nelson's oil paintings will be auctioned off alongside works by present- day island artists Ashley Bryan, Smart, Gail Cleveland, Sue Hand and David Little, among others. Jewelry by island artists Lisa Hall and Sam Shaw will go on the block, too, and will be joined by handmade quilts, crafts and a plethora of gift certificates. If the fundraising for the $375,000 refurbishment of the historical society's Cranberry House is successful, the island will be even more lively. Plans are under way to turn the old wooden structure into a combination museum and a place for small theater, muscial events, art workshops and a cafe'. Last year, $139,000 was raised for the project. Smart said she hopes that the coming art auction will provide an additional $50,000." See picture of item #1595 for complete article. [show more]
Description: Script for the play "Carrie Richardson of Big Cranberry" by Wini Smart and Bruce Komusin, first performed 8 Aug 2001 (3 copies, 1 copy has the actors' names). (See also items 446-450 and online at A video was made of this play and offered for sale at the museum - Catalogue # 2013.265.1998 – Box 45.
Description: Booklet, comedy play "In Broad Daylight" by Lyn Blanning, 1928, owned by Alice Marion Stanley, about a sewing circle, listing women who played the six parts, all GC Islanders