Description: Marin in Maine Oils and watercolors by John Marin (1870-1953) from private collections and the artist's estate. Photographic portraits of Marin by George Daniell. Opening reception: Thursday, August 13, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Exhibition runs through September 12 Special thanks to Norma Marin, the Richard York Gallery, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward McC. Blair for making this show possible. Image: Lobster Boat Off Cape Split, watercolor, 1939, 13 ¾ by 18 inches. Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Edward McC. Blair. [show more]
Description: Opening reception: Sunday, August 17, 5 to 7 p.m. Exhibition runs through September 13 Image: Popova Liubov, Med Vervis. Brush and India ink and watercolor, 1921. Photo: Warren Hill
Description: An Island Invitational Oils and acrylics by Robert Goodman, Alan McCord, and Judy Taylor. Sculptural work by Shirley Fuerst. Opening reception: Sunday, July 12, from 5 to 7 p.m. Exhibition runs through Saturday, August 8 Gallery hours: Noon to 5 p.m., Wednesday-Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday Front: Robert Goodman, Trees at Dusk, acrylic, 1996, 13 by 19 inches
Description: A Salute to Wingspread: Aurelia Brown, Marian Olin, and Adele Seronde Opening reception: Sunday, July 11, 5 to 7 p.m. Exhibition runs through Saturday, July 31 Blum Gallery hours: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Tues - Sat. Front: Adele Seronde, Iris, oil, four feet in diameter
Description: East/West: Yoga, Calligraphy, and Stones Silk scroll, ink drawings, and photographs by Leon Chang, Walter Compton (1941-1995), Philip Heckscher, Steve Katona and Christopher Lyman Opening reception: Thursday, October 15, 4 to 6:30 p.m., with calligraphy demonstration at 5:30 Exhibition runs through November 14 Front: To Write, Chinese character, ink calligraphy by Philip Heckscher
Description: The Tallit Katan: Does God Care If I Make Them Out Of...? Jewish ritual garments created from ordinary and extraordinary materials, by Bob Gottlieb. Opening reception: Sunday, December 6, 4 to 6 p.m. Exhibition runs through Saturday, January 9 Gallery hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Mon. - Sat. Front: Tallit Katan based on Israeli, Palestinian, and U.S. flags, 1997, by Bob Gottlieb
Description: Unmasking Tribal Africa June 10 - July 3 Spirit beings and memories of departed ancestors are imbued in ceremonial masks and baskets from the traditional cultures of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Africa, displayed in a special exhibit curated by Dominic Muntanga, COA class of 2004 The Ethel H. Blum Gallery College of the Atlantic
Description: Philadelphia on the Rocks July 7 - August 8, 2004 Philadelphians have long enjoyed the charms of Mount Desert Island. Six contemporary painters: Stanley Bielen, Emily Brown, Tish Ingersoll, Douglas Martenson, David Shevlino, and Scott Wright depict the contrasting scenes of city and country. Image 3: Wing & Sunspot oil on polyflax 62" x 48", 2003 Scott Wright
Description: Ancient Traditions, Contemporary Visions August 14-September 21 Art has the capacity to convey timeless values of truth and beauty even as it confronts violence and change. Five American artists from Asian, Middle Eastern and Western traditions express complex multi-cultural realities in painting and sculpture. Eyal Danieli~Bob Gottlieb~Philip Heckscher~Nina Kuo~Wasma'a Chorbachi Opening reception on Sunday, August 17, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Front: "Mount Desert," Philip Heckscher, 1999, 24" x 36" [show more]
Description: Photographs by Bill McDowell May 23 - June 5 The Gallery College of the Atlantic Bar Harbor, Maine Opening reception: Friday, May 23, 4:00-6:00 Gallery hours: 9 to 5, Mon.-Fri.
Description: Card with photograph of the U.S.S. Missourilaunched January 29, 1944Commissioned June 11, 1944Visited Bar Harbor in August of 1946Connie Jellison went on board for a tour
Description: technical drawing of the yacht Thermo, Captain Berlin, Southwest Harbor, Maine pencil on brown kraft paper - crease down center. -stored in flat file
Description: Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 5/18/2000. Announcement of the caling station for the North Atlantic Squadron. Comment on the desirablitiy of the harbor in Bar H. for the Squadron. Suggestion that the newly aquired parkland in B.H. be named for Eben Hamor. Announcement of the gift of a bell for the Trenton Baptist church by Richmond Kittredge
Description: Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 7/12/1999. A detailed description of the terrible drowning accident that occured when the North Atlantic Squadron came to Bar Harbor.
Description: Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 7/12/1999. A detailed description of the terrible drowning accident that occured when the North Atlantic Squadron came to Bar Harbor.
Description: Magazine article in the Scribners Magazine by Bertram B. Fowler on the condition of fishing in Maine in 1937. As early as this the author is promoting co-operatives.” As the fish go, so goes the coast of Maine-unless something is done to remedy the conditons which have sapped the morale of the fishermen from Portland to Canada”.
Description: Letters hostile to LaRue Spiker's appeal for her job at Ind Dept. of Welfare back, one written to the Governor, two to LaRue Spiker, one written from Council of Social Agencies Previously archived as object Id: 012.FIC.015.9, **1275, **1276, **1279, **1280
Description: Letter from Dr. Wesley Leonard (scanned) and onion skin copy with comments on the side such as date, basis for saying this, whom. It may be Spiker's handwriting. Letter by Dr. Leonard (Aug 1968) castigates Spiker for her opinions and propagation of communism, "Leninist dictum", opnions for gun control, a possible civilian police board, anti-Vietnam-for "communist victory", for "Marxian principles that personal savings should be abolished." Mentions Cyrus Hamlin. Appear he spoke at (Southwest Harbor?) town meeting but may have moved to Kennebunk Accompanying handwritten commentary (Dec 1968) by Spiker explaining that she sat beside a little girl at a Christmas Concert. Leonard and his wife came in and greeted the little girl. Dr. Leonard told her not to talk to Spiker [show more]