Description: The Blue Book Directory for Bar Harbor, Maine. The directory contains listings for Bar Harbor businesses and organizations and information for tourists. Tourist information includes mail schedules, transportation schedules, facts about Mount Desert Island and itinerary suggestions. People Mentioned: George C. Abbott, Frank E. Adair, Mrs. Timothee Adamowski, Timothee Adamowski, Alice Ahlborn, Frank Alley, Mrs. William C. Allison III, William C. Allison III, A. Fitzroy Anderson, Mrs. A. Fitzroy Anderson, Anne Andreco, Alfred Anson, Mrs. Alfred Anson, Bedros K. Apelian, John Ash, Harold Ashworth, Mrs. Harold Ashworth, Mrs. Walter Ayer, Arlan A. Baillie, Andre Bailly, Mrs. Henry Bainbridge Baker, John Hampton Barnes, Mrs. John Hampton Barnes, Cecil Barret, Mrs. Cecil Barret, Hermione Barrett, Mary Barstow, Joseph Barth, George E. Batcheller, Mrs. George E. Batcheller, George H. Beard, Mrs. George Beard, Mrs. Samuel Bell, Alfred W. Birks, John J. Bittner, Mrs. Gist Blair, Patricia Blanchfield, Dwight Blaney, Margaret H. Blaney, Richard Blaney, Gerald Borden, Mrs. Gerald Borden, Neal D. Bousfield, Edith G. Bowdoin, George Brace, Shirley Bracy, Rockwell S. Brank, Merrill F. Brewer Jr., Carroll C. Brown, Mrs. Frederick Brown, William Adams Brown, Mrs. Edward Browning, Constantin Brun, Bosman du Bucq, Mrs. Bosman du Bucq, Jack Burke, Mrs. Henry D. Burnham, Nina H. Burnham, James Byrne, Mrs. James Byrne, Agnes Miles Carpenter, Mrs. C. Carroll Carpenter, Alton E. Carter, Emmett Carter, Fred L. Carter, Harold Carter, Mrs. Emmett Carter, Mrs. D. Crawford Clark, Arthur M. Cloudman, Mrs. J. B. Cochran, S. A. Coffin, Mrs. William H. Cole, William H. Cole, Frances Coleman, Arthur N. Coles, Mary Robert Coles, Mrs. Tristram Coffin Colket, Tristram Coffin Colket, Mrs. John Conti, Jay Cooke, Mrs. Jay Cooke, Harry C. Copp, William C. Covert, Albert Cunningham, Leroy Currier, S. R. Dabney, Frances Daggett, Bernard Dahlgren, Mrs. Ulric Dahlgren, Ulric Dahlgren, Mrs. Walter Damrosch, Walter Damrosch, Mrs. John Dane, Augustin Derby, Mrs. Augustin Derby, George B. Dorr, Mrs. John T. Dorrance, H. Paul Douglass, Edward K. Dunham, Walter Eccles, Samuel A. Eliot, Mrs. Augustus Van Horne Ellis, John B. Ells, Jacqueline Embree, Mrs. Shepard Fabbri, Max Farrand, Mrs. Max Farrand, Alma E. Farrar, Elizabeth Fekete, J. Brooks Fenno, Mrs. J. Brooks Fenno, Mrs. Paul Ferguson, Paul Ferguson, Margot Finletter, Edward F. Fitzpatrick, Dale J. Foley, Henry P. De Forest, Vesta Foster, J. Austin Furfey, Charles Geasey, J. C. Gerndt, Mrs. J. C. Gerndt, J. W. Gilfillan, George H. Gledhill, Harry L. Gordon, Washington Grant, Bell Gurnee, Fred L. Hadley, Mary Hadley, Mrs. Chandler Hale, Mrs. Richard Walden Hale, Richard Walden Hale, Mrs.William Pierson Hamilton, William Pierson Hamilton, Leslie I. Hamor, Mrs. S. H. Hamor, Dwight C. Harris, Mrs. Dwight C. Harris, Mrs. Dwight Miller Harris, Henry Reed Hatfield, Mrs. Morris Hawkes, James Heard, Mrs. James Heard, Etienne de Hedry, Mariska de Hedry, Mrs. Etienne de Hedry, Cecil F. Higgins, Edgar S. Higgins, H. P. Higgins, R. G. Higgins, Mrs. M. Hinzelin, Almon B. Hodgkins, Mary Hoffman, Frank O. Holmes, Edward Hopkins, Mrs. Harold A. Howard, Mrs. Platt Hunt, Mrs. Daniel L. Hutchinson Jr., Reginald Hutchinson, Louise Iselin, Frederick Jack, Roscoe B. Jackson, Mrs. Peter Augustus Jay, Jack Jellison, Hallett Johnson Jr., Hallett Johnson, Katherine Johnson, Mrs. Hallett Johnson, Mrs. Reginald Johnson, Mrs. Van Rensselaer Johnson, Priscilla Johnson, Helen S. Jones, Rufus M. Jones, Thomas Jones, William S. Jones, Charles R. Joy, Otis Keene, F. Leonard Kellogg, Mrs. F. Leonard Kellogg, Hugh N. Kelly, Marion Kemp, A. Atwater Kent, Mrs. William Keyser, Herman Kiaer, Mrs. Herman Kiaer, Mrs. Philip Kierstead, Philip Kierstead, J. W. Kilbreth, Mrs. J. W. Kilbreth, Lou Koch, Mrs. Reginald de Koven, Marshall Langhorne, Mrs. Marshall Langhorne, Albert C. Larned, Mrs. Albert C. Larned, C. Frederick Larrabee, William Lawrence, Horace H. Leavitt, A. G. Leffingwell, Alsop Leffingwell, Douglas Leffingwell, M. M. Leffingwell, Mrs. Louis C. Lehr, Louise Leland, Jessica H. Lewis, Mrs. Warren H. Lewis, Warren H. Lewis, Seth E. Libby, Shirley M. Liscomb, Clarence C. Little, Mrs. Clarence C. Little, John C. Livingston, E. Victor Loew, Mrs. E. Victor Loew, Mrs. Seth Morton Van Loon, Seth Morton Van Loon, Harold Loring, Mrs. Lea McIlvaine Luquer, Fred C. Lynam, Philip Mabel, Kenneth Mansfield, Mrs. Theodore Marburg, Theodore Marburg, Richard Marcyes, Etienne de Markowski, E. K. Marshall, Julia B. Marshall, Mrs. E. K. Marshall, Richard Marshall, George V. Marston, Mrs. George V. Marston, Mrs. R. C. Masterman, Mrs. Edward Porter May, Mildred McCormick, Howard McFarland, Ambrose McKay, Rachel McKelvey, Richard E. McKown, Dwight H. McMahon, George G. McMurtry, Mrs. George G. McMurtry, Mrs. William McNair, William McNair, Arthur McQuinn, Edward B. Mears, M. E. Mears, E. Macculloch Miller, James F. Mitchell, Mrs. James F. Mitchell, Mrs. Maurice La Montagne, William Moore Jr., Clement C. Moore, David E. Moore, Mrs. Clement C. Moore, Mrs. William S. Moore, William S. Moore, Henry Morgenthau, Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, David Hennen Morris, Mrs. David Hennen Morris, Charles C. Morrison Jr., Agnes Morrison, E. J. Morrison, Mrs. J. Alden Morse, W. A. Mortimer-Markowski, George S. Munson, Maxwell Munson, Mrs. George S. Munson, Mrs. Maxwell Munson, Natalie Munson, James B. Murphy, Joseph M. Murray, Lowell Murray, J. Homer Nelson, Arthur L. Norton, Mrs. Stanley J. G. Nowak, Stanley J. G. Nowak, Harry Oakes, Harriet V. C. Ogden, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Pauline Palmer, Potter Palmer, Mary W. Pancoast, Mrs. W. Howard Pancoast, W. Howard Pancoast, Alice Parker, Mrs. William Ordway Partridge, Mrs. A. Mansfield Patterson, Gertrude L. Peabody, Marian Lawrence Peabody, John DeWitt Peltz, Mrs. John DeWitt Peltz, Leslie T. Pennington, Palfrey Perkins, Leo Perry, Claudia Phelps, Mrs. Sheffield Phelps, Eugene du Pont, Mrs. Eugene du Pont, Mrs. Reginald Preble, Mrs. William Proctor, William Proctor, Eleanor Pulitzer, Joseph Pulitzer, Kate Pulitzer, Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer, Mrs. M. Taylor Pyne, John L. Quigg, Viola B. Quimby, Warren Scott Reeve, Alice Van Rensselaer, George Renwick, Daniel Reynolds, Mrs. Stanley Marshall Rinehart, Arden Robbins, George S. Robbins, Mrs. Arden Robbins, Mrs. George S. Robbins, Martin Roberts, Mrs. Thomas Robins, Thomas Robins, Mary Robson, Catherine Rogers, Alphonse de Rothschild, Rodney W. Roundy, Mrs. Frank B. Rowell, Dael Royce, Mrs. A. H. Royce, E. S. Russell, William L. Russell, Mrs. Allen Salisbury, Pearl Salisbury, Charles E. Sampson, Gertrude Sampson, Walter Sanborn, Herbert L. Satterlee, Henry Hallam Saunderson, J. H. Sawyer, Mrs. William I. Schaffer, William I. Schaffer, Mildred W. S. Schram, Hugh D. Scott, J. Paul Scott, John M. Scott, Mrs. Edgar Scott, Mrs. Hugh D. Scott, Mrs. Thomas Shea, Thomas Shea, William Siegmund Jr., Mrs. William B. Siegmund, Sally Siegmund, William B. Siegmund, John W. Silk Jr., Mrs. Arthur Sinclair, Foster Skillman, Mrs. Frank Foster Skillman, Judson Slack, Arthur Slingsby, George M. Smith, Homer W. Smith, Mrs. C. Morton Smith, Mrs. Homer W. Smith, George D. Snell, Madeline Stanyan, William Stanyan, Mrs. William Sterling, Mrs. Robert H. Stevenson, Robert H. Stevenson, Margaret Steward, Mrs. Campbell Steward, Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury, Kendrick Strong, Mrs. Walter K. Sturges, George Sullivan, Maurice Sullivan, Harry E. Sutton, Mrs. Thomas Bell Sweeney, Thomas Bell Sweeney, Henry O. Tallmadge, Mrs. Henry O. Tallmadge, Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, John B. Thayer III, John B. Thayer IV, John B. Thayer, Julie Thayer, Lois Thayer, Mrs. John B. Thayer, Pauline Thayer, Dorothy Thibaut, Harry Thomas, Brinton Thompson, Julia Thompson, Mrs. Brinton Thompson, Amory Thorndike, Mrs. Harry Hill Thorndike, Frank Tracy, Arthur Train, John Train, Mrs. Arthur Train, Warren J. Tribou, Mrs. Samuel A. Tucker, Samuel A. Tucker, Kenneth S. Usher, R. W. Wakefield, Kenneth C. Walker, Asa Wasgatt, Mrs. Asa V. Wasgatt, Richard Wasgatt, John J. Weast, Chester A. Wescott, Pearl Wescott, Mrs. Richard Wetzel, Richard Wetzel, Raymond E. Weymouth, John Whitcomb, Adelaide White, H. P. Whitmore, Amos N. Wilder, Mrs. Montgomery Willcox, Harry Willey, Harold Williams, Malcolm O. Willis, Mrs. William Wilson, Arthur E. Wilson, George W. Woolley, Mrs. C. K. Wright, Mrs. Richard Van Wyck, Mrs. Nathan C. Wyeth, Gladys Young, Mrs. A. Murray Young, Mrs. C. Doran Young [show more]
Description: Collection of Rachel Field/Hitty items, 1098a-g. (a) News article "Hitty Comes Home" Bar Harbor Times May 27, 2004. (b) News article "Children's books Include Rachel Field favorite" Mount Desert Islander May 18, 2006. Apparently, "Grace for an Island Meal" was her favorite. (c) 3 different printed copies of "Big Hitty" postcards. (d) Two-page genealogy "The Field Family of Stockbridge in the 1800s" covering 1781-1942, and ending with the death of Rachel Field. (e) Two writings by Rachel Field. "A Valentine for Old Dolls" and "Acceptance Paper", which she read after winning the Newbery Medal for "Hitty" in 1030. (f) Article by the Macmillan Company "Dorothy P. Lathrop" illustrator of Rachel Field's works. (g) Article from COMPASS, Aug 31, 2006, "Do You Know Who Hitty Is? If So, We've Got a Weekend for You", with announcement of "All this and Hitty too: a doll, a book, a seminar" held in Stockbridge, MA September 15-17, 2006. Also one-page "Looking Back at Hitty's Second Hundred Years" a talk by Margaret Chang, Delivered at the "all this and Hitty Too" Seminar of the Stockbridge Library Assocition, September 16, 2006. Actually, items d-g probably were all distributed at this seminar [show more]
Description: Magazine "Maine Life" with article about the Ladies Aid and the Cranberry Quilters Gaile Colby, Beverly Sanborn, and Ruth Westphal are featured
Description: Collection of 3 misc. articles pertaining to Rachel Field and Hitty Preble. 2 copies of an article copied from Down East Maine Magazine detailing Rachel Field's life and her connection to Cranberry Isles. 1 copy of "The Friends of Hitty" Newsletter edited by Virginia Hyardal containing a compilation of Rachel Field's works. 1 News release from the Cranberry House detailing plans to create and continue a Rachel Field and Hitty exhibit within the museum. [show more]
Description: Booklet, "Cranberry Quilts" by Charlotte Harlan. Photos and descriptions of 27 quilts shown at "Arts: Creative Works of the Cranberry Isles" exhibit, 20 July 2006, in Northeast Harbor Neighborhood House, as a Cranberry House fundraiser.
Description: Document, 3 laminated pages, copied from a book, "Introduction, by Robert G. Wheeler, Vice President", being a history of Edward Sands Frost, creator of the Frost hooked rug stencils and patterns, in 1868, with photo of Edward Sands Frost and Mrs. Charlotte K. Stratton (pg 4 & pg 5 from book) plus Pattern numbers 53, 126, and 101, all depicting horses (pg 14 from book).
Description: Collection of recipes, original 53 recipe cards and proof pages for Ladies Aid booklet "Favorite Island recipes collected and compiled by the Ladies Aid Society of Cranberry Isles, volume 1, winter 1973"