Description: Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 8/19/1999. Details about the visit of the North Atlantic Squadron and all the social events that occured.
Description: Picture of the Chebacco boat that stopped at Somes landing. It is the style of the boat that brought Abraham Somes and James Richardson to mt. Desert
Description: A detailed history of the IOD fleet on Mt. Desert as well as its origin and the World Championships that were being held for the first time in NE. Reports on the boat builders involved as well as the owners.
Description: This 1989 brochure from Acadia National Park includes a checklist of species of birds seen within the Acadia National Park area, with abundance and habitat designations and a visual representation of the species' presence throughout the year.
Description: A reception followed by a lecture and slide presentation, "Collecting Art in America," by John Wilmerding, Collector, Curator, and Scholar, Thursday, August 5, 2004. Reception at the George B. Dorr Museum of Natural History. John Wilmerding is a professor of art at Princeton University and longtime summer resident of Northeast Harbor. He is the Visiting Curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. He is an emeritus trustee of the Shelburne Museum in Vermont and on the Board of Trustees of the Guggenheim Museum in New York and the College of the Atlantic. He was formerly Senior Curator of American Art and Deputy Director of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, where he organized the landmark exhibition "American Light: The Luminist Movement" in 1980. Professor Wilmerding is the author of many books and catalogs on American art, including American Marine Painting (Harry N. Abrams, 1987), American Views (Princeton, 1991), monographic studies of Robert Salmon, Fitz Hugh Lane, John F. Peto, Winslow Homer, and Thomas Eakins, and The Artist's Mount Desert: American Painters on the Maine Coast (Princeton University Press, 1994). His most recent book, Compass and Clock, illuminates major continuing themes in the national character. Professor Wilmerding recently bequeathed his private collection, which includes works by Church, Marin, Homer, and Lane, to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., where they are on view in the East Building through October 10, 2004. [show more]
Description: A large, hard fungus with names of students and faculty that participated in the trip carved into the surface. There is a face drawn with marker on the fungus. Discernible Names: Alexandra Brown Gillian Brown Kate Darling Dick Davis Jonathan Gormley Dan Kane Becky Renaud Steve Williams Billy
Description: The streets are commonplace to all of us. They are a playground to some and a time limit to others. Many of us would love to see the street as a safe place for communities to gather and for people to play and recreate. As long as it does not limit us to work in time. Growing up in the Netherlands I have never seen these two as a conflict, and with the help of some maps, I will show you how road infrastructure in the Netherlands can accommodate both these groups. [show more]
Description: Open House You are invited to a pre-lecture gathering at the Dorr Museum in honor of the museum's Summer of Rachel Carson. MacArthur Fellow Carl Safina talks about his use of science, art and literature to inspire a closer relationship with the sea and its conservation needs. An exhibit on Rachel Carson, created by COA students, will be on view. 5:30 p.m. in the George B. Dorr Museum Front text: Tosia australis Uniophora granifera PDF description: A brochure describing a 2007 Dorr Museum Champlain Society lecture by Carl Safina of the Blue Ocean Institute on "History and Destiny in World Fisheries," held in honor of the centennial of Rachel Carson. [show more]
Description: Beauty and the Beast: Nature Images August 18 - October 12, 2003 This exhibit features nineteen color and photogravure prints of New York-based photographer Barbara Yoshida, whose work has been shown throughout the world. Since 1996, six artist's residencies in National Parks, including Acadia National Park, have provided an opportunity for Ms. Yoshida to reexamine her relationship with nature. Her large-format images capture the diversity of landscape on the planet and the various forms of life that it supports, and reflect her conviction that the preservation of nature with a camera is inextricably linked to the preservation of various species and their habitats. In other words, the medium fits the message. Front: Jawbone, Lilies, and Maple. 14" x 11" Silver Gelatin Print. Courtesy of Barbara Yoshida [show more]
Description: The COA GIS website contains interactive GIS maps that can be customized and printed (PDF). The maps represent areas commonly visited on field trips and studied in classes. Maps include COA, MDI, the State and Gulf of Maine and whole world base maps.