176 - 200 of 3295 results
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Title Type Subject Creator Date Place Rights
Seal Harbor Library Poem
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Literary, Poem
Seal Harbor Library Poem
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Poem written about the Seal Harbor Library titled Summer's Joy. The poem was written by a constant summer visitor. Two copies of this poem.
Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • 4/18/1985
Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Bar Harbor Times feature on Mount Desert Island Libraries. Lists all of the libraries on Mount Desert Island, addresses, hours of operation, Librarian names. Also a brief article talking about National Library Week. [show more]
Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • June 1967
Seal Harbor Library
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photograph from unknown newspaper. Showing two librarians helping two children find books for a school project.
Seal Harbor Library Fundraiser
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
Seal Harbor Library Fundraiser
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photograph from a variety of newspapers showing events during the the Seal Harbor Library summer fundraiser fair. One cliping is from the Bar Harbor Times Aug 9, 2007, Mount Desert Islander no date, Mount Desert Islander Sugust 14, 2008. There are also three loose color photos of of the fair as well. [show more]
Seal Harbor Yatch Club Sails On
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • August 4, 1988
Seal Harbor Yatch Club Sails On
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Article from the Bar Harbor Times from Thursday August 4, 1988. Gives information on the 65 year history of the Yatch Club. Also talks about the regatta being held.
Creation of a trail by Mr. Stebbins
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Literary, Essay
Creation of a trail by Mr. Stebbins
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Essay about the beauty of Seal Harbor and the creation of an unnamed trail which was created by Mr. Stebbins.
History of Seal Harbor and Mount Desert Island
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Literary, History
  • 1933
History of Seal Harbor and Mount Desert Island
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Written by Dora Atwood and read at the Woman's Club back in 1933. Three typed pages. There are multiple copies of this in the Seal Harbor Documents.
History of Seal Harbor Village Improment Society
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Literary, History
  • Aug 20, 1980
History of Seal Harbor Village Improment Society
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Four page history of the early years of the Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society. Covers; date of first meeting, origional bylaws, first act of the Society, introduction of cars to Mount Desert Island, work of the Roads and Paths Committee, Brown Tail Moths detected and spruce-bud moth, the takeover of various works of the society by various governmental groups. Signed Edward K. Dunham August 20, 1980. Two Copies [show more]
The Eyrie
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Jan 31, 1963
The Eyrie
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Article from the Bar Harbor Times on the demolition of The Eyrie the estate of John D. Rockefeller.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Literary, History
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Booklet titled John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Godfather to Acadia National Park by Alice Stewart Eno. Showing the work he did to create roads and his securing land for the creation of what would later be called Acadia National Park. [show more]
Martha Stewart
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Jan 16, 2001
Martha Stewart
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Article in the Bangor Daily News about Martha Stewart and her time at her estate in Seal Harbor, Maine.
Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • 11/20/1969
Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Newspaper clipping talking about the opening of the new neighborhood hall in Seal Harbor and the first concert that was held in the hall.
Union Congregational Church
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
Union Congregational Church
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photograph showing a number of adults and children which made up choirs from a number of area churches all standing in front of the stone arch of the Seal Harbor Stone Church in 1932. There's a request for help from the public in identifying others in the photograph. The caption lists the names of those who are already known. [show more]
St. Jude's Church, Seal Harbor
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Literary, History
  • 1954
St. Jude's Church, Seal Harbor
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Ten typed pages on the history of St. Jude's Church in Seal Harbor written by John Walls in 1954. The perface notes the information has been collected from his personal accounts, accounts of his mother and her friends, and church records. The history is bound in a brown cardstock report holder. [show more]
The Steamer J. T. Morse Her History and Adventures
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Literary, History
  • 1994
The Steamer J. T. Morse Her History and Adventures
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. History of the Steamer J. T. Morse written by Joseph Allen, Jr. 38 typed pages with a faded blue cover. Shows pictures of the vessel, tells of voyages, accidents, shows pictures of some of the crew, and a drawing of a warf in Rockland, Maine showing where various ships would tie up. Some pages are coming loose. [show more]
Old Time New England Journal.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • April 1937
Old Time New England Journal.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Journal written by the Society For The Preservation of New England Antiquities volume XXVII, No. 4. Jounal Table of Contents Houses of Two In-Laws of a Revelutionary Soldier The In-Laws of a Revolutionary Soldier-William Copeland, of Mansfield, MA by Jennie F. Copeland The Steamer J.T. Morse-Her History and Adventures by Joseph Allen, Jr. Northern View of Lenox, MA Notes on the Bulfinch Church at Lancaster, MA by John P. Brown Addresses of the Vice-President Boylston Adams Beal Report on the Museum The Librarian's Report 157 pages [show more]
Old Time New England Journal.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Jauary 1937
Old Time New England Journal.
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Journal written by the Society For The Preservation of New England Antiquities volume XXVII, No. 3. Jounal Table of Contents The Steamer J.T. Morse In Boston Harbor May, 1904 The Steamer J.T. Morse- Her History and Adventures by Joseph Allen, Jr. An Historical Prospect of Harvard College by C.E. Walton William Claggett, of Newport, Rhode Island, Clockmaker by The Clock Club William Crowninsheild Endicott, 1860-1936 Notes and Gleanings 117 pages [show more]
Down East Magazine
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Periodical, Magazine
  • August 1959
Down East Magazine
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Down East Magazine August 1959 showing calendar of summer events for a variety of towns in the Downeast region of Maine. The magazine also highlights boat trips which can be taken in the region.
An Analysis of Lafayette National Park
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Guidebook
  • 1924
An Analysis of Lafayette National Park
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. An Analysis of Lafayette National Park by Robert Sterling Yard. This is a guide book to Lafyette National Park offering a glimpse of the mission of the Park, mountain ranges, bodies of water, habitats, Bar Harbor, history of tourism on Mount Desert Island, and the need to conserve this land. Cover is a greenishblue cardstock with silver lettering and a icture of Thunder Hole. The Title on the front of the book reas A Senic Wonderland of Ocean, Lakes, and Mountains. [show more]
Maine Highways
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • August 1932
Maine Highways
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Maine Highways Magazine from August 1932 contains three articles on the Cadilac Mountain Road in Acadia National Park.
Dedication of Cadilac Mountain Road
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • July 27, 1932
Dedication of Cadilac Mountain Road
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. The Bar Harbor Times Wednesday July 27, 1932. More than likely the reason these pages were saves was for the article on the dedication of the road leading up to the top of Cadilac Mountain.
A Life Robert Abbe
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Literary, Biography
  • 1924
A Life Robert Abbe
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. A small quarter page booklet on the life of Robert Abbe by William Lawrence and printed by the Lafayette National Park Museum, Bulletin No IV. Thirteen typed pages with a fades purple cover with A LIFE in dark type. [show more]
Acadia Calls The Tourists
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • 1936
Acadia Calls The Tourists
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Article from an unknown newspaper with the handwitten date of 1936. Full Title of the article is Acadia Calls the Tourists: One Maine's Famous Mount Desert is Now An Island Park For All People by Frank George. Talks about the history of the park, additions to the park, guide services, the transition from Sieur de Monts National Monument to Acadia National Park, how the park has become more accessible. [show more]
Paths and Trails of Northeast Harbor and Vicinity
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Guidebook
  • 8/10/1914
Paths and Trails of Northeast Harbor and Vicinity
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Small half page booklet showing the Paths and Trails of Northeast Harbor and Vicinity printed by the Northeast Harbor Village Improvement Society. Eight pages in length with no maps. Gives written directions on how to access the trails. Trails mentioned: School House Ledge, Hadlock Pond, Upper Hadlock Pond, Brown Mountain, Asticou Hill, Jordan's Pond, Sargent Mountain, Chasm Trail to Giant's Slide, Cadillac Cliff, Western Mountain [show more]
Paths Guide of Mount Desert Maine
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Publication, Guidebook
  • 1915
Paths Guide of Mount Desert Maine
Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Small half page booklet showing the Paths and Trails of Mount Desert Island created by the Village Improvement Societies of Bar Harbor, Seal Harbor, Northeast Harbor, and Southwest Harbor. Fourtysix pages in length with no maps. Gives written directions on how to access the trails. Also includes heights of mountains, information about boat tours, and mushrooms. [show more]