83 results
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Addie Duren's Ration Book

Addie Ethel Duren WWII ID card

Alessandro Fabbri's Cigarette Case


Beatrix Farrand Reef Point Stationary

Beige umbrella

Black dress with cape

Boat compass in wooden Binnacle box

Braided rugs and pot holder by Addie Duren

Bronze memorial plaque from original flagpole

Brown silk outfit of Hannah Corson (nee Dick) Macfarlan for 1869 honeymoon


Canton China Bowl

Canton China Plate

Cap and tee shirt, Rooster Club

Captain's clothing belonging to Elwood Spurling, and Philmore Spurling's corncob pipe

Carved walking stick

Certificate of Church Membership Somesville Congregational Church (4)

Cherub Wall hanging

China doll

Christening Gown

Clothespin doll

Croquet set


Doll house made by Al Gray 1915


Edgar Bunker Korean War commemorative

Elegant Parisian outfit worn by Mrs. Gertrude Cutts Storey

Embroidered Tea Towel

Envelope for a small name card with “Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Fernald”

Eyeglasses from Richard and Alice Stanley house

Eyeglasses from Sam Bulger's house

Eyeglasses, small gold wire bifocals from Preble house


Fire Department Helmets

Funeral card for E.S. Fernald


Green Silk and Ivory Umbrella

Green umbrella


Hair curling iron

Hand Towel (white) with monogram "M. Storey"

Handwritten note about all marriages births and deaths in the Preble family.

Hats and tobacco brick from Lewis Stanley house

Headstone for William Spurling

Hooked rug with clamshell design

Hooked rug with floral design

Hooked rug with wading waterbird


Knights Templar Frock Coat (2)


Male doll

Marr - Louise Marr. Name Badge For A Young Louise Marr.

Memorial card for infant Cora E. Stanley (sister of Carrie M. Richardson) 1892

Men's Overcoat

Military medals in leather case imprinted with with 'AIR MEDAL'

Modified rocking chair with swivel tray

Mrs. Jean Howard Wadsworth's Workshirt


Name card with “Albba M. Billings” printed on it.

Name card with “Mary E. Gilley.” printed on it.

Name card with “Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Higgins” printed on it

Name Cards.


Ocean Lodge 140 Cemetery List


Patchwork quilt


"Queen of the Sea" Movie Postcards

Quilt by Leah Jeanette (Sawyer) Stanley (1874-1944)

Quilt. Cotton, white with pink basket motif


Rememberance card of Otto C. Nutting

Remembrance token made of human hair

Ribbon: Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Pemetic Lodge

Rinehart Teapot

Rug from President of Harvard Chas. Eliot's sloop "Sunshine"


Ship's log child's notebook

Shoes and gloves worn by Hannah (nee Dick) Macfarlan for 1869 honeymoon trip

Silk fan

Small wire-frame eye glasses from Preble house

Sons of the American Revolution presented to Nelson Eliot Spurling

Spurling - Julia Marie Spurling's hand-laced handkerchiefs and needlepoint pillow.

Spurling - Julia Spurling's utensils from house.

Stanley - Ruth Stanley's Purple Velvet Hat

Summit of Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park


Three Piece Suit with Tailcoat

Tud Bunker's pocket knife

Tud Bunker's tobacco pipe


Walking stick

Whale's Rib business card

Wire frame eyeglasses from Preble house

Wooden Plaque